// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Plugin to handle enter keys. * */ goog.provide('goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.dom.NodeOffset'); goog.require('goog.dom.NodeType'); goog.require('goog.dom.Range'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.editor.BrowserFeature'); goog.require('goog.editor.Plugin'); goog.require('goog.editor.node'); goog.require('goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote'); goog.require('goog.editor.range'); goog.require('goog.editor.style'); goog.require('goog.events.KeyCodes'); goog.require('goog.functions'); goog.require('goog.object'); goog.require('goog.string'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); /** * Plugin to handle enter keys. This does all the crazy to normalize (as much as * is reasonable) what happens when you hit enter. This also handles the * special casing of hitting enter in a blockquote. * * In IE, Webkit, and Opera, the resulting HTML uses one DIV tag per line. In * Firefox, the resulting HTML uses BR tags at the end of each line. * * @constructor * @extends {goog.editor.Plugin} */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler = function() { goog.editor.Plugin.call(this); }; goog.inherits(goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler, goog.editor.Plugin); /** * The type of block level tag to add on enter, for browsers that support * specifying the default block-level tag. Can be overriden by subclasses; must * be either DIV or P. * @type {goog.dom.TagName} * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.tag = goog.dom.TagName.DIV; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.getTrogClassId = function() { return 'EnterHandler'; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.enable = function(fieldObject) { goog.base(this, 'enable', fieldObject); if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.SUPPORTS_OPERA_DEFAULTBLOCK_COMMAND && (this.tag == goog.dom.TagName.P || this.tag == goog.dom.TagName.DIV)) { var doc = this.getFieldDomHelper().getDocument(); doc.execCommand('opera-defaultBlock', false, this.tag); } }; /** * If the contents are empty, return the 'default' html for the field. * The 'default' contents depend on the enter handling mode, so it * makes the most sense in this plugin. * @param {string} html The html to prepare. * @return {string} The original HTML, or default contents if that * html is empty. * @override */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.prepareContentsHtml = function( html) { if (!html || goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace(html)) { return goog.editor.BrowserFeature.COLLAPSES_EMPTY_NODES ? this.getNonCollapsingBlankHtml() : ''; } return html; }; /** * Gets HTML with no contents that won't collapse, for browsers that * collapse the empty string. * @return {string} Blank html. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.getNonCollapsingBlankHtml = goog.functions.constant('
'); /** * Internal backspace handler. * @param {goog.events.Event} e The keypress event. * @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range The closure range object. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.handleBackspaceInternal = function(e, range) { var field = this.getFieldObject().getElement(); var container = range && range.getStartNode(); if (field.firstChild == container && goog.editor.node.isEmpty(container)) { e.preventDefault(); // TODO(user): I think we probably don't need to stopPropagation here e.stopPropagation(); } }; /** * Fix paragraphs to be the correct type of node. * @param {goog.events.Event} e The key event. * @param {boolean} split Whether we already split up a blockquote by * manually inserting elements. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.processParagraphTagsInternal = function(e, split) { // Force IE to turn the node we are leaving into a DIV. If we do turn // it into a DIV, the node IE creates in response to ENTER will also be // a DIV. If we don't, it will be a P. We handle that case // in handleKeyUpIE_ if (goog.userAgent.IE || goog.userAgent.OPERA) { this.ensureBlockIeOpera(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); } else if (!split && goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) { // WebKit duplicates a blockquote when the user hits enter. Let's cancel // this and insert a BR instead, to make it more consistent with the other // browsers. var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange(); if (!range || !goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isDirectlyInBlockquote( range.getContainerElement())) { return; } var dh = this.getFieldDomHelper(); var br = dh.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.BR); range.insertNode(br, true); // If the BR is at the end of a block element, Safari still thinks there is // only one line instead of two, so we need to add another BR in that case. if (goog.editor.node.isBlockTag(br.parentNode) && !goog.editor.node.skipEmptyTextNodes(br.nextSibling)) { goog.dom.insertSiblingBefore( dh.