var AddressPickerRails = AddressPickerRails || {} /** * Google Maps utilities as a singleton. */ AddressPickerRails.GMaps = function () { // ---------- singleton -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (AddressPickerRails.GMaps.caller != AddressPickerRails.GMaps.instance) { throw "AddressPickerRails.GMaps is a singleton, access must be done by AddressPickerRails.GMaps.instance()"; } if (arguments.callee.singleton) { return arguments.callee.singleton; } arguments.callee.singleton = this; // ---------- private fields --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var STATE_NOT_LOADED = "not_loaded"; var STATE_LOADING = "loading"; var STATE_LOADED = "loaded"; var state = STATE_NOT_LOADED; var callbacks = new Array(); // ---------- private methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Load the Google Maps API. * @param callback the function to call when the API is loaded. */ var doLoad = function (callback) { //console.debug("Loading GMaps API"); var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = ""; script.type = "text/javascript"; callbacks.push(callback); state = STATE_LOADING; $("head").append(script); }; /** * !!! PRIVATE !!! * Call all the defined callback functions. */ this.doCallback = function () { for (var i in callbacks) { callbacks[i](); } }; // ---------- public methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Test if the Google Maps API is loaded and update the state accordingly. */ this.updateStatus = function () { if (state == STATE_LOADED) { return true; } // may be loaded by someone else if (typeof google === "undefined") return false; if (typeof google.maps === "undefined") return false; if (typeof google.maps.Map === "undefined") return false; state = STATE_LOADED; return true; }; /** * Test if the Google Maps API is loaded. * @return true if the Google Maps API is loaded, false otherwise. */ this.isLoaded = function () { this.updateStatus(); return (state == STATE_LOADED); }; /** * Load the Google Maps API. * @param callback the function to call when the API is loaded. */ this.load = function (callback) { //console.debug("Loading GMaps"); this.updateStatus(); switch (state) { case STATE_NOT_LOADED: doLoad(callback); break; case STATE_LOADING: //console.debug("GMaps is loading"); callbacks.push(callback); break; case STATE_LOADED: //console.debug("GMaps is already loaded"); callback(); break; default: throw "Illegal state: " + state; break; } }; }; // ---------- static methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the AddressPickerRails.GMaps singleton. * @return {AddressPickerRails.GMaps} */ AddressPickerRails.GMaps.instance = function () { return new AddressPickerRails.GMaps(); }; /** * Global function used as a callback by Google Maps API when loaded. * Call 'AddressPickerRails.GMaps.instance().doCallback()'; */ AddressPickerRails.GMaps.onLoad = function () { AddressPickerRails.GMaps.instance().doCallback(); };