3.1.10 (Brainy Betty) 831b361ab58f0d833f12f915589e85abc8b1c85d o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@has_childrenT: @options{: @linei:@children[o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode ;@;i; [:@template0:@imported_filename" sharedo:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@;i; [: @guarded" !default: @name"default-border-radius: @expro:Sass::Script::Number :@original"5px;@;i: @valuei :@denominator_units[:@numerator_units["pxo:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;@;i ; [;["/* Round all corners by a specific amount, defaults to value of `$default-border-radius`. * * When two values are passed, the first is the horizontal radius * and the second is the vertical radius. * * Note: webkit does not support shorthand syntax for several corners at once. * So in the case where you pass several values only the first will be passed to webkit. * * Examples: * * .simple { @include border-radius(4px, 4px); } * .compound { @include border-radius(2px 5px, 3px 6px); } * .crazy { @include border-radius(1px 3px 5px 7px, 2px 4px 6px 8px)} * * Which generates: * .simple { * -webkit-border-radius: 4px 4px; * -moz-border-radius: 4px / 4px; * -o-border-radius: 4px / 4px; * -ms-border-radius: 4px / 4px; * -khtml-border-radius: 4px / 4px; * border-radius: 4px / 4px; } * * .compound { * -webkit-border-radius: 2px 3px; * -moz-border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; * -o-border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; * -ms-border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; * -khtml-border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; * border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; } * * .crazy { * -webkit-border-radius: 1px 2px; * -moz-border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; * -o-border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; * -ms-border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; * -khtml-border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; * border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; } */: @loud0: @silentio:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;T;@;i1; [u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: @linei3:@underscored_name"vertical_radius: @name"vertical-radiusu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode : @options{: @lineiH:@children[: @name"experimental: @args[o:Sass::Script::String ;@;iH: @value"border-radius: @type:identifiero:Sass::Script::Variable ;@;iH:@underscored_name" radius; " radius:@keywords{[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;@;i4:@children[: @value["/* Webkit doesn't understand the official shorthand syntax for specifying * a vertical radius unless so in case there's several we only take the first. */: @loud0: @silentio:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@;i=; [; "experimental: @args[ o:Sass::Script::String ;@;i6; "border-radius: @type:identifiero:Sass::Script::List ;@;i6; [o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;@;i6; "first-value-of;[o; ;@;i6;" radius; " radius:@keywords{o; ;@;i6; "first-value-of;[o; ;@;i6;"vertical_radius; "vertical-radius;{:@separator: spaceo:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;@;i7: @operando; ;@;i7; " -moz;;:@operator:noto; ;@;i8; " -webkit;;o; ;@;i9;o; ;@;i9; "-o;;;;o; ;@;i:;o; ;@;i:; "-ms;;;;o; ;@;i;;o; ;@;i;; " -khtml;;;;o; ;@;i<;o; ;@;i<; " official;;;;;{o; ;@;iE; [; "experimental;[ o; ;@;i>; "border-radius;: stringo; ;@;i>; [o; ;@;i>;" radius; " radiuso; ;@;i>; " unquote;[o; ;@;i>; "/;;;{o; ;@;i>;"vertical_radius; "vertical-radius;;o; ;@;i?; " -moz;;o; ;@;i@;o; ;@;i@; " -webkit;;;;o; ;@;iA; "-o;;o; ;@;iB; "-ms;;o; ;@;iC; " -khtml;;o; ;@;iD; " official;;;{;"border-radius: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;@:@underscored_name" radius;" radiuso; ;@;i1;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radius[o;;@;"vertical_radius;"vertical-radiuso:Sass::Script::Bool;@;i1;Fo; ;@;iL; [;["/* Round radius at position by amount. * * * legal values for `$vert`: `top`, `bottom` * * legal values for `$horz`: `left`, `right` */;0;io; ;T;@;iQ; [o; ;@;iR; [;["?