require 'thor' require 'readline' require 'pathname' require 'gondler' module Gondler class CLI < Thor class_option :gomfile, :type => :string, :default => 'Gomfile' class_option :path, :type => :string, :default => '.gondler' def initialize(*args) super set_environments end desc 'install', 'Install the dependecies specified in your Gomfile' method_option :without, :type => :array, :default => [] def install gomfile.packages.each do |package| puts "Install #{package}" package.resolve end rescue Gondler::Package::InstallError => e puts e.message exit(1) end desc 'build', 'Build with dependencies specified in your Gomfile' def build(*args) invoke :exec, %w(go build) + args end desc 'test', 'Test with dependencies specified in your Gomfile' def test(*args) invoke :exec, %w(go test) + args end desc 'exec', 'Execute a command in the context of Gondler' def exec(*args)! do |arg| if arg.to_s.include?(' ') %Q{"#{arg.gsub(/"/, '\"')}"} else arg end end Kernel.exec(*args.join(' ')) end desc 'list', 'Show all of the dependencies in the current bundle' method_option :without, :type => :array, :default => [] def list Gondler.withouts = options[:without] puts 'Packages included by the gondler:' gomfile.packages.each do |package| puts " * #{package}" end end desc 'repl', 'REPL in the context of Gondler' def repl buf = Readline.readline('> ', true) while buf Kernel.system(buf) buf = Readline.readline('> ', true) end end desc 'version', 'Print Gondler version' def version puts Gondler::VERSION end desc 'env', 'Print Gondler environments' def env system('go env') end private def method_missing(*args) if executable?(args.first) invoke(:exec, args) elsif executable?("gondler-#{args.first}") args[0] = "gondler-#{args.first}" invoke(:exec, args) else STDERR.puts(%Q{Could not find command "#{args.first}"}) exit(1) end end def set_environments path =[:path]) path = Pathname.pwd + path unless path.absolute? Gondler.env.path = path ENV['PATH'] = "#{path + 'bin'}:#{ENV['PATH']}" end def executable?(name) system("hash #{name} 1> /dev/null 2>&1") end def gomfile @gomfile ||=[:gomfile]) rescue Gomfile::NotFound => e say(e.message, :red) exit(1) end end end