require '../test_helper' context "Searcher with stubbed fetch doc" do setup do extend Crags::Searcher stubs(:sleep) stubs(:fetch_doc) end specify "location doc should fetch doc at location url" do expects(:fetch_doc).with("").returns("doc") location_doc.should == "doc" end specify "location links should get all a tags from div with id list" do doc = mock { expects(:search).with("#list a").returns("links") } stubs(:location_doc).returns(doc) location_links.should == "links" end specify "locations should return array of urls using a location link's href" do links = [] 2.times do |i| links << mock {|m| m.expects(:[]).with("href").returns("url#{i}") } end stubs(:location_links).returns(links) locations.should == ["url0", "url1"] end specify "search should search location for each location with keyword and return list" do locations = ["url0", "url1"] locations.each do |loc| expects(:search_location).with("omg", loc, 'sss').returns(["1#{loc}", "2#{loc}"]) end stubs(:locations).returns(locations) search("omg").should == ["1url0", "2url0", "1url1", "2url1"] end specify "search should call sleep for each location" do expects(:sleep).times(2) stubs(:locations).returns([1,2]) stubs(:search_location) search("") end specify "search location should fetch doc for search url" do expects(:fetch_doc).with("urlsearch/sss?query=keyword&format=rss") stubs(:items).returns([]) search_location("keyword", "url") end specify "search location should create link with each item in doc items and return list" do items = [1,2,3] expects(:items).returns(items) items.each do |i| expects(:create_link).with(i).returns("omg#{i}") end search_location("keyword", "url").should == ['omg1','omg2','omg3'] end specify "create link should return an a href based on item element" do inner_text = mock(:inner_text=>"text") item = mock do |l| expects(:[]).with("rdf:about").returns("link") expects(:at).with("title").returns(inner_text) end create_link(item).should == "text" end specify "items should get all item elements from doc" do doc = mock { expects(:search).with("item").returns(1) } items(doc).should == 1 end specify "categories should fetch doc the main sfbay page" do doc = stub(:search => []) expects(:fetch_doc).with("").returns(doc) categories end specify "categories should search for all links in the table with property summary equal to for sale" do doc = mock { expects(:search).with("table[@summary=\"for sale\"] a").returns([]) } stubs(:fetch_doc).returns(doc) categories end specify "categories should return a hash with link inner html keys and link href values" do link = stub(:inner_html => "inner_html") do stubs(:[]).with("href").returns("href") end doc = stub(:search => [link, link]) stubs(:fetch_doc).returns(doc) categories.should == {'inner_html' => 'href', 'inner_html' => 'href'} end specify "search location should accept a category parameter" do expects(:fetch_doc).with("locsearch/scram?query=keyword&format=rss") stubs(:items).returns([]) search_location('keyword', 'loc', 'scram') end specify "search location default category is sss" do expects(:fetch_doc).with("locsearch/sss?query=keyword&format=rss") stubs(:items).returns([]) search_location('keyword', 'loc') end specify "search should pass parameter to search location" do stubs(:locations).returns([0]) expects(:search_location).with('keyword', 0, 'chum') search('keyword', 'chum') end specify "search should have default category of sss" do stubs(:locations).returns([0]) expects(:search_location).with('keyword', 0, 'sss') search('keyword') end end