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.BR), br); } goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(br, false); e.preventDefault(); } }; /** * Determines whether the lowest containing block node is a blockquote. * @param {Node} n The node. * @return {boolean} Whether the deepest block ancestor of n is a blockquote. */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isDirectlyInBlockquote = function(n) { for (var current = n; current; current = current.parentNode) { if (goog.editor.node.isBlockTag(current)) { return current.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BLOCKQUOTE; } } return false; }; /** * Internal delete key handler. * @param {goog.events.Event} e The keypress event. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.handleDeleteGecko = function(e) { this.deleteBrGecko(e); }; /** * Deletes the element at the cursor if it is a BR node, and if it does, calls * e.preventDefault to stop the browser from deleting. Only necessary in Gecko * as a workaround for mozilla bug 205350 where deleting a BR that is followed * by a block element doesn't work (the BR gets immediately replaced). We also * need to account for an ill-formed cursor which occurs from us trying to * stop the browser from deleting. * * @param {goog.events.Event} e The DELETE keypress event. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.deleteBrGecko = function(e) { var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange(); if (range.isCollapsed()) { var container = range.getEndNode(); if (container.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT) { var nextNode = container.childNodes[range.getEndOffset()]; if (nextNode && nextNode.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BR) { // We want to retrieve the first non-whitespace previous sibling // as we could have added an empty text node below and want to // properly handle deleting a sequence of BR's. var previousSibling = goog.editor.node.getPreviousSibling(nextNode); var nextSibling = nextNode.nextSibling; container.removeChild(nextNode); e.preventDefault(); // When we delete a BR followed by a block level element, the cursor // has a line-height which spans the height of the block level element. // e.g. If we delete a BR followed by a UL, the resulting HTML will // appear to the end user like:- // // | * one // | * two // | * three // // There are a couple of cases that we have to account for in order to // properly conform to what the user expects when DELETE is pressed. // // 1. If the BR has a previous sibling and the previous sibling is // not a block level element or a BR, we place the cursor at the // end of that. // 2. If the BR doesn't have a previous sibling or the previous sibling // is a block level element or a BR, we place the cursor at the // beginning of the leftmost leaf of its next sibling. if (nextSibling && goog.editor.node.isBlockTag(nextSibling)) { if (previousSibling && !(previousSibling.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BR || goog.editor.node.isBlockTag(previousSibling))) { goog.dom.Range.createCaret( previousSibling, goog.editor.node.getLength(previousSibling)).select(); } else { var leftMostLeaf = goog.editor.node.getLeftMostLeaf(nextSibling); goog.dom.Range.createCaret(leftMostLeaf, 0).select(); } } } } } }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.handleKeyPress = function(e) { // If a dialog doesn't have selectable field, Gecko grabs the event and // performs actions in editor window. This solves that problem and allows // the event to be passed on to proper handlers. if (goog.userAgent.GECKO && this.getFieldObject().inModalMode()) { return false; } // Firefox will allow the first node in an iframe to be deleted // on a backspace. Disallow it if the node is empty. if (e.keyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.BACKSPACE) { this.handleBackspaceInternal(e, this.getFieldObject().getRange()); } else if (e.keyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER) { if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) { if (!e.shiftKey) { // Behave similarly to IE's content editable return carriage: // If the shift key is down or specified by the application, insert a // BR, otherwise split paragraphs this.handleEnterGecko_(e); } } else { // In Gecko-based browsers, this is handled in the handleEnterGecko_ // method. this.getFieldObject().dispatchBeforeChange(); var cursorPosition = this.deleteCursorSelection_(); var split = !!this.getFieldObject().execCommand( goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.SPLIT_COMMAND, cursorPosition); if (split) { // TODO(user): I think we probably don't need to stopPropagation here e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } this.releasePositionObject_(cursorPosition); if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) { this.handleEnterWebkitInternal(e); } this.processParagraphTagsInternal(e, split); this.getFieldObject().dispatchChange(); } } else if (goog.userAgent.GECKO && e.keyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.DELETE) { this.handleDeleteGecko(e); } return false; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.handleKeyUp = function(e) { // If a dialog doesn't have selectable field, Gecko grabs the event and // performs actions in editor window. This solves that problem and allows // the event to be passed on to proper handlers. if (goog.userAgent.GECKO && this.getFieldObject().inModalMode()) { return false; } this.handleKeyUpInternal(e); return false; }; /** * Internal handler for keyup events. * @param {goog.events.Event} e The key event. