dojo.provide("dojox.av.FLVideo"); dojo.experimental("dojox.av.FLVideo"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dojox.embed.Flash"); dojo.require("dojox.av._Media"); dojo.declare("dojox.av.FLVideo", [dijit._Widget, dojox.av._Media], { // summary: // Inserts a Flash FLV video into the HTML page and provides methods // and events for controlling the video. Also plays the H264/M4V codec // with a little trickery: change the '.M4V' extension to '.flv'. // // example: // // markup: // |
// programmatic: // | new dojox.av.FLVideo({ // | initialVolume:.7, // | mediaUrl:"../resources/Grog.flv" // | }, "vid"); // // mediaUrl: String // REQUIRED: The Url of the video file that will be played. // NOTE: Must be either an absolute URL or relative to the HTML file. // Relative paths will be converted to abslute paths // // _swfPath: Uri // The path to the video player SWF resource _swfPath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.av", "resources/video.swf"), // // postCreate: function(){ // summary: // Initialize the media. // this._subs = []; this._cons = []; this.mediaUrl = this._normalizeUrl(this.mediaUrl); this.initialVolume = this._normalizeVolume(this.initialVolume); var args = { path:this._swfPath.uri, width:"100%", height:"100%", params:{ allowFullScreen:true, wmode:"transparent" }, // only pass in simple variables - no deep objects vars:{ videoUrl:this.mediaUrl,, autoPlay:this.autoPlay, volume:this.initialVolume, isDebug:this.isDebug } }; // Setting up dojo.subscribes that listens to events // from the player this._sub("stageClick", "onClick"); this._sub("stageSized", "onSwfSized"); this._sub("mediaStatus", "onPlayerStatus"); this._sub("mediaMeta", "onMetaData"); this._sub("mediaError", "onError"); this._sub("mediaStart", "onStart"); this._sub("mediaEnd", "onEnd"); this._flashObject = new dojox.embed.Flash(args, this.domNode); this._flashObject.onLoad = dojo.hitch(this, function(mov){ this.flashMedia = mov; this.isPlaying = this.autoPlay; this.isStopped = !this.autoPlay; this.onLoad(this.flashMedia); this._initStatus(); this._update(); }); }, // ============================= // // Methods to control the player // // ============================= // play: function(/* String? */newUrl){ // summary: // Plays the video. If an url is passed in, plays the new link. this.isPlaying = true; this.isStopped = false; this.flashMedia.doPlay(this._normalizeUrl(newUrl)); }, pause: function(){ // summary: // Pauses the video this.isPlaying = false; this.isStopped = false; //this.onPause(); this.flashMedia.pause(); }, seek: function(/* Float */ time ){ // summary: // Goes to the time passed in the argument; }, // ===================== // // Player Getter/Setters // // ===================== // volume: function(/* Float */ vol){ // summary: // Sets the volume of the video to the time in the // argument - between 0 - 1. // if(vol){ if(!this.flashMedia) { this.initialVolume = vol; } this.flashMedia.setVolume(this._normalizeVolume(vol)); } if(!this.flashMedia) { return this.initialVolume; } return this.flashMedia.getVolume(); // Float }, // =============== // // Private Methods // // =============== // _checkBuffer: function(/* Float */time, /* Float */bufferLength){ // summary: // Checks that there is a proper buffer time between // current playhead time and the amount of data loaded. // Works only on FLVs with a duration (not older). Pauses // the video while continuing download. // if(this.percentDownloaded == 100){ if(this.isBuffering){ this.onBuffer(false); this.flashMedia.doPlay(); } return; } if(!this.isBuffering && bufferLength<.1){ this.onBuffer(true); this.flashMedia.pause(); return; } var timePercentLoad = this.percentDownloaded*.01*this.duration; // check if start buffer needed if(!this.isBuffering && time+this.minBufferTime*.001>timePercentLoad){ this.onBuffer(true); this.flashMedia.pause(); // check if end buffer needed }else if(this.isBuffering && time+this.bufferTime*.001<=timePercentLoad){ this.onBuffer(false); this.flashMedia.doPlay(); } }, _update: function(){ // summary: // Helper function to fire onPosition, check download progress, // and check buffer. var time = Math.min(this.getTime() || 0, this.duration); var dObj = this.flashMedia.getLoaded(); this.percentDownloaded = Math.ceil(dObj.bytesLoaded/dObj.bytesTotal*100); this.onDownloaded(this.percentDownloaded); this.onPosition(time); if(this.duration){ this._checkBuffer(time, dObj.buffer); } setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_update"), this.updateTime); }, _normalizeUrl: function(_url){ // summary: // Checks that path is relative to HTML file or // convertes it to an absolute path. // if(_url && _url.toLowerCase().indexOf("http")<0){ // // Appears to be a relative path. Attempt to convert it to absolute, // so it will better target the SWF. var loc = window.location.href.split("/"); loc.pop(); loc = loc.join("/")+"/"; _url = loc+_url; } return _url; }, _normalizeVolume: function(vol){ // summary: // Ensures volume is less than one // if(vol>1){ while(vol>1){ vol*=.1 } } return vol; }, _sub: function(topic, method){ // summary: // helper for subscribing to topics dojo.subscribe("/"+topic, this, method); }, destroy: function(){ // summary: // destroys flash if(!this.flashMedia){ this._cons.push(dojo.connect(this, "onLoad", this, "destroy")); return; } dojo.forEach(this._subs, function(s){ dojo.unsubscribe(s); }); dojo.forEach(this._cons, function(c){ dojo.disconnect(c); }); this._flashObject.destroy(); //dojo._destroyElement