en: INTRO: "\nWELCOME TO CODEBREAKER!\n" GOODBYE: "\n\nGOOD BYE!!!\n\n" HINT_PROPOSAL: "Press [%{hint}] to use hint" NO_HINTS_MESSAGE: "No hints left" WIN_MESSAGE: "\n\nYOU WIN!!!" GOODBYE: "\n\nGOOD BYE!!!\n\n" MAIN_MENU: "\n\nPress [%{quit}] to quit game.\nPress one of the following, please:\n\n[%{start}] -> START\n[%{rules}] -> RULES\n[%{stats}] -> STATS\n" NAME_PROPOSAL: "\n\nPress [%{quit}] to quit game.\nEnter your NAME, please:" ENTER_GUESS: "\nEnter your GUESS, please:\nPress [%{quit}] to quit game." CHOOSE_DIFFICULTY: "\nPress [%{quit}] to quit game.\nChoose your game skill, please:\n-- [%{low}]\n-- [%{middle}]\n-- [%{high}]\n" SAVE_MESSAGE: "\n\nPress [%{quit}] to quit game.\nDo you want to save results [y/n]?" LOSE_MESSAGE: "\n\nYOU LOSE!!!" NAME_ERROR: "Name should be within range %{min} to %{max} symbols" GUESS_ERROR: "Guess should be %{quan}-digit only, each one within range %{min} to %{max} symbols" MENU_ERROR: "Unacceptable command" CORRECT_CODE: "Secret number was - %{code}" RULES: "1. Codebreaker is a logic game in which a code-breaker tries to break a secret code created by a code-maker. The codemaker, which will be played by the application we’re going to write, creates a secret code of four numbers between 1 and 6. 2. The codebreaker gets some number of chances to break the code (depends on chosen difficulty). In each turn, the codebreaker makes a guess of 4 numbers. The codemaker then marks the guess with up to 4 signs - + or - or empty spaces. 3. A + indicates an exact match: one of the numbers in the guess is the same as one of the numbers in the secret code and in the same position. For example: Secret number - 1234 Input number - 6264 Number of pluses - 2 (second and fourth position) 4. A - indicates a number match: one of the numbers in the guess is the same as one of the numbers in the secret code but in a different position. For example: Secret number - 1234 Input number - 6462 Number of minuses - 2 (second and fourth position) 5. An empty space indicates that there is not a current digit in a secret number. 6. If codebreaker inputs the exact number as a secret number - codebreaker wins the game. If all attempts are spent - codebreaker loses. 7. Codebreaker also has some number of hints (depends on chosen difficulty). If a user takes a hint - he receives back a separate digit of the secret code."