package org.embulk.output.jdbc; import java.util.List; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.embulk.spi.Exec; public class StandardBatchInsert implements BatchInsert { private final Logger logger = Exec.getLogger(StandardBatchInsert.class); private final JdbcOutputConnector connector; private final Optional> mergeKeys; private JdbcOutputConnection connection; private PreparedStatement batch; private int index; private int batchWeight; private int batchRows; private long totalRows; public StandardBatchInsert(JdbcOutputConnector connector, Optional> mergeKeys) throws IOException, SQLException { this.connector = connector; this.mergeKeys = mergeKeys; } public void prepare(String loadTable, JdbcSchema insertSchema) throws SQLException { this.connection = connector.connect(true); this.index = 1; // PreparedStatement index begings from 1 this.batchRows = 0; this.totalRows = 0; this.batch = prepareStatement(loadTable, insertSchema); batch.clearBatch(); } protected PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String loadTable, JdbcSchema insertSchema) throws SQLException { return connection.prepareBatchInsertStatement(loadTable, insertSchema, mergeKeys); } public int getBatchWeight() { return batchWeight; } public void add() throws IOException, SQLException { batch.addBatch(); index = 1; // PreparedStatement index begins from 1 batchRows++; batchWeight += 32; // add weight as overhead of each rows } public void close() throws IOException, SQLException { // caller should close the connection } public void flush() throws IOException, SQLException {"Loading %,d rows", batchRows)); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); batch.executeBatch(); // here can't use returned value because MySQL Connector/J returns SUCCESS_NO_INFO as a batch result double seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0; totalRows += batchRows;"> %.2f seconds (loaded %,d rows in total)", seconds, totalRows)); batch.clearBatch(); batchRows = 0; batchWeight = 0; } public void finish() throws IOException, SQLException { if (getBatchWeight() != 0) { flush(); } } public void setNull(int sqlType) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setNull(index, sqlType); nextColumn(0); } public void setBoolean(boolean v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setBoolean(index, v); nextColumn(1); } public void setByte(byte v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setByte(index, v); nextColumn(1); } public void setShort(short v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setShort(index, v); nextColumn(2); } public void setInt(int v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setInt(index, v); nextColumn(4); } public void setLong(long v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setLong(index, v); nextColumn(8); } public void setFloat(float v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setFloat(index, v); nextColumn(4); } public void setDouble(double v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setDouble(index, v); nextColumn(8); } public void setBigDecimal(BigDecimal v) throws IOException, SQLException { // use estimated number of necessary bytes + 8 byte for the weight // assuming one place needs 4 bits. ceil(v.precision() / 2.0) + 8 batch.setBigDecimal(index, v); nextColumn((v.precision() & ~2) / 2 + 8); } public void setString(String v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setString(index, v); // estimate all chracters use 2 bytes; almost enough for the worst case nextColumn(v.length() * 2 + 4); } public void setNString(String v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setNString(index, v); // estimate all chracters use 2 bytes; almost enough for the worst case nextColumn(v.length() * 2 + 4); } public void setBytes(byte[] v) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setBytes(index, v); nextColumn(v.length + 4); } public void setSqlDate(Date v, int sqlType) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setObject(index, v, sqlType); nextColumn(32); } public void setSqlTime(Time v, int sqlType) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setObject(index, v, sqlType); nextColumn(32); } public void setSqlTimestamp(Timestamp v, int sqlType) throws IOException, SQLException { batch.setObject(index, v, sqlType); nextColumn(32); } private void nextColumn(int weight) { index++; batchWeight += weight + 4; // add weight as overhead of each columns } }