#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 require 'curses' require 'optparse' $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) def parse_options options = {} parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = < we can use timeouts Curses.init_screen begin yield ensure Curses.close_screen end end def display(lines, offset, color_mask) @screen ||= [] # current screen is used as cache lines.each_with_index do |content, line| colors = color_mask[line] || [] # expand line with whitespace line += offset clearer = Curses.stdscr.maxx + 1 - content.size clearer = " " * clearer content += clearer # cache !? next if @screen[line] == [content, colors] @screen[line] = [content, colors] # position at start of line index = 0 Curses.setpos(line,0) Curses.attrset(Curses::A_NORMAL) # write colored string colors.each do |start, color| Curses.addstr(content[index...start]) Curses.attrset color index = start end Curses.addstr(content[index...-1]) write(line, 0, (rand(899)+100).to_s) if @options[:debug_cache] end end def show_app(app) lines = app.view.naive_split("\n") color_mask = app.color_mask # TODO move this logic into application display([lines.first], 0, [color_mask.first]) display(lines[1..-2], 1, color_mask[1..-2]) display([lines.last], Curses.stdscr.maxy - 1, [color_mask.last]) Curses.setpos(app.cursor.line, app.cursor.column) end def debug_key(key) @key_line ||= -1 @key_line = (@key_line + 1) % Curses.stdscr.maxy write(@key_line, 0, "#{key.inspect}---") end def log(stuff) File.open('ruco.log','a'){|f| f.puts stuff } end @options = parse_options require 'ruco' app = Ruco::Application.new(ARGV[0], :lines => Curses.stdscr.maxy, :columns => Curses.stdscr.maxx) init_screen do show_app app Keyboard.input do Curses.getch end Keyboard.output do |key| debug_key(key) if @options[:debug_keys] if key == :resize app.resize(Curses.stdscr.maxy, Curses.stdscr.maxx) @screen.clear # clear cache else result = app.key key end break if result == :quit show_app app end end