# Template API for writing templates Here are the various functions you might use in your templates. For each function, documentation specifies mandatory arguments at the beginning while optional ones are annoted with `[]`. Most of them support the optional dc attribute to use data from another datacenter. If the `dc` attribute is not specified, the function will output data from the current datacenter. To ease template development, `consul-templaterb` supports HOT reload of templates, thus it is possible to develop the templates interactively. While developing, it is possible to use the switch `--hot-reload=keep`, thus the application will display a warning if the template is invalid and won't stop (`--hot-reload=die` is the default, thus if the hot-reloaded template has issue, the application will die). Have a look to [samples/](samples/) directory to start writing your own templates. ## Common structure of returned objects All objects returned by those functions described below all share the same structure: * `.result` : handle the result * `.endpoint` : get technical information about how data was retrieved and statistics ## Common re-implemented functions for all objects Most objects returned by all those functions are contained within a `.result` object. However, in order to avoid having to write .result in all templates, some shortcuts have been added: * `[]` allow to either access values for map-based data or arrays * for all objects: `.each`, `sort`, `.select`, `.each_value`, `.count`, `.empty?` * additionnaly, for map based results, the following methods are available: `.keys`, `.values`, `.each_pair`, `.each_value` See [lib/consul/async/consul_template.rb:230](lib/consul/async/consul_template.rb#L230) and [lib/consul/async/consul_template.rb:260](lib/consul/async/consul_template.rb#L260) for up to date list of all those methods. ## datacenters() [Get the list of datacenters as string array](https://www.consul.io/api/catalog.html#list-datacenters). <details><summary>Examples</summary> <div class="samples"> ### List all datacenters in a text list and count services and nodes within ```erb <% datacenters.each do |dc| %> * <%= dc %> with <%= services(dc:dc).keys.count %> services, <%= nodes(dc:dc).count %> nodes <% end %> ``` Full example: [samples/consul_template.txt.erb](samples/consul_template.txt.erb) </div> </details> ## services([dc: datacenter], [tag: tagToFilterWith]) [List the services matching the optional tag filter](https://www.consul.io/api/catalog.html#list-services), if tag is not specified, will match all the services. Note that this endpoint performs client side tag filtering for services to ease templates development since this feature is not available on Consul's endpoint. <details><summary>Examples</summary> <div class="samples"> ### List all services in default datacenter and display its tags ```erb <% services.each do |service_name, tags| %> * <%= service_name %> [ <%= tags %> ] <% end %> ``` Full example: [samples/consul_template.txt.erb](samples/consul_template.txt.erb) ### List all services in all datacenters having tag `http` ```erb <% datacenters.each do |dc| %> * Datacenter <%= dc %> <% services(dc:dc, tag:'http').each do |service_name, tags| %> - service <%= service_name %> <%= tags.sort %><% end end %> ``` </div> </details> ## service(serviceName, [dc: datacenter], [tag: tagToFilterWith], [passing: true]) [List the instances](https://www.consul.io/api/health.html#list-nodes-for-service) of a service having the given optional tag. If no tag is specified, will return all instances of service. By default, it will return all the well services that are passing or not. An optional argument passing might be used to retrieve only passing instances. <details><summary>Examples</summary> <div class="samples"> ### List all services instances with http tag on current DC, instances sorted by node name ```erb <% services.each do |service_name, tags| if tags.include? 'http' %> ++ Service <%= service_name %> <% service(service_name, tag:'http').sort {|a,b| a['Node']['Node'] <=> b['Node']['Node'] }.each do |snode| %> * <%= service_name %> -> <%= snode['Node']['Node'] %>:<%= snode['Service']['Port'] %> <%= snode['Service']['Tags'] %> status: <% snode['Checks'].each do |c| %> <%= c['Status'] %><% end if snode['Checks'] %> <% end end end %> ``` Full example: [samples/consul_template.txt.erb](samples/consul_template.txt.erb) </div> </details> ## nodes([dc: datacenter]) [List all the nodes of selected datacenter](https://www.consul.io/api/catalog.html#list-nodes). No filtering is applied. <details><summary>Examples</summary> <div class="samples"> ### List all nodes for DC, sorted by name ```erb <% nodes.sort {|a,b| a['Node'] <=> b['Node'] }.each do |snode| %> * <%= snode['Address'].ljust(16) %> <%= snode['Node'] %> <% end %> ``` Full example: [samples/consul_template.txt.erb](samples/consul_template.txt.erb) </div> </details> ## node(nodeNameOrId, [dc: datacenter]) [List all the services of a given Node](https://www.consul.io/api/catalog.html#list-services-for-node) using its name or its ID. If DC is specified, will lookup for given node in another datacenter. ## checks_for_service(name, dc: nil, passing: false, tag: nil) [Find all the checks](https://www.consul.io/api/health.html#list-checks-for-service) of a given service. ## kv(name, [dc: nil], [keys: