module RailsBase::Authentication class DecisionTwofaType < RailsBase::ServiceBase delegate :user, to: :context include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper def call # default return values context.set_mfa_randomized_token = false context.sign_in_user = false mfa_decision = if user.email_validated if RailsBase.config.mfa.enable? && user.mfa_enabled mfa_enabled_context! else # user has signed up and validated email # user does not have mfa enabled sign_in_user_context! context.flash = { notice: "Welcome. You have succesfully signed in. We suggest enabling 2fa authentication to secure your account" } nil end else validate_email_context! end if mfa_decision && mfa_decision.failure? log(level: :error, msg: "Service error bubbled up. Failing with: #{mfa_decision.message}")!(message: mfa_decision.message) end log(level: :info, msg: "User #{}: redirect_url: #{context.redirect_url}, sign_in_user: #{context.sign_in_user}, flash: #{context.flash}") end def validate_email_context! # user has signed up but have not validated their email context.redirect_url = Constants::URL_HELPER.auth_static_path context.set_mfa_randomized_token = true context.mfa_purpose = Constants::SSOVE_PURPOSE context.flash = { notice: Constants::STATIC_WAIT_FLASH } context.token_ttl = + 5.minutes user, reason: Constants::SVE_LOGIN_REASON) end def sign_in_user_context! log(level: :warn, msg: "Will log in user #{} and bypass 2fa") context.redirect_url = Constants::URL_HELPER.authenticated_root_path context.sign_in_user = true end def mfa_enabled_context! if user.past_mfa_time_duration? # user has signed up and validated email # user has mfa enabled log(level: :warn, msg: "User needs to go through mfa flow. #{user.last_mfa_login} < #{User.time_bound}") context.redirect_url = Constants::URL_HELPER.mfa_code_path context.set_mfa_randomized_token = true context.mfa_purpose = nil # use default context.flash = { notice: "Please check your mobile device. We sent an SMS for 2fa verification" } result = user) context.token_ttl = result.short_lived_data.death_time if result.success? result else sign_in_user_context! mfa_free_words = distance_of_time_in_words(user.last_mfa_login, User.time_bound) context.flash = { notice: "Welcome. You have succesfully signed in. You will be mfa free for another #{mfa_free_words}" } log(level: :info, msg: "User is mfa free for another #{mfa_free_words}") nil end end def validate! raise "Expected user to be a User. Received #{user.class}" unless user.is_a? User end end end