module TollBooth class Route include HTTParty attr_accessor :name, :steps, :distance, :travel_time default_params( :output => "json" ) base_uri "" class << self # get driving directions from the origin to the specified destination(s) # @param origin [TollBooth::Location] the starting point for the trip # @param destinations [Array] a list of destinations to drive to # @return [TollBooth::RouteCollection] a list of potential routes for the trip def find(origin, destinations) response = get("", :query => {:q => "from: #{origin.description} " + destinations.collect{|d| " to: #{d.description}"}.join("")}) routes = parse(response) routes end # parses response from google # @param the response received from google # @return [TollBooth::RouteCollection] returns a route collection based on the request def parse(response) resp = JSON.parse(response.body) code = response["Status"]["code"] routes = if code == 200 resp["Directions"]["Routes"].each do |r| route = new route.distance = r["Distance"]["html"].gsub(" mi", "").to_f route.travel_time = ChronicDuration.parse(r["Duration"]["html"]) route.steps = TollBooth::RouteStep.parse(r["Steps"]) routes << route end else routes.errors = [error_for(code)] end routes end private # get a friently error message for the status code specified # @param code [Integer] code to translate # @return [String] a friendly error message def error_for(code) if code == 602 "Bad Address Specified" elsif code == 500 "Server Error" end end end end end