3.1.11 (Brainy Betty) 96f8864bd47cae366312e6458bb82d57d2ac0b45 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @linei:@template"k@mixin outer-table-borders($width: 2px, $color: black) { border: $width solid $color; thead { th { border-bottom: $width solid $color; } } tfoot { th, td { border-top: $width solid $color; } } th { &:first-child { border-right: $width solid $color; } } } @mixin inner-table-borders($width: 2px, $color: black) { th, td { border: { right: $width solid $color; bottom: $width solid $color; left-width: 0px; top-width: 0px; }; &:last-child, &.last { border-right-width: 0px; } } // IE8 ignores rules that are included on the same line as :last-child // see http://www.richardscarrott.co.uk/posts/view/ie8-last-child-bug for details tbody, tfoot { tr:last-child { th, td { border-bottom-width: 0px; } } tr.last { th, td { border-bottom-width: 0px; } } } } :@has_childrenT:@children[o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;i: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable:@underscored_name" width: @name" width: @options{o:Sass::Script::Number : @valuei;i:@numerator_units["px:@original"2px:@denominator_units[;@[o; ; " color;" color;@o:Sass::Script::Color ;0;i: @attrs{ :redi: alphai: greeni: bluei;@;T; [ o:Sass::Tree::PropNode : @tabsi;o:Sass::Script::List ;[o; ;i; " width;" width;@o:Sass::Script::String ;" solid;i: @type:identifier;@o; ;i; " color;" color;@;i:@separator: space;@;i:@prop_syntax:new; [;[" border;@o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode ;i;i: @rule[" thead;T; [o;% ;i;i ;&["th;T; [o; ;i;o; ;[o; ;i ; " width;" width;@o; ;" solid;i ;; ;@o; ;i ; " color;" color;@;i ;!;";@;i ;#;$; [;["border-bottom;@:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence;i : @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;)[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence;i ;)[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;i :@filename":@namespace0;["th;-@F;-@F;@;'o;(;i;)[o;*;)[o;+;i;)[o;, ;i;-";.0;[" thead;-@P;-@P;@o;% ;i;i ;&[" tfoot;T; [o;% ;i;i ;&[" th, td;T; [o; ;i;o; ;[o; ;i ; " width;" width;@o; ;" solid;i ;; ;@o; ;i ; " color;" color;@;i ;!;";@;i ;#;$; [;["border-top;@;'o;(;i ;)[o;*;)[o;+;i ;)[o;, ;i ;-";.0;["th;-@po;*;)[o;+;i ;)[o;, ;i ;-@p;.0;["td;-@p;-@p;@;'o;(;i ;)[o;*;)[o;+;i ;)[o;, ;i ;-";.0;[" tfoot;-@|;-@|;@o;% ;i;i;&["th;T; [o;% ;i;i;&["&:first-child;T; [o; ;i;o; ;[o; ;i; " width;" width;@o; ;" solid;i;; ;@o; ;i; " color;" color;@;i;!;";@;i;#;$; [;["border-right;@;'o;(;i;)[o;*;)[o;+;i;)[o:Sass::Selector::Parent;i;-"o:Sass::Selector::Pseudo ;i;: class;-@œ: @arg0;["first-child;-@œ;-@œ;@;'o;(;i;)[o;*;)[o;+;i;)[o;, ;i;-";.0;["th;-@§;-@§;@;"outer-table-borders;@o; ;i; [[o; ; " width;" width;@o; ;i;i;["px;"2px;[;@[o; ; " color;" color;@o; ;0;i;{ ;i;i;i;i;@;T; [o;% ;i;i;&[" th, td;T; [o; ;i;o;;";; ;@;i;#;$;T; [ o; ;i;o; ;[o; ;i; " width;" width;@o; ;" solid;i;; ;@o; ;i; " color;" color;@;i;!;";@;i;#;$; [;[" right;@o; ;i;o; ;[o; ;i; " width;" width;@o; ;" solid;i;; ;@o; ;i; " color;" color;@;i;!;";@;i;#;$; [;[" bottom;@o; ;i;o;;"0px;; ;@;i;#;$; [;["left-width;@o; ;i;o;;"0px;; ;@;i;#;$; [;["top-width;@;[" border;@o;% ;i;i;&["&:last-child, &.last;T; [o; ;i;o;;"0px;; ;@;i;#;$; [;["border-right-width;@;'o;(;i;)[o;*;)[o;+;i;)[o;/;i;-"o;0 ;i;;1;-@;20;["last-child;-@o;*;)[" o;+;i;)[o;/;i;-@o:Sass::Selector::Class;i;-@;[" last;-@;-@;@;'o;(;i;)[o;*;)[o;+;i;)[o;, ;i;-";.0;["th;-@o;*;)[o;+;i;)[o;, ;i;-@;.0;["td;-@;-@;@o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;["›/* IE8 ignores rules that are included on the same line as :last-child * see http://www.richardscarrott.co.uk/posts/view/ie8-last-child-bug for details */;i: @loud0: @silenti; [;@o;% ;i;i ;&["tbody, tfoot;T; [o;% ;i;i!;&["tr:last-child;T; [o;% ;i;i";&[" th, td;T; [o; ;i;o;;"0px;; ;@;i#;#;$; [;["border-bottom-width;@;'o;(;i";)[o;*;)[o;+;i";)[o;, ;i";-";.0;["th;-@;o;*;)[o;+;i";)[o;, ;i";-@;;.0;["td;-@;;-@;;@;'o;(;i!;)[o;*;)[o;+;i!;)[o;, ;i!;-";.0;["tro;0 ;i!;;1;-@L;20;["last-child;-@L;-@L;@o;% ;i;i$;&[" tr.last;T; [o;% ;i;i%;&[" th, td;T; [o; ;i;o;;"0px;; ;@;i&;#;$; [;["border-bottom-width;@;'o;(;i%;)[o;*;)[o;+;i%;)[o;, ;i%;-";.0;["th;-@go;*;)[o;+;i%;)[o;, ;i%;-@g;.0;["td;-@g;-@g;@;'o;(;i$;)[o;*;)[o;+;i$;)[o;, ;i$;-";.0;["tro;3;i$;-@x;[" last;-@x;-@x;@;'o;(;i ;)[o;*;)[o;+;i ;)[o;, ;i ;-";.0;[" tbody;-@…o;*;)[o;+;i ;)[o;, ;i ;-@…;.0;[" tfoot;-@…;-@…;@;"inner-table-borders;@;@