# coding: utf-8
require 'yaml'

module Plugins
  class Macros
    include Cinch::Plugin
    include Cinch::Helpers

    enable_acl(:nobody, false)

    attr_reader :macros

    set plugin_name: "Macros", help: "Macro's are prefixed by a <dot> example .dnf",
        react_on: :channel

    def initialize *args
      # @macros = YAML::load_file($root_path + '/locales/macros.yml')
      @macros = load_locale 'macros'

    match /reload/, method: :execute_reloadmacros, react_on: :private
    def execute_reloadmacros m
      return unless check_user(m, :admin)
      # return unless check_channel(m)
        # @macros = YAML::load_file($root_path + '/locales/macros.yml')
        @macros = load_locale 'macros'
        m.user.notice "Macros have been reloaded."
        m.user.notice "Reloading macros has failed: #{$!}"

    match /m (\w+)(?: (.+))?/, method: :execute_macro, group: :macro
    def execute_macro m, macro, arguments
      return unless @macros.has_key?(macro)
      parse(arguments.to_s.rstrip, @macros[macro], m.channel, m.user)

      # Guide to writing macros:
      # - A macro can be a string, hash, or array
      # - They can be embedded within each other (as lines, etc.)
      # To have options for a macro (either globally or within embedded macros:)
      # => macroname:
      # =>   type: (string) ['random'] (optional)
      # =>   sent_as: (string) ['reply','action'] (optional)
      # =>   sleep: (numeric) a number that represents how many seconds the bot will wait for each line
      # =>   lines: (array, string, hash) an object that represents the individual lines.

      # Guide to writing macros v3 templates:
      # transform/(default text)[template]
      # transform/ (optional):
      #   cap (all uppercase)
      #   lc (all lowercase)
      # (default text) (optional):
      #   Can be anything that you want. May want to watch usage of brackets &c.
      # [template] (required):
      #   Can be one of these tags:
      #   * in (input/argument, will default to the default text if available, otherwise it will choose a random nick.)
      #   * channel (the current channel that the command is run in.)
      #   * bot (The bot's nick)
      #   * self (the originating user's nick)


    # @param [String,NilClass] input The arguments for the command.
    # @param [String,Hash,Array] macro The macro object.
    # @param [Channel] channel The target channel.
    # @param [Users] user The user that activated the macro.
    # @param [Hash] params The (optional) parameters for controlling the macro as set in the external resource.
    # @option params [String,NilClass] 'type' The type of output. Can be either nil, or "random"
    # @option params [String] 'sent_as' The method of sending the line. Can be either 'reply' or 'action'
    # @option params [Numeric,NilClass] 'sleep' How long does the bot wait to send the line?
    def parse(input, macro, channel, user, params={})
      params = { 'type' => nil, 'sent_as' => 'reply', 'sleep' => nil }.merge params

      if macro.respond_to? :has_key?
        lines = macro['lines']
        params = params.merge macro.reject {|k,_| k.eql? 'lines' }
        lines = lines.sample if params['type'].eql?('random') && lines.respond_to?(:each)
        parse(input, lines, channel, user, params)
      elsif macro.respond_to? :each
        macro.each {|line| parse(input, line, channel, user, params) }
        sleep params['sleep'] if params['sleep']
        case params['sent_as']
        when 'action' then channel.action replace_tokens(input, macro.to_s, channel, user)
          channel.send replace_tokens(input, macro.to_s, channel, user)

    # @see #parse (sans params)
    def replace_tokens(input, macro, channel, user)
      tokens = macro.scan(/((?:(\w+)\/)?(?:\((.+?)\))?(?:\[(\w+)\]))/)
      tokens.each_with_object(macro.dup) {|(token,transform,default,template), memo|
        result = case template
        when 'in' then input || default || channel.users.keys.sample.nick
        when 'bot' then @bot.nick
        when 'channel' then channel.name
        when 'self' then user.nick
        else token

        result = case transform
        when 'cap' then result.upcase
        when 'lc' then result.downcase
        else result

        memo.sub!(token, result)


# AutoLoad
Bot.config.plugins.plugins.push Plugins::Macros