class Recipes::Heroku < Rails::AppBuilder NAME_PREFIX = 'pl' ENVIRONMENTS = ['staging', 'production'] HEROKU_NAMES_MAX_CHARS = 30 def ask heroku = answer(:heroku) do Ask.confirm("Are you going to deploy to heroku? (#{who_am_i})") end if heroku set(:heroku, heroku) ENVIRONMENTS.each { |environment| set_app_name_for(environment) } end end def create add_heroku if get(:heroku) end def install add_heroku end def installed? gem_exists?(/heroku-stage/) end private def add_heroku gather_gems(:production) do gather_gem('heroku-stage') end copy_file '../assets/Procfile', 'Procfile' copy_file '../assets/.buildpacks', '.buildpacks' copy_file '../assets/bin/release', 'bin/release' run 'chmod a+x bin/release' template "../assets/bin/setup_heroku.erb", "bin/setup_heroku", force: true run "chmod a+x bin/setup_heroku" logged_in? ? create_apps : puts_not_logged_in_msg add_readme_header :deployment end def create_apps ENVIRONMENTS.each { |environment| create_app_on_heroku(environment) } puts "Remember to connect the github repository to the new pipeline" open_pipeline_command = "\e[33mheroku pipelines:open #{heroku_pipeline_name}\e[0m" puts "run #{open_pipeline_command} to open the dashboard" end def puts_not_logged_in_msg puts "You are not logged in into heroku" login_command = "\e[33mheroku login\e[0m" puts "Run #{login_command} and enter your credentials" puts "You can install the heroku recipe again to create the app in heroku" install_command = "\e[33mpostassium install heroku --force\e[0m" puts "Just run #{install_command}" end def heroku_pipeline_name @heroku_pipeline_name ||= valid_heroku_name(app_name.dasherize, 'pipeline', false) end def set_app_name_for(environment) default_name = "#{NAME_PREFIX}-#{app_name.dasherize}-#{environment}" set("heroku_app_name_#{environment}".to_sym, valid_heroku_name(default_name, environment)) end def logged_in? !who_am_i.include? "not logged in" end def who_am_i `heroku auth:whoami`.strip end def create_app_on_heroku(environment) rack_env = "RACK_ENV=production" staged_app_name = get("heroku_app_name_#{environment}".to_sym) run_toolbelt_command "create #{staged_app_name} --remote #{environment}" run_toolbelt_command "labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata", staged_app_name run_toolbelt_command "config:add HEROKU_APP_NAME=#{staged_app_name}", staged_app_name run_toolbelt_command "config:add #{rack_env}", staged_app_name set_rails_secrets(environment) set_app_multi_buildpack(environment) add_app_to_pipeline(staged_app_name, environment) end def set_rails_secrets(environment) run_toolbelt_command( "config:add SECRET_KEY_BASE=#{generate_secret}", get("heroku_app_name_#{environment}".to_sym) ) end def set_app_multi_buildpack(environment) run_toolbelt_command( "buildpacks:set", get("heroku_app_name_#{environment}".to_sym) ) end def add_app_to_pipeline(app_env_name, environment) pipeline = `heroku pipelines:info \ #{heroku_pipeline_name} 2>/dev/null | grep #{heroku_pipeline_name}` pipeline_command = pipeline.empty? ? "create" : "add" run_toolbelt_command( "pipelines:#{pipeline_command} #{heroku_pipeline_name} \ --stage #{environment}", app_env_name ) end def generate_secret SecureRandom.hex(64) end def run_toolbelt_command(command, app_env_name = nil) if app_env_name.nil? `heroku #{command}` else `heroku #{command} --app #{app_env_name}` end end def valid_heroku_name(name, element, force_suffix = true) suffix = "-#{element}" while name.length > HEROKU_NAMES_MAX_CHARS puts "Heroku names must be shorter than #{HEROKU_NAMES_MAX_CHARS} chars." if force_suffix puts "Potassium uses the heroku-stage gem, because of that '#{suffix}' will be "\ "added to your app name. The suffix, #{suffix}, counts towards the app name length." end name = Ask.input("Please enter a valid name for #{element}:") name += suffix if force_suffix && !name.end_with?(suffix) end name end end