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.handleKeyUpInternal = function(e) { if ((goog.userAgent.IE || goog.userAgent.OPERA) && e.keyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER) { this.ensureBlockIeOpera(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, true); } }; /** * Handles an enter keypress event on fields in Gecko. * @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The key event. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.handleEnterGecko_ = function(e) { // Retrieve whether the selection is collapsed before we delete it. var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange(); var wasCollapsed = !range || range.isCollapsed(); var cursorPosition = this.deleteCursorSelection_(); var handled = this.getFieldObject().execCommand( goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.SPLIT_COMMAND, cursorPosition); if (handled) { // TODO(user): I think we probably don't need to stopPropagation here e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } this.releasePositionObject_(cursorPosition); if (!handled) { this.handleEnterAtCursorGeckoInternal(e, wasCollapsed, range); } }; /** * Handle an enter key press in WebKit. * @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The key press event. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.handleEnterWebkitInternal = goog.nullFunction; /** * Handle an enter key press on collapsed selection. handleEnterGecko_ ensures * the selection is collapsed by deleting its contents if it is not. The * default implementation does nothing. * @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The key press event. * @param {boolean} wasCollapsed Whether the selection was collapsed before * the key press. If it was not, code before this function has already * cleared the contents of the selection. * @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range Object representing the selection. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.handleEnterAtCursorGeckoInternal = goog.nullFunction; /** * Names of all the nodes that we don't want to turn into block nodes in IE when * the user hits enter. * @type {Object} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.DO_NOT_ENSURE_BLOCK_NODES_ = goog.object.createSet( goog.dom.TagName.LI, goog.dom.TagName.DIV, goog.dom.TagName.H1, goog.dom.TagName.H2, goog.dom.TagName.H3, goog.dom.TagName.H4, goog.dom.TagName.H5, goog.dom.TagName.H6); /** * Whether this is a node that contains a single BR tag and non-nbsp * whitespace. * @param {Node} node Node to check. * @return {boolean} Whether this is an element that only contains a BR. * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isBrElem = function(node) { return goog.editor.node.isEmpty(node) && node.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.BR).length == 1; }; /** * Ensures all text in IE and Opera to be in the given tag in order to control * Enter spacing. Call this when Enter is pressed if desired. * * We want to make sure the user is always inside of a block (or other nodes * listed in goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.IGNORE_ENSURE_BLOCK_NODES_). We * listen to keypress to force nodes that the user is leaving to turn into * blocks, but we also need to listen to keyup to force nodes that the user is * entering to turn into blocks. * Example: html is: "


", and the user hits enter. We * don't want to format the h2, but we do want to format the P that is * created on enter. The P node is not available until keyup. * @param {goog.dom.TagName} tag The tag name to convert to. * @param {boolean=} opt_keyUp Whether the function is being called on key up. * When called on key up, the cursor is in the newly created node, so the * semantics for when to change it to a block are different. Specifically, * if the resulting node contains only a BR, it is converted to . * @protected */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.ensureBlockIeOpera = function(tag, opt_keyUp) { var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange(); var container = range.getContainer(); var field = this.getFieldObject().getElement(); var paragraph; while (container && container != field) { // We don't need to ensure a block if we are already in the same block, or // in another block level node that we don't want to change the format of // (unless we're handling keyUp and that block node just contains a BR). var nodeName = container.nodeName; // Due to @bug 2455389, the call to isBrElem needs to be inlined in the if // instead of done before and saved in a variable, so that it can be // short-circuited and avoid a weird IE edge case. if (nodeName == tag || (goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler. DO_NOT_ENSURE_BLOCK_NODES_[nodeName] && !(opt_keyUp && goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isBrElem(container)))) { // Opera can create a

inside of a

in some situations, // such as when breaking out of a list that is contained in a
