module Veewee module Provider module Vmfusion module BoxCommand def build_info info=super output=IO.popen("#{vmrun_cmd.shellescape}").readlines info << {:filename => ".vmfusion_version",:content => @provider.fusion_version } end def guest_iso_directory # use vmware fusion 3.x as default path iso_images_dir="/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/isoimages" # if path doesn't exist check for vmware fusion >= 4.x path if( ! File.exists?(iso_images_dir) ) iso_images_dir="/Applications/VMware" end return iso_images_dir end # Determine the iso of the guest additions def guest_iso_path # So we begin by transferring the ISO file of the vmware tools iso_image=File.join(guest_iso_directory, "linux.iso") iso_image=File.join(guest_iso_directory, "darwin.iso") if definition.os_type_id=~/^Darwin/ iso_image=File.join(guest_iso_directory, "freebsd.iso") if definition.os_type_id=~/^Free/ iso_image=File.join(guest_iso_directory, "windows.iso") if definition.os_type_id=~/^Win/ return iso_image end # Transfer information provide by the provider to the box # # def transfer_buildinfo(options) super(options) # When we get here, ssh is available and no postinstall scripts have been executed yet # So we begin by transferring the ISO file of the vmware tools "About to transfer vmware tools iso buildinfo to the box #{name} - #{ip_address} - #{ssh_options}" iso_image=guest_iso_path if File.exists?(iso_image) self.scp(iso_image,File.basename(iso_image)) else raise Veewee::Error, "We could not find the file #{iso_image}. In newer versions of Fusion, you might have to download the Guest Additions yourself. You can do this by first manually creating a vm and than 'installing the guest additions'" end end end end end end