# Encoding: UTF-8 [{beforeRunningCommand: "saveActiveFile", command: "# To install ANTLR via MacPorts\n# 1. sudo port install antlr\n# 2. set TM_ANTLR to -classpath /opt/local/lib/antlr.jar antlr/Tool\n\nTM_JAVA=$(type -p \"${TM_JAVA:-java}\")\nTM_ANTLR=\"${TM_ANTLR:-org.antlr.Tool}\"\n\ncd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\n\n# for this to work you need to set CLASSPATH to\n# include antlr v3, v2, and StringTemplate jars\n# or set TM_ANTLR to include a proper -classpath\n\"$TM_JAVA\" $TM_ANTLR \"$TM_FILENAME\"\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "@b", name: "Build", output: "showAsTooltip", scope: "source.antlr, source.antlr source.java", uuid: "EA5073FF-4ABB-44FA-95E3-6CB4B8818106"}]