false], [recurse: false]) [Read keys from KV Store](https://www.consul.io/api/kv.html#read-key). It can be used for both listing the keys and getting the values. See the file in samples [keys.html.erb](samples/keys.html.erb) for a working example. Variants: * no additional parameter: will only retrieve the key you asked for * `keys: true` : will retrieve the hierarchy of keys, but without the values, useful if values might be large, in order to perform simple listings * `recurse: true`: will retrieve all hierarchy of keys with their values Please have a look at [samples/sample_keys.html.erb](samples/sample_keys.html.erb) for examples on how using it. ### Using the result of kv Since KV has several modes, it depends whether you asked for one or several keys. Thus, we recommend using a helper to get the value (while you might use it directly). In order to ease the use, 3 helpers are available and all have a optional argument `path`. When path is specified and the call is retrieving several keys, it allows to select a specific one.The available helpers are the following: * `get_value( [path] )` : Get a raw value * `get_value_decoded( [path] )` : Get the value decoded from Base64 * `get_value_json( [path], [catch_errors: true] )` : when your payload is JSON, decode Base64 first and then decode the JSON. If catch_errors is set to true, if will not throw an error during rendering of template and return nil. Otherwise an Error will be thrown and have to be catch if you are unsure if the value is valid JSON #### Get the result of a single value The easiest, use the helpers to retrieve the values in the following formats: * `kv('/my/path/to/value').get_value` : get the raw value of a single key in KV * `kv('/my/path/to/value').get_decoded` : get the decoded value of a single key in KV * `kv('/my/path/to/value').get_value_json` : get the base64 decoded value and try decoding it as JSON #### Iterate over values If you want to iterate amongst all values, you might to it that way: ```erb <% kv('/my/multiple/values', recurse: true).each do |tuple| key = tuple['Key'] value_decoded = Base64.decode64(tuple['Value']) %> <div>Decoded value: <%= value_decoded %> <div>JSON value: <%= JSON.parse( value_decoded ) %> <% end %> ``` #### Fetch all values at once, but interrested only by a few When using `kv('/my/multiple/values', recurse: true)`, only a single call is performed, thus, it is far more efficient to retrive multiple values from the KV under the same root. Thus, in order to display several discreet values, it is possible to do the following: ```erb result = kv('/my/multiple/values', recurse: true) value1 : <%= result.get_decoded('/my/multiple/values/value1') %> value42 : <%= result.get_decoded('/my/multiple/values/value42') %> value123 : <%= result.get_decoded('/my/multiple/values/value123') %> ``` Since `kv('/my/multiple/values', recurse: true)` will retrieve all values at once, it might be more efficient in some cases than retrieving all values one by one. ## agent_metrics() [Get the metrics of Consul Agent](https://www.consul.io/api/agent.html#view-metrics). Since this endpoint does not support blocking queries, data will be refreshed every few seconds, but will not use blocking queries mechanism. ## agent_self() [Get the configuration of Consul Agent](https://www.consul.io/api/agent.html#read-configuration). Since this endpoint does not support blocking queries, data will be refreshed every few seconds, but will not use blocking queries mechanism. ## render_file(relative_path_to_erb_file, [params={}]) This allow to include a template file into another one. Beware, it does not check for infinite recursion! The template can be either a static file either another template. The file has to be a valid template, but can also be raw text (if it is a valid template) and is resolved with a relative path regarding the file including it. Example: ```erb <%= render_file('common/header.html.erb', title: 'My Title') %> ``` Will render header.html.erb with parameter title = 'My Title'. `title` can then be accessed within the template using `param('title', 'My default Value')` in the `header.html.erb` file. ## param(parameter_name, [default_value: nil]) Can be used within a template to access a parameter. Parameters can be specified with `render_file` directive. Optional value `default_value` allow to get a value if parameter has not been set. It allows to create re-usable sub-templates that might be used in several places with several types of parameters. Thus, templates can be called like kind of functions and generate output based on the parameters provided. Example: ```erb render_file('show_service.html.erb', {service_name: 'service1', title: 'My Nice Service'}) [...] render_file('show_service.html.erb', {service_name: 'service2', title: 'My Nicer Service'}) ``` Note that you can also add parameters into a top level service using the command line: ```sh consul-templaterb --template "source.html.erb:dest.html:reload_command:params.yaml" [...] ``` In that case, it would load the content of params.yaml and inject it as params when evaluating template `source.html.erb`. Injection of params using 4th parameter of `--template` supports YAML as well as JSON format. Those parameter files are NOT automatically reloaded however. See [samples/common/header.html.erb](samples/common/header.html.erb) for example of usage.