# this will use the latest version of restfulx gem require 'restfulx/tasks' TEST_APP_NAME = 'TestApp.mxml' namespace :air do desc "Build and run the AIR application" task :run => ["rx:air:build", "rx:air:run"] end namespace :flex do desc "Test flex application" task :test => ["rx:test:build", "rx:test:run"] desc "Build flex application" task :build do libs = [] # you can add libraries that are not in lib folder here compile_app(get_executable('mxmlc'), 'bin-debug', "-library-path+=#{libs.join(',')}") end end namespace :rx do namespace :test do desc "Build flex test swf file" task :build do project_path = File.join(APP_ROOT, "app/flex", TEST_APP_NAME) libs = Dir.glob(File.join(APP_ROOT, 'lib', '*.swc')) #libs << 'foobar' # you can add libraries that not in lib folder here target_project_path = File.join(APP_ROOT, "bin-debug", TEST_APP_NAME.sub(/.mxml$/, '.swf')) cmd = "#{get_executable('mxmlc')} +configname=air -library-path+=#{libs.join(',')} " << "-output #{target_project_path} -debug=true #{project_path}" if !system("#{cmd}") puts "failed to compile test application" end end desc "Run flex test application" task :run do project_path = File.join(APP_ROOT, "app/flex", TEST_APP_NAME) target_project_air_descriptor = project_path.sub(/.mxml$/, '-app.xml') if !system("#{get_executable('adl')} #{target_project_air_descriptor} #{APP_ROOT}") puts "failed to run test application" end end end end