=begin Copyright 2010-2013 Tasos Laskos Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =end module Arachni # # Represents a collection of applicable platforms for a given remote resource. # # It also holds a DB of all fingerprints per URI as a class variable and # provides helper method for accessing and manipulating it. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # class Platform include Enumerable include Utilities extend Utilities include UI::Output extend UI::Output # Namespace under which all platform fingerprinter components reside. module Fingerprinters # # Provides utility methods for fingerprinter components as well as # the {Page} object to be fingerprinted # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # @abstract class Base include Utilities # @return [Page] Page to fingerprint. attr_reader :page def initialize( page ) @page = page end # Executes the payload of the fingerpreter. # @abstract def run end # @param [String] string # @return [Boolean] # `true` if either {#server} or {#powered_by} include `string`, # `false` otherwise. def server_or_powered_by_include?( string ) server.include?( string ) || powered_by.include?( string ) end # @return [Arachni::URI] Parsed URL of the {#page}. def uri uri_parse( page.url ) end # @return [Hash] URI parameters with keys and values downcased. def parameters @parameters ||= page.query_vars.downcase end # @return [Hash] Cookies as headers with keys and values downcased. def cookies @cookies ||= page.cookies. inject({}) { |h, c| h.merge! c.simple }.downcase end # @return [Hash] Response headers with keys and values downcased. def headers @headers ||= page.response_headers.downcase end # @return [String. nil] Value of the `X-Powered-By` header. def powered_by headers['x-powered-by'].to_s end # @return [String. nil] Value of the `Server` header. def server headers['server'].to_s end # @return [String] Downcased file extension of the page. def extension @extension ||= uri_parse( page.url ).resource_extension.to_s.downcase end # @return [Platform] # Platform for the given page, should be updated by the # fingerprinter accordingly. def platforms page.platforms end end end # # {Platform} error namespace. # # All {Platform} errors inherit from and live under it. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # class Error < Arachni::Error # Raised on {Platform#invalid?} platform names. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos class Invalid < Error end end # Operating systems. OS = { # Generic *nix, flavor couldn't be identified. unix: { linux: {}, # Generic BSD, flavor couldn't be identified. bsd: { freebsd: {}, openbsd: {}, }, solaris: {} }, windows: {} } # Databases. DB = [ :mysql, :pgsql, :mssql, :oracle, :sqlite, :emc, :db2, :coldfusion, :interbase, :informix ] # Web servers. SERVERS = [ :apache, :nginx, :tomcat, :iis ] # Web languages. LANGUAGES = [ :php, :jsp, :python, :ruby, :asp, :aspx, :perl ] # WebApp frameworks. FRAMEWORKS = [ :rack ] # Sets global platforms fingerprints # @private def self.set( platforms ) @platforms = platforms end # Clears global platforms DB. def self.clear @platforms.clear end # Empties the global platform fingerprints. def self.reset set Hash.new @manager.clear if @manager @manager = nil self end reset def self.fingerprinters @manager ||= Component::Manager.new( Options.dir['fingerprinters'], Fingerprinters ) end fingerprinters.load_all # Runs all fingerprinters against the given `page`. # # @param [Page] page Page to fingerprint. # @return [Platform] Updated `self`. def self.fingerprint( page ) fingerprinters.available.each do |name| exception_jail( false ) do fingerprinters[name].new( page ).run end end page end # # Sets `platforms` for the given `uri`. # # @param [String, URI] uri # @param [Enumerable] platforms # # @return [Platform] `platforms` # @raise [Error::Invalid] On {#invalid?} platforms. def self.[]=( uri, platforms ) @platforms[make_key( uri )] = platforms.is_a?( self ) ? platforms : new( platforms ) end # # Updates the `platforms` for the given `uri`. # # @param [String, URI] uri # @param [Platform] platforms # # @return [Platform] Updated platforms. def self.update( uri, platforms ) self[uri].merge! platforms end # @param [String, URI] uri # @return [Platform] Platform for the given `uri` def self.[]( uri ) @platforms[make_key( uri )] ||= Platform.new end # @return [Boolean] # `true` if there are no platforms fingerprints, `false` otherwise. def self.empty? @platforms.empty? end # @return [Boolean] # `true` if there are platforms fingerprints, `false` otherwise. def self.any? !empty? end # @return [Hash] # Platform per {URI#persistent_hash hashed URL}. def self.all @platforms end def self.make_key( uri ) Arachni::URI( uri ).without_query.persistent_hash end # @param [Array] platforms # List of platforms with which to initialize the instance. # @raise [Error::Invalid] On {#invalid?