# config.yml.default # Default wiki configuration # Copy this file to config.yml if you want to tweak any settings. # Do not delete this file! ################################################## # Main configuration # Wiki title displayed at the top of the page title: 'Ōlelo' # Default locale # Examples: en, en_US, de_DE locale: 'en_US' # Set this to false to put the wiki to debugging mode. # Debugging mode disables caching and enables exception backtraces. production: true # Page used for the sidebar. This can be a path. sidebar_page: 'Sidebar' # Use a different base directory as root to support installation in user homes # e.g. /wiki base_path: '/' # Main cache store. Uncomment this! # Available caches: Memory, File, Memcached, PStore, ... (see juno gem) #cache_store: # type: HashFile # HashFile: # dir: '/home/user/wiki/cache' # Memcached: # prefix: '' # server: localhost:11211 # Memory: # PStore: # file: '/home/user/wiki/cache.pstore' # Default math renderer # Available renderers: # * mathjax - MathML, recommended, just works, but requires javascript # * itex - MathML, needs itex2MML executable on path # * ritex - MathML, needs ruby ritex gem # * blahteximage - Image, needs blahtex executable on path # * blahtexml - MathML, recommended, needs blahtex executable on path # * google - Image, only short formulas, uses google charts api math_renderer: mathjax # Directory where the blahtex math renderer stores the images. # Uncomment this! #blahtex_directory: '/home/user/wiki/blahtex' # Selected theme theme: atlantis ################################################## # Authentication backend configuration authentication: # Enable signup enable_signup: true # Select a authentication service which is configured below. # Currently supported are: yamlfile, portal and stack. service: yamlfile # Configure the yamlfile backend. # The yaml file backend stores the users in a simple yaml file. # Uncomment this! #yamlfile: # store: '/home/user/wiki/users.yml' # Configure the portal backend. # The portal backend uses a REST-API to access user data. # Uncomment this! #portal: # url: 'http://portal.test.com/' # Stack backend which accesses multiple backends in the following order. stack: - yamlfile - portal ################################################## # Mime detection order # Possible values are extension, content/magic and a specific mime type # You can configure the wiki default mime type here # and select the default wiki text this way. mime: - extension - content # Use creole as last resort. # You can configure the wiki default mime type here! # Use text/x-creole for Creole Wikitext, text/x-markdown for Markdown, # text/x-textile for Textile, text/x-orgmode for Emacs Org Mode - text/x-creole mime_suggestions: - text/x-creole - text/x-mediawiki - text/x-markdown - text/x-textile - text/x-orgmode ################################################## # List of disabled plugins by name. # You can disable whole plugin directories. disabled_plugins: - security/readonly_wiki - security/private_wiki - editor/recaptcha - editor/ace - filters/remind - tags/fortune - blog ################################################## # Rack middleware configurations rack: # Secret key used to verify session integrity. Use a random string here! #session_secret: 'Change the secret! Use random string!' # Use the deflater to compress data (Rack::Deflater) deflater: true ################################################## # Logging configuration log: level: INFO #file: '/home/user/wiki/log' ################################################## # Antispam configuration. # Specify recaptcha public/private key recaptcha: #public: public key #private: private key ################################################## # Repository configuration repository: # Specify type of repository type: git # Configuration git repository type. Uncomment this! # Path is to a bare (!) git repository. #git: # path: '/home/user/wiki/repository' # bare: true