/* Support for mozilla's syntax for specifying a corner */;0;io:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@;iZ; [;"experimental;[ o:&Sass::Script::StringInterpolation ;@;iS: @mido; ;@;iS;" vert;" vert: @beforeo:Sass::Script::String ;@;iS;"border-radius-: @type: string: @aftero; ;@;iS;!o; ;@;iS;" horz;" horz;"o;# ;@;iS;";$;%;&o;# ;@;iS;";$;%o; ;@;iS;" radius;" radiuso;# ;@;iT;" -moz;$:identifiero:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;@;iU: @operando;# ;@;iU;" -webkit;$;':@operator:noto;( ;@;iV;)o;# ;@;iV;"-o;$;';*;+o;( ;@;iW;)o;# ;@;iW;"-ms;$;';*;+o;( ;@;iX;)o;# ;@;iX;" -khtml;$;';*;+o;( ;@;iY;)o;# ;@;iY;" official;$;';*;+:@keywords{o; ;@;ib; [;"experimental;[ o; ;@;i[;!o; ;@;i[;" vert;" vert;"o;# ;@;i[;" border-;$;%;&o; ;@;i[;!o; ;@;i[;" horz;" horz;"o;# ;@;i[;"-;$;%;&o;# ;@;i[;" -radius;$;%o; ;@;i[;" radius;" radiuso;( ;@;i\;)o;# ;@;i\;" -moz;$;';*;+o;# ;@;i];" -webkit;$;'o;# ;@;i^;"-o;$;'o;# ;@;i_;"-ms;$;'o;# ;@;i`;" -khtml;$;'o;# ;@;ia;" official;$;';,{;"border-corner-radius;[[o;;@;" vert;" vert0[o;;@;" horz;" horz0[o;;@;" radius;" radiuso; ;@;iQ;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radiuso; ;@;if; [;["%/* Round top-left corner only */;0;io; ;T;@;ih; [o; ;@;ii; [;"border-corner-radius;[o;# ;@;ii;"top;$;'o;# ;@;ii;" left;$;'o; ;@;ii;" radius;" radius;,{;"border-top-left-radius;[[o;;@;" radius;" radiuso; ;@;ih;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radiuso; ;@;ik; [;["&/* Round top-right corner only */;0;io; ;T;@;im; [o; ;@;in; [;"border-corner-radius;[o;# ;@;in;"top;$;'o;# ;@;in;" right;$;'o; ;@;in;" radius;" radius;,{;"border-top-right-radius;[[o;;@;" radius;" radiuso; ;@;im;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radiuso; ;@;ip; [;["(/* Round bottom-left corner only */;0;io; ;T;@;ir; [o; ;@;is; [;"border-corner-radius;[o;# ;@;is;" bottom;$;'o;# ;@;is;" left;$;'o; ;@;is;" radius;" radius;,{;"border-bottom-left-radius;[[o;;@;" radius;" radiuso; ;@;ir;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radiuso; ;@;iu; [;[")/* Round bottom-right corner only */;0;io; ;T;@;iw; [o; ;@;ix; [;"border-corner-radius;[o;# ;@;ix;" bottom;$;'o;# ;@;ix;" right;$;'o; ;@;ix;" radius;" radius;,{;"border-bottom-right-radius;[[o;;@;" radius;" radiuso; ;@;iw;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radiuso; ;@;iz; [;["+/* Round both top corners by amount */;0;io; ;T;@;i{; [o; ;@;i|; [;"border-top-left-radius;[o; ;@;i|;" radius;" radius;,{o; ;@;i}; [;"border-top-right-radius;[o; ;@;i};" radius;" radius;,{;"border-top-radius;[[o;;@;" radius;" radiuso; ;@;i{;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radiuso; ;@;i; [;["-/* Round both right corners by amount */;0;io; ;T;@;i{; [o; ;@;i|; [;"border-top-right-radius;[o; ;@;i|;" radius;" radius;,{o; ;@;i}; [;"border-bottom-right-radius;[o; ;@;i};" radius;" radius;,{;"border-right-radius;[[o;;@;" radius;" radiuso; ;@;i{;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radiuso; ;@;i; [;["./* Round both bottom corners by amount */;0;io; ;T;@;i; [o; ;@;i; [;"border-bottom-left-radius;[o; ;@;i;" radius;" radius;,{o; ;@;i; [;"border-bottom-right-radius;[o; ;@;i;" radius;" radius;,{;"border-bottom-radius;[[o;;@;" radius;" radiuso; ;@;i;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radiuso; ;@;i; [;[",/* Round both left corners by amount */;0;io; ;T;@;i; [o; ;@;i; [;"border-top-left-radius;[o; ;@;i;" radius;" radius;,{o; ;@;i; [;"border-bottom-left-radius;[o; ;@;i;" radius;" radius;,{;"border-left-radius;[[o;;@;" radius;" radiuso; ;@;i;"default_border_radius;"default-border-radius; "@import "shared"; $default-border-radius: 5px !default; // Round all corners by a specific amount, defaults to value of `$default-border-radius`. // // When two values are passed, the