. if (goog.userAgent.OPERA && paragraph) { if (nodeName == tag && paragraph == container.lastChild && goog.editor.node.isEmpty(paragraph)) { goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter(paragraph, container); goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(paragraph).select(); } break; } return; } if (goog.userAgent.OPERA && opt_keyUp && nodeName == goog.dom.TagName.P && nodeName != tag) { paragraph = container; } container = container.parentNode; } if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(9)) { // IE (before IE9) has a bug where if the cursor is directly before a block // node (e.g., the content is "foo[cursor]
"), // the FormatBlock command actually formats the "bar" instead of the "foo". // This is just wrong. To work-around this, we want to move the // selection back one character, and then restore it to its prior position. // NOTE: We use the following "range math" to detect this situation because // using Closure ranges here triggers a bug in IE that causes a crash. // parent2 != parent3 ensures moving the cursor forward one character // crosses at least 1 element boundary, and therefore tests if the cursor is // at such a boundary. The second check, parent3 != range.parentElement() // weeds out some cases where the elements are siblings instead of cousins. var needsHelp = false; range = range.getBrowserRangeObject(); var range2 = range.duplicate(); range2.moveEnd('character', 1); // In whitebox mode, when the cursor is at the end of the field, trying to // move the end of the range will do nothing, and hence the range's text // will be empty. In this case, the cursor clearly isn't sitting just // before a block node, since it isn't before anything. if (range2.text.length) { var parent2 = range2.parentElement(); var range3 = range2.duplicate(); range3.collapse(false); var parent3 = range3.parentElement(); if ((needsHelp = parent2 != parent3 && parent3 != range.parentElement())) { range.move('character', -1); range.select(); } } } this.getFieldObject().getEditableDomHelper().getDocument().execCommand( 'FormatBlock', false, '<' + tag + '>'); if (needsHelp) { range.move('character', 1); range.select(); } }; /** * Deletes the content at the current cursor position. * @return {Node|Object} Something representing the current cursor position. * See deleteCursorSelectionIE_ and deleteCursorSelectionW3C_ for details. * Should be passed to releasePositionObject_ when no longer in use. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.deleteCursorSelection_ = function() { return goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_W3C_RANGES ? this.deleteCursorSelectionW3C_() : this.deleteCursorSelectionIE_(); }; /** * Releases the object returned by deleteCursorSelection_. * @param {Node|Object} position The object returned by deleteCursorSelection_. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.releasePositionObject_ = function(position) { if (!goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_W3C_RANGES) { (/** @type {Node} */ (position)).removeNode(true); } }; /** * Delete the selection at the current cursor position, then returns a temporary * node at the current position. * @return {Node} A temporary node marking the current cursor position. This * node should eventually be removed from the DOM. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.deleteCursorSelectionIE_ = function() { var doc = this.getFieldDomHelper().getDocument(); var range = doc.selection.createRange(); var id = goog.string.createUniqueString(); range.pasteHTML(''); var splitNode = doc.getElementById(id); splitNode.id = ''; return splitNode; }; /** * Delete the selection at the current cursor position, then returns the node * at the current position. * @return {goog.editor.range.Point} The current cursor position. Note that * unlike simulateEnterIE_, this should not be removed from the DOM. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.prototype.deleteCursorSelectionW3C_ = function() { var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange(); // Delete the current selection if it's is non-collapsed. // Although this is redundant in FF, it's necessary for Safari if (!range.isCollapsed()) { var shouldDelete = true; // Opera selects the
in an empty block if there is no text node // preceding it. To preserve inline formatting when pressing [enter] inside // an empty block, don't delete the selection if it only selects a
