import { setOwner } from '@ember/-internals/owner'; import EmberRouter from '../../lib/system/router'; import { buildOwner, moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let Router; moduleFor( 'Ember Router DSL', class extends AbstractTestCase { constructor() { super(); Router = EmberRouter.extend(); } teardown() { Router = null; } ['@test should fail when using a reserved route name'](assert) { let reservedNames = ['basic', 'application']; assert.expect(reservedNames.length); reservedNames.forEach(reservedName => { expectAssertion(() => { Router = EmberRouter.extend(); { this.route(reservedName); }); let router = Router.create(); router._initRouterJs(); }, "'" + reservedName + "' cannot be used as a route name."); }); } ['@test [GH#16642] better error when using a colon in a route name']() { expectAssertion(() => { Router = EmberRouter.extend(); { this.route('resource/:id'); }); let router = Router.create(); router._initRouterJs(); }, "'resource/:id' is not a valid route name. It cannot contain a ':'. You may want to use the 'path' option instead."); } ['@test should retain resource namespace if nested with routes'](assert) { Router = { this.route('bleep', function() { this.route('bloop', function() { this.route('blork'); }); }); }); let router = Router.create(); router._initRouterJs(); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['bleep'], 'parent name was used as base of nested routes' ); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['bleep.bloop'], 'parent name was used as base of nested routes' ); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['bleep.bloop.blork'], 'parent name was used as base of nested routes' ); } ['@test should add loading and error routes if _isRouterMapResult is true'](assert) { { this.route('blork'); }); let router = Router.create({ _hasModuleBasedResolver() { return true; }, }); router._initRouterJs(); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork'], 'main route was created'); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork_loading'], 'loading route was added' ); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork_error'], 'error route was added'); } ['@test should not add loading and error routes if _isRouterMapResult is false'](assert) { { this.route('blork'); }); let router = Router.create(); router._initRouterJs(false); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork'], 'main route was created'); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork_loading'], 'loading route was not added' ); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork_error'], 'error route was not added' ); } ['@test should reset namespace of loading and error routes for routes with resetNamespace']( assert ) { { this.route('blork', function() { this.route('blorp'); this.route('bleep', { resetNamespace: true }); }); }); let router = Router.create({ _hasModuleBasedResolver() { return true; }, }); router._initRouterJs(); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork.blorp'], 'nested route was created'); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork.blorp_loading'], 'nested loading route was added' ); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork.blorp_error'], 'nested error route was added' ); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['bleep'], 'reset route was created'); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['bleep_loading'], 'reset loading route was added' ); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['bleep_error'], 'reset error route was added' ); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork.bleep'], 'nested reset route was not created' ); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork.bleep_loading'], 'nested reset loading route was not added' ); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blork.bleep_error'], 'nested reset error route was not added' ); } ['@test should throw an error when defining a route serializer outside an engine'](assert) { { assert.throws(() => { this.route('posts', { serialize: function() {} }); }, /Defining a route serializer on route 'posts' outside an Engine is not allowed/); }); Router.create()._initRouterJs(); } } ); moduleFor( 'Ember Router DSL with engines', class extends AbstractTestCase { constructor() { super(); Router = EmberRouter.extend(); } teardown() { Router = null; } ['@test should allow mounting of engines'](assert) { assert.expect(3); Router = { this.route('bleep', function() { this.route('bloop', function() { this.mount('chat'); }); }); }); let engineInstance = buildOwner({ ownerOptions: { routable: true }, }); let router = Router.create(); setOwner(router, engineInstance); router._initRouterJs(); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['bleep'], 'parent name was used as base of nested routes' ); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['bleep.bloop'], 'parent name was used as base of nested routes' ); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names[''], 'parent name was used as base of mounted engine' ); } ['@test should allow mounting of engines at a custom path'](assert) { assert.expect(1); Router = { this.route('bleep', function() { this.route('bloop', function() { this.mount('chat', { path: 'custom-chat' }); }); }); }); let engineInstance = buildOwner({ ownerOptions: { routable: true }, }); let router = Router.create(); setOwner(router, engineInstance); router._initRouterJs(); assert.deepEqual( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names[''].segments .slice(1, 4) .map(s => s.value), ['bleep', 'bloop', 'custom-chat'], 'segments are properly associated with mounted engine' ); } ['@test should allow aliasing of engine names with `as`'](assert) { assert.expect(1); Router = { this.route('bleep', function() { this.route('bloop', function() { this.mount('chat', { as: 'blork' }); }); }); }); let engineInstance = buildOwner({ ownerOptions: { routable: true }, }); let router = Router.create(); setOwner(router, engineInstance); router._initRouterJs(); assert.deepEqual( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['bleep.bloop.blork'].segments .slice(1, 4) .map(s => s.value), ['bleep', 'bloop', 'blork'], 'segments are properly associated with mounted engine with aliased name' ); } ['@test should add loading and error routes to a mount if _isRouterMapResult is true'](assert) { { this.mount('chat'); }); let engineInstance = buildOwner({ ownerOptions: { routable: true }, }); let router = Router.create({ _hasModuleBasedResolver() { return true; }, }); setOwner(router, engineInstance); router._initRouterJs(); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['chat'], 'main route was created'); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['chat_loading'], 'loading route was added'); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['chat_error'], 'error route was added'); } ['@test should add loading and error routes to a mount alias if _isRouterMapResult is true']( assert ) { { this.mount('chat', { as: 'shoutbox' }); }); let engineInstance = buildOwner({ ownerOptions: { routable: true }, }); let router = Router.create({ _hasModuleBasedResolver() { return true; }, }); setOwner(router, engineInstance); router._initRouterJs(); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['shoutbox'], 'main route was created'); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['shoutbox_loading'], 'loading route was added' ); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['shoutbox_error'], 'error route was added'); } ['@test should not add loading and error routes to a mount if _isRouterMapResult is false']( assert ) { { this.mount('chat'); }); let engineInstance = buildOwner({ ownerOptions: { routable: true }, }); let router = Router.create(); setOwner(router, engineInstance); router._initRouterJs(false); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['chat'], 'main route was created'); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['chat_loading'], 'loading route was not added' ); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['chat_error'], 'error route was not added' ); } ['@test should reset namespace of loading and error routes for mounts with resetNamespace']( assert ) { { this.route('news', function() { this.mount('chat'); this.mount('blog', { resetNamespace: true }); }); }); let engineInstance = buildOwner({ ownerOptions: { routable: true }, }); let router = Router.create({ _hasModuleBasedResolver() { return true; }, }); setOwner(router, engineInstance); router._initRouterJs(); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names[''], 'nested route was created'); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['news.chat_loading'], 'nested loading route was added' ); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['news.chat_error'], 'nested error route was added' ); assert.ok(router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blog'], 'reset route was created'); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blog_loading'], 'reset loading route was added' ); assert.ok( router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['blog_error'], 'reset error route was added' ); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names[''], 'nested reset route was not created' ); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['news.blog_loading'], 'nested reset loading route was not added' ); assert.ok( !router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.names['news.blog_error'], 'nested reset error route was not added' ); } } );