module SchemaPlusPgIndexes module Middleware module Postgresql module Schema module Indexes def get_opclass_names(env, opclasses) @opclass_names ||= {} if (missing = opclasses - @opclass_names.keys).any? result = env.connection.query(<<-SQL, 'SCHEMA') SELECT oid, opcname FROM pg_opclass WHERE (NOT opcdefault) AND oid IN (#{opclasses.join(',')}) SQL result.each do |oid, opcname| @opclass_names[oid] = opcname end end end def implement(env) # Ideally we'd let AR do its stuff and then add the extras. # # But one of the extras is expressions. AR completely strips out # indexes with expressions, so to handle them we need to # essentially reissue the original query and then duplicate what # AR does to process them. That being the case we may as well # just skip AR's implementation and use ours. # # We could limit that query to just those indexes that have # expressions, but we'd still have our code duplicating the AR # code. Plus, our own query can handle operator classess at the # same time, but to add operator_classes to AR's definitions we'd # still have to issue additional queries. Plus, using our own # query we have the opportunity to handle tables of the form # 'namespace.tablename' # # So, this replacs the AR implementation result = env.connection.query(<<-SQL, 'SCHEMA') SELECT distinct i.relname, d.indisunique, d.indkey, pg_get_indexdef(d.indexrelid), t.oid, m.amname, pg_get_expr(d.indpred, t.oid) as conditions, pg_get_expr(d.indexprs, t.oid) as expression, d.indclass FROM pg_class t INNER JOIN pg_index d ON t.oid = d.indrelid INNER JOIN pg_class i ON d.indexrelid = i.oid INNER JOIN pg_am m ON i.relam = m.oid WHERE i.relkind = 'i' AND d.indisprimary = 'f' AND t.relname = '#{table_name_without_namespace(env.table_name)}' AND i.relnamespace IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = #{namespace_sql(env.table_name)} ) ORDER BY i.relname SQL env.index_definitions += do |(index_name, unique, indkey, inddef, oid, using, conditions, expression, indclass)| index_keys = indkey.split(" ") opclasses = indclass.split(" ") rows = env.connection.query(<<-SQL, 'SCHEMA') SELECT CAST(a.attnum as VARCHAR), a.attname, t.typname FROM pg_attribute a INNER JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid WHERE a.attrelid = #{oid} SQL columns = {} types = {} rows.each do |num, name, type| columns[num] = name types[name] = type end column_names = columns.values_at(*index_keys).compact case_sensitive = true # extract column names from the expression, for a # case-insensitive index. # only applies to character, character varying, and text if expression rexp_lower = %r{\blower\(\(?([^)]+)(\)::text)?\)} if expression.match /\A#{rexp_lower}(?:, #{rexp_lower})*\z/i case_insensitive_columns = expression.scan(rexp_lower).map(&:first).select{|column| %W[char varchar text].include? types[column]} if case_insensitive_columns.any? case_sensitive = false column_names = { |index_key| index_key == '0' ? case_insensitive_columns.shift : columns[index_key] }.compact | column_names end end end get_opclass_names(env, opclasses) operator_classes = Hash[ { |index_key, opclass| [columns[index_key], @opclass_names[opclass]] } ] operator_classes.delete_if{|k,v| v.nil?} # add info on sort order for columns (only desc order is explicitly specified, asc is the default) desc_order_columns = inddef.scan(/(\w+) DESC/).flatten orders = desc_order_columns.any? ? Hash[ {|column| [column, desc_order_columns.include?(column) ? :desc : :asc]}] : {}, column_names, :name => index_name, :unique => (unique == 't'), :orders => orders, :where => conditions, :case_sensitive => case_sensitive, :using => using.downcase == "btree" ? nil : using.to_sym, :operator_classes => operator_classes, :expression => expression) end end def namespace_sql(table_name) (table_name.to_s =~ /(.*)[.]/) ? "'#{$1}'" : "ANY (current_schemas(false))" end def table_name_without_namespace(table_name) table_name.to_s.sub /.*[.]/, '' end end end end end end