# md2man - markdown to manpage md2man is a Ruby library and command-line program that converts [Markdown] documents into UNIX manual pages (really [Roff] documents) using [Redcarpet]. ## Features * Formats tagged and indented paragraphs (see "document format" below). * Translates all HTML4 and XHTML1 entities into native Roff equivalents. * Supports markdown extensions such as [PHP Markdown Extra tables][tables]. * Usable from the command line as a filter in a UNIX pipeline. ### Demonstration Try converting [this example Markdown file][example] into a UNIX manual page: md2man EXAMPLE.markdown > EXAMPLE.1 man EXAMPLE.1 ![Obligatory screenshot of md2man(1) in action!](http://ompldr.org/vYnFvbw) ### Limitations At present, md2man does not translate the following [Redcarpet] node types: * `block_html` * `strikethrough` * `superscript` * `image` * `raw_html` It issues a warning when it encounters these instead. Patches are welcome! ## Installation gem install md2man ### Development git clone git://github.com/sunaku/md2man cd md2man bundle install --binstubs=bundle_bin bundle_bin/md2man --help # run it directly bundle exec rake -T # packaging tasks ## Usage ### At the command line md2man --help ### Inside a Ruby script Use the default renderer: require 'md2man' your_roff_output = Md2Man::ENGINE.render(your_markdown_input) Build your own renderer: require 'md2man' engine = Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Md2Man::Engine, your_options_hash) your_roff_output = engine.render(your_markdown_input) Define your own renderer: require 'md2man' class YourManpageRenderer < Md2Man::Engine # ... your stuff here ... end engine = Redcarpet::Markdown.new(YourManpageRenderer, your_options_hash) your_roff_output = engine.render(your_markdown_input) Mix-in your own renderer: require 'md2man' class YourManpageRenderer < Redcarpet::Render::Base include Md2Man::Roff # ... your stuff here ... end engine = Redcarpet::Markdown.new(YourManpageRenderer, your_options_hash) your_roff_output = engine.render(your_markdown_input) ### Document format md2man extends [Markdown] syntax in the following ways, as provisioned in the `Md2Man::Document` module and defined in its derivative `Md2Man::Roff` module: * Paragraphs whose lines are all uniformly indented by two spaces are considered to be "indented paragraphs". They are unindented accordingly before emission as `.IP` in the [Roff] output. * Paragraphs whose subsequent lines (all except the first) are uniformly indented by two spaces are considered to be a "tagged paragraphs". They are unindented accordingly before emission as `.TP` in the [Roff] output. md2man extends [Markdown] semantics in the following ways: * There can be at most one top-level heading (H1). It is emitted as `.TH` in the [Roff] output, defining the UNIX manual page's header and footer. ## License Released under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details. [Roff]: http://troff.org [Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [Redcarpet]: https://github.com/tanoku/redcarpet [example]: https://raw.github.com/sunaku/md2man/master/EXAMPLE.markdown [tables]: http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/#table