# Sinatra 0.3.x compatibility module. # # The following code makes Sinatra 0.9.x compatible with Sinatra 0.3.x to # ease the transition to the final 1.0 release. Everything defined in this # file will be removed for the 1.0 release. require 'ostruct' require 'sinatra/base' require 'sinatra/main' # Like Kernel#warn but outputs the location that triggered the warning. def sinatra_warn(*message) line = caller. detect { |line| line !~ /(?:lib\/sinatra\/|__DELEGATE__)/ }. sub(/:in .*/, '') warn "#{line}: warning: #{message.join(' ')}" end # Rack now supports evented and swiftiplied mongrels through separate # handler. if ENV['SWIFT'] sinatra_warn 'the SWIFT environment variable is deprecated;', 'use Rack::Handler::SwiftipliedMongrel instead.' require 'swiftcore/swiftiplied_mongrel' puts "Using Swiftiplied Mongrel" elsif ENV['EVENT'] sinatra_warn 'the EVENT environment variable is deprecated;', 'use Rack::Handler::EventedMongrel instead.' require 'swiftcore/evented_mongrel' puts "Using Evented Mongrel" end # Make Rack 0.9.0 backward compatibile with 0.4.0 mime types. This isn't # technically a Sinatra issue but many Sinatra apps access the old # MIME_TYPES constants due to Sinatra example code. require 'rack/file' class Rack::File def self.const_missing(const_name) if const_name == :MIME_TYPES hash = Hash.new { |hash,key| Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES[".#{key}"] } const_set :MIME_TYPES, hash sinatra_warn 'Rack::File::MIME_TYPES is deprecated; use Rack::Mime instead.' hash else super end end end module Sinatra module Compat end # Make Sinatra::EventContext an alias for Sinatra::Default to unbreak plugins. def self.const_missing(const_name) if const_name == :EventContext const_set :EventContext, Sinatra::Default sinatra_warn 'Sinatra::EventContext is deprecated; use Sinatra::Default instead.' Sinatra::Default else super end end # The ServerError exception is deprecated. Any exception is considered an # internal server error. class ServerError < RuntimeError def initialize(*args, &block) sinatra_warn 'Sinatra::ServerError is deprecated;', 'use another exception, error, or Kernel#fail instead.' end def code ; 500 ; end end class Default < Base def self.const_missing(const_name) if const_name == :FORWARD_METHODS sinatra_warn 'Sinatra::Application::FORWARD_METHODS is deprecated;', 'use Sinatra::Delegator::METHODS instead.' const_set :FORWARD_METHODS, Sinatra::Delegator::METHODS Sinatra::Delegator::METHODS else super end end # Deprecated. Use: response['Header-Name'] def headers(header=nil) sinatra_warn "The 'headers' method is deprecated; use 'response' instead." response.headers.merge!(header) if header response.headers end alias :header :headers # Deprecated. Use: halt def stop(*args, &block) sinatra_warn "The 'stop' method is deprecated; use 'halt' instead." halt(*args, &block) end # Deprecated. Use: etag def entity_tag(*args, &block) sinatra_warn "The 'entity_tag' method is deprecated; use 'etag' instead." etag(*args, &block) end # Throwing halt with a Symbol and the to_result convention are # deprecated. Override the invoke method to detect those types of return # values. def invoke(&block) res = super case when res.kind_of?(Symbol) sinatra_warn "Invoking the :#{res} helper by returning a Symbol is deprecated;", "call the helper directly instead." @response.body = __send__(res) when res.respond_to?(:to_result) sinatra_warn "The to_result convention is deprecated." @response.body = res.to_result(self) end res end def options Options.new(self.class) end class Options < Struct.new(:target) #:nodoc: def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if target.respond_to?(name) target.__send__(name, *args, &block) elsif args.empty? && name.to_s !~ /=$/ sinatra_warn 'accessing undefined options will raise a NameError in Sinatra 1.0' nil else super end end end class << self # Deprecated. Options are stored directly on the class object. def options sinatra_warn "The 'options' class method is deprecated; use 'self' instead." Options.new(self) end # Deprecated. Use: configure def configures(*args, &block) sinatra_warn "The 'configures' method is deprecated; use 'configure' instead." configure(*args, &block) end # Deprecated. Use: set def default_options sinatra_warn "Sinatra::Application.default_options is deprecated; use 'set' instead." fake = lambda { |options| set(options) } def fake.merge!(options) ; call(options) ; end fake end # Deprecated. Use: set def set_option(*args, &block) sinatra_warn "The 'set_option' method is deprecated; use 'set' instead." set(*args, &block) end def set_options(*args, &block) sinatra_warn "The 'set_options' method is deprecated; use 'set' instead." set(*args, &block) end # Deprecated. Use: set :environment, ENV def env=(value) sinatra_warn "The :env option is deprecated; use :environment instead." set :environment, value end # Deprecated. Use: options.environment def env sinatra_warn "The :env option is deprecated; use :environment instead." environment end end # Deprecated. Missing messages are no longer delegated to @response. def method_missing(name, *args, &b) if @response.respond_to?(name) sinatra_warn "The '#{name}' method is deprecated; use 'response.#{name}' instead." @response.send(name, *args, &b) else super end end end class << self # Deprecated. Use: Sinatra::Application def application sinatra_warn "Sinatra.application is deprecated; use Sinatra::Application instead." Sinatra::Application end # Deprecated. Use: Sinatra::Application.reset! def application=(value) raise ArgumentError unless value.nil? sinatra_warn "Setting Sinatra.application to nil is deprecated; create a new instance instead." Sinatra.class_eval do remove_const :Application const_set :Application, Class.new(Sinatra::Default) end end def build_application sinatra_warn "Sinatra.build_application is deprecated; use Sinatra::Application instead." Sinatra::Application end def options sinatra_warn "Sinatra.options is deprecated; use Sinatra::Application.option_name instead." Sinatra::Application.options end def port sinatra_warn "Sinatra.port is deprecated; use Sinatra::Application.port instead." options.port end def host sinatra_warn "Sinatra.host is deprecated; use Sinatra::Application.host instead." options.host end def env sinatra_warn "Sinatra.env is deprecated; use Sinatra::Application.environment instead." options.environment end end end