} platforms. def initialize( platforms = [] ) @platforms = Set.new( normalize( platforms ) ) end # @return [Array] Supported platforms. def all @all ||= os_flat + DB + SERVERS + LANGUAGES + FRAMEWORKS end # @return [Array] Flat list of supported {OS operating systems}. def os_flat( hash = OS ) flat = [] hash.each do |k, v| flat << k flat |= os_flat( v ) if v.any? end flat.reject { |i| !i.is_a? Symbol } end # Selects appropriate data depending on the applicable platforms # from `data_per_platform`. # # @param [Hash{ => Object}] data_per_platform # Hash with platform names as keys and arbitrary data as values. # # @return [Hash] `data_per_platform` with non-applicable entries removed. # @raise [Error::Invalid] On {#invalid?} platforms. def pick( data_per_platform ) orig_data_per_platform = data_per_platform.dup data_per_platform = data_per_platform.dup data_per_platform.select! { |k, v| include? k } # Bail out if there are no operating systems included. return data_per_platform if (os_flat & orig_data_per_platform.keys).empty? # Keep track of parent OSs which will be removed due to the existence # of specific OS flavors for their type. specified_parents = [] # Remove parent operating systems if we have specific flavors. data_per_platform.keys.each do |platform| specified_parents |= parents = find_parents( platform ) data_per_platform.reject! { |k, _| parents.include? k } end # Include all of the parents' children if parents are specified but no # children for them. children = {} children_for = os_flat & @platforms.to_a children_for.each do |platform| next if specified_parents.include? platform c = find_children( platform ) children.merge! orig_data_per_platform.select { |k, _| c.include? k } end data_per_platform.merge children end # @param [Array Symbol, String] platforms # Platform(s) to check. # @return [Boolean] # `true` if platforms are valid (i.e. in {#all}), `false` otherwise. # @see #invalud? def valid?( platforms ) normalize( platforms ) true rescue false end # @param [Array Symbol, String] platforms # Platform(s) to check. # @return [Boolean] # `true` if platforms are invalid (i.e. not in {#all}), `false` otherwise. # @see #valid? def invalid?( platforms ) !valid?( platforms ) end # @return [Boolean] # `true` if there are no applicable platforms, `false` otherwise. def empty? @platforms.empty? end # @return [Boolean] # `true` if there are applicable platforms, `false` otherwise. def any? !empty? end # @param [Symbol, String] platform Platform to add to the list. # @return [Platform] `self` # @raise [Error::Invalid] On {#invalid?} platforms. def <<( platform ) @platforms << normalize( platform ) self end # @param [Platform, Enumerable] enum # Enumerable object containing platforms. # @return [Platform] Updated copy of `self`. # @raise [Error::Invalid] On {#invalid?} platforms. def merge( enum ) dup.merge!( enum ) end # @param [Enumerable] enum # Enumerable object containing platforms. # @return [Platform] Updated `self`. # @raise [Error::Invalid] On {#invalid?} platforms. def merge!( enum ) @platforms.merge normalize( enum ) self end alias update merge! # @param [Platform, Enumerable] enum # {Platform} or enumerable object containing platforms. # @return [Platform] # New {Platform} built by merging `self` and the elements of the # given enumerable object. # @raise [Error::Invalid] On {#invalid?} platforms. def |( enum ) dup.merge( enum ) end alias + | # @param [Block] block Block to be passed each platform. # @return [Enumerator, Platform] # `Enumerator` if no block is given, `self` otherwise. def each( &block ) return enum_for( __method__ ) if !block_given? @platforms.each( &block ) self end # @param [Symbol, String] platform Platform to check. # @return [Boolean] # `true` if `platform` applies to the given resource, `false` otherwise. # @raise [Error::Invalid] On {#invalid?} `platforms`. def include?( platform ) @platforms.include? normalize( platform ) end # @param [Array] platforms Platform to check. # @return [Boolean] # `true` if any platform in `platforms` applies to the given resource, # `false` otherwise. # @raise [Error::Invalid] On {#invalid?} `platforms`. def include_any?( platforms ) (@platforms & normalize( platforms )).any? end # Clears platforms. def clear @platforms.clear end # @return [Platform] Copy of `self`. def dup self.class.new( @platforms ) end private def find_children( platform, hash = OS ) return [] if hash.empty? children = [] hash.each do |k, v| if k == platform children |= os_flat( v ) elsif v.is_a? Hash children |= find_children( platform, v ) end end children end def find_parents( platform, hash = OS ) return [] if hash.empty? parents = [] hash.each do |k, v| if v.include?( platform ) parents << k elsif v.is_a? Hash parents |= find_parents( platform, v ) end end parents end def normalize( platforms ) return platforms if platforms.is_a? self.class if platforms.is_a?( Symbol ) || platforms.is_a?( String ) platform = platforms.to_sym if !all.include?( platform ) fail Error::Invalid, "Invalid platform: #{platform}" end return platform end platforms = platforms.map( &:to_sym ).uniq.sort invalid = (all + platforms) - all if invalid.any? fail Error::Invalid, "Invalid platforms: #{invalid.join( ', ' )}" end platforms end end end