module Capigen::Templates # Root of templates path def template_root @template_root ||= File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../templates") end # Get full template path def full_template_path(template_path) File.join(template_root, template_path) end # Load template at (full) path with binding. # If options[:project] is true will load template relative to project root. def load_template(path, binding, options = {}) template_path = options[:project] ? "#{root}/#{path}" : full_template_path(path) unless File.exist?(template_path) raise <<-EOS Template not found: #{template_path} EOS end template = template.result(binding) end def load_project_template(path, binding) load_template(path, binding, { :project => true }) end def load_file(path) template_path = full_template_path(path) end # Write template at (relative path) with binding to destination path. # # template_path is relative "capistrano/deploy.rb.erb" def write_template(template_path, binding, dest_path, overwrite = false, verbose = true) # This is gnarly! relative_dest_path ="."))) if !overwrite && File.exist?(dest_path) puts "%10s %-40s (skipped)" % [ "create", relative_dest_path ] if verbose return end puts "%10s %-40s" % [ "create", relative_dest_path ] if verbose, "w") { |file| file.puts(load_template(template_path, binding)) } end # Remove files from root def clean(files, verbose = true) rm_files = files.collect { |f| File.join(root, f) } rm_files.each do |rm_file| puts "%10s %-40s" % [ "delete", rm_file ] if verbose FileUtils.rm_rf(rm_file) end end end