"""Tests for the ocr-numbers exercise Implementation note: ocr.convert should validate its input and raise ValueErrors with meaningful error messages if necessary. """ import unittest from ocr_numbers import convert # Tests adapted from `problem-specifications//canonical-data.json` @ v1.1.0 class OcrTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_recognizes_0(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" _ ", "| |", "|_|", " "]), '0') def test_recognizes_1(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" ", " |", " |", " "]), '1') def test_unreadable(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" ", " _", " |", " "]), '?') def test_line_number_not_multiple_of_four(self): with self.assertRaisesWithMessage(ValueError): convert([" _ ", "| |", " "]) def test_col_number_not_multiple_of_three(self): with self.assertRaisesWithMessage(ValueError): convert([" ", " |", " |", " "]) def test_recognizes_110101100(self): input_grid = [ " _ _ _ _ ", " | || | || | | || || |", " | ||_| ||_| | ||_||_|", " " ] self.assertEqual(convert(input_grid), "110101100") def test_garbled_numbers_in_string(self): input_grid = [ " _ _ _ ", " | || | || | || || |", " | | _| ||_| | ||_||_|", " " ] self.assertEqual(convert(input_grid), "11?10?1?0") def test_recognizes_2(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" _ ", " _|", "|_ ", " "]), "2") def test_recognizes_3(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" _ ", " _|", " _|", " "]), "3") def test_recognizes_4(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" ", "|_|", " |", " "]), "4") def test_recognizes_5(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" _ ", "|_ ", " _|", " "]), "5") def test_recognizes_6(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" _ ", "|_ ", "|_|", " "]), "6") def test_recognizes_7(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" _ ", " |", " |", " "]), "7") def test_recognizes_8(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" _ ", "|_|", "|_|", " "]), "8") def test_recognizes_9(self): self.assertEqual(convert([" _ ", "|_|", " _|", " "]), "9") def test_recognizes_string_of_decimal_numbers(self): input_grid = [ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ", " | _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|| |", " ||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _||_|", " " ] self.assertEqual(convert(input_grid), "1234567890") def test_recognizes_numbers_separated_by_empty_lines(self): input_grid = [ " _ _ ", " | _| _|", " ||_ _|", " ", " _ _ ", "|_||_ |_ ", " | _||_|", " ", " _ _ _ ", " ||_||_|", " ||_| _|", " " ] self.assertEqual(convert(input_grid), "123,456,789") # Utility functions def setUp(self): try: self.assertRaisesRegex except AttributeError: self.assertRaisesRegex = self.assertRaisesRegexp def assertRaisesWithMessage(self, exception): return self.assertRaisesRegex(exception, r".+") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()