at // the end of the block. // TODO(user): Move this into goog.dom.Range. It should detect this state // when creating a range from the window selection and fix it in the created // range. if (goog.userAgent.OPERA) { var startNode = range.getStartNode(); var startOffset = range.getStartOffset(); if (startNode == range.getEndNode() && // This weeds out cases where startNode is a text node. startNode.lastChild && startNode.lastChild.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BR && // If this check is true, then endOffset is implied to be // startOffset + 1, because the selection is not collapsed and // it starts and ends within the same element. startOffset == startNode.childNodes.length - 1) { shouldDelete = false; } } if (shouldDelete) { goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.deleteW3cRange_(range); } } return goog.editor.range.getDeepEndPoint(range, true); }; /** * Deletes the contents of the selection from the DOM. * @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range The range to remove contents from. * @return {goog.dom.AbstractRange} The resulting range. Used for testing. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.deleteW3cRange_ = function(range) { if (range && !range.isCollapsed()) { var reselect = true; var baseNode = range.getContainerElement(); var nodeOffset = new goog.dom.NodeOffset(range.getStartNode(), baseNode); var rangeOffset = range.getStartOffset(); // Whether the selection crosses no container boundaries. var isInOneContainer = goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isInOneContainerW3c_(range); // Whether the selection ends in a container it doesn't fully select. var isPartialEnd = !isInOneContainer && goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isPartialEndW3c_(range); // Remove The range contents, and ensure the correct content stays selected. range.removeContents(); var node = nodeOffset.findTargetNode(baseNode); if (node) { range = goog.dom.Range.createCaret(node, rangeOffset); } else { // This occurs when the node that would have been referenced has now been // deleted and there are no other nodes in the baseNode. Thus need to // set the caret to the end of the base node. range = goog.dom.Range.createCaret(baseNode, baseNode.childNodes.length); reselect = false; } range.select(); // If we just deleted everything from the container, add an nbsp // to the container, and leave the cursor inside of it if (isInOneContainer) { var container = goog.editor.style.getContainer(range.getStartNode()); if (goog.editor.node.isEmpty(container, true)) { var html = ' '; if (goog.userAgent.OPERA && container.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.LI) { // Don't break Opera's native break-out-of-lists behavior. html = '
'; } goog.editor.node.replaceInnerHtml(container, html); goog.editor.range.selectNodeStart(container.firstChild); reselect = false; } } if (isPartialEnd) { /* This code handles the following, where | is the cursor:
After removeContents, the remaining HTML is
which means the line break between the two divs remains. This block moves children of the second div in to the first div to get the correct result:
TODO(robbyw): Should we wrap the second div's contents in a span if they have inline style? */ var rangeStart = goog.editor.style.getContainer(range.getStartNode()); var redundantContainer = goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(rangeStart); if (rangeStart && redundantContainer) { goog.dom.append(rangeStart, redundantContainer.childNodes); goog.dom.removeNode(redundantContainer); } } if (reselect) { // The contents of the original range are gone, so restore the cursor // position at the start of where the range once was. range = goog.dom.Range.createCaret(nodeOffset.findTargetNode(baseNode), rangeOffset); range.select(); } } return range; }; /** * Checks whether the whole range is in a single block-level element. * @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range The range to check. * @return {boolean} Whether the whole range is in a single block-level element. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isInOneContainerW3c_ = function(range) { // Find the block element containing the start of the selection. var startContainer = range.getStartNode(); if (goog.editor.style.isContainer(startContainer)) { startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[range.getStartOffset()] || startContainer; } startContainer = goog.editor.style.getContainer(startContainer); // Find the block element containing the end of the selection. var endContainer = range.getEndNode(); if (goog.editor.style.isContainer(endContainer)) { endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[range.getEndOffset()] || endContainer; } endContainer = goog.editor.style.getContainer(endContainer); // Compare the two. return startContainer == endContainer; }; /** * Checks whether the end of the range is not at the end of a block-level * element. * @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range The range to check. * @return {boolean} Whether the end of the range is not at the end of a * block-level element. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isPartialEndW3c_ = function(range) { var endContainer = range.getEndNode(); var endOffset = range.getEndOffset(); var node = endContainer; if (goog.editor.style.isContainer(node)) { var child = node.childNodes[endOffset]; // Child is null when end offset is >= length, which indicates the entire // container is selected. Otherwise, we also know the entire container // is selected if the selection ends at a new container. if (!child || child.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT && goog.editor.style.isContainer(child)) { return false; } } var container = goog.editor.style.getContainer(node); while (container != node) { if (goog.editor.node.getNextSibling(node)) { return true; } node = node.parentNode; } return endOffset != goog.editor.node.getLength(endContainer); };