{:uriI"file:///Users/jacob/Rails/dfm_web/app/assets/stylesheets/dfm_web/layout.css?type=text/css&pipeline=self&id=a42cbc1fd855f9ca8f2c443b6031cc42b50ce5319df902b20d67b55388119929:ET:load_pathI"6/Users/jacob/Rails/dfm_web/app/assets/stylesheets;T: filenameI"I/Users/jacob/Rails/dfm_web/app/assets/stylesheets/dfm_web/layout.css;T: nameI"dfm_web/layout;T:logical_pathI"dfm_web/layout.self.css;T:content_typeI" text/css;T: sourceI"/* Layout * Nav ( now in it's own file ) * Flash * Main * Footer */ /* Default to the same box sizing model for all tags */ * { box-sizing: border-box; } html { position: relative; min-height: 100%; /* Needed for the footer to be placed correctly */ } body { margin: 0 0 100px 0; /* space for footer & some slack */ background-color: transparent; } main { margin: 70px 25px; /* Space for the NAV, and min side margin */ display: block; } #main { margin: 0 auto; /* Centered with max width */ max-width: 1800px; padding: 20px; overflow: hidden; } /* By default, the footer will be at the bottom of the window, following content. */ footer { position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; line-height: 1.8em; } /* To make the entire footer fixed (always visible), give it the 'fixed' class. */ footer.fixed { position: fixed; } /* Footer elements you want to float in position instead of being only at the bottom */ footer .fixed { position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgb(0, 82, 136); } /* Space out the floating elements */ footer .fixed > div { padding-right: 1em; } #footer > div { padding: 0 10px; /* Space out any child divs within the footer */ } /* Prevent unbreakable elements from expanding outside their pure column (tables etc) */ .pure-u-1 { overflow: hidden; } ;T: metadata{:dependencieso:Set: @hash} I"environment-version;TTI"environment-paths;TTI"rails-env;TTI">processors:type=text/css&file_type=text/css&pipeline=self;TTI"Wfile-digest:///Users/jacob/Rails/dfm_web/app/assets/stylesheets/dfm_web/layout.css;TTF: requiredo;;}F: stubbedo;;}F: linkso;;}F: to_loado;;}F: to_linko;;}F:map{ I" version;TiI" file;TI"dfm_web/layout.css;TI" mappings;TI"XAAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;TI" sources;T[I"layout.source.css;TI" names;T[I"x_sprockets_linecount;TiJ: charsetI" utf-8;F: digest"%Ǿ+-s1./ K3VdfqrU: lengthi:environment_versionI"1.0;T:dependencies_digest"%%)ek^izH/oo] :idI"Ea42cbc1fd855f9ca8f2c443b6031cc42b50ce5319df902b20d67b55388119929;F