first is the horizontal radius // and the second is the vertical radius. // // Note: webkit does not support shorthand syntax for several corners at once. // So in the case where you pass several values only the first will be passed to webkit. // // Examples: // // .simple { @include border-radius(4px, 4px); } // .compound { @include border-radius(2px 5px, 3px 6px); } // .crazy { @include border-radius(1px 3px 5px 7px, 2px 4px 6px 8px)} // // Which generates: // .simple { // -webkit-border-radius: 4px 4px; // -moz-border-radius: 4px / 4px; // -o-border-radius: 4px / 4px; // -ms-border-radius: 4px / 4px; // -khtml-border-radius: 4px / 4px; // border-radius: 4px / 4px; } // // .compound { // -webkit-border-radius: 2px 3px; // -moz-border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; // -o-border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; // -ms-border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; // -khtml-border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; // border-radius: 2px 5px / 3px 6px; } // // .crazy { // -webkit-border-radius: 1px 2px; // -moz-border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; // -o-border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; // -ms-border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; // -khtml-border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; // border-radius: 1px 3px 5px 7px / 2px 4px 6px 8px; } @mixin border-radius($radius: $default-border-radius, $vertical-radius: false) { @if $vertical-radius { // Webkit doesn't understand the official shorthand syntax for specifying // a vertical radius unless so in case there's several we only take the first. @include experimental(border-radius, first-value-of($radius) first-value-of($vertical-radius), not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official ); @include experimental("border-radius", $radius unquote("/") $vertical-radius, -moz, not -webkit, -o, -ms, -khtml, official ); } @else { @include experimental(border-radius, $radius); } } // Round radius at position by amount. // // * legal values for `$vert`: `top`, `bottom` // * legal values for `$horz`: `left`, `right` @mixin border-corner-radius($vert, $horz, $radius: $default-border-radius) { // Support for mozilla's syntax for specifying a corner @include experimental("border-radius-#{$vert}#{$horz}", $radius, -moz, not -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official ); @include experimental("border-#{$vert}-#{$horz}-radius", $radius, not -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, -khtml, official ); } // Round top-left corner only @mixin border-top-left-radius($radius: $default-border-radius) { @include border-corner-radius(top, left, $radius); } // Round top-right corner only @mixin border-top-right-radius($radius: $default-border-radius) { @include border-corner-radius(top, right, $radius); } // Round bottom-left corner only @mixin border-bottom-left-radius($radius: $default-border-radius) { @include border-corner-radius(bottom, left, $radius); } // Round bottom-right corner only @mixin border-bottom-right-radius($radius: $default-border-radius) { @include border-corner-radius(bottom, right, $radius); } // Round both top corners by amount @mixin border-top-radius($radius: $default-border-radius) { @include border-top-left-radius($radius); @include border-top-right-radius($radius); } // Round both right corners by amount @mixin border-right-radius($radius: $default-border-radius) { @include border-top-right-radius($radius); @include border-bottom-right-radius($radius); } // Round both bottom corners by amount @mixin border-bottom-radius($radius: $default-border-radius) { @include border-bottom-left-radius($radius); @include border-bottom-right-radius($radius); } // Round both left corners by amount @mixin border-left-radius($radius: $default-border-radius) { @include border-top-left-radius($radius); @include border-bottom-left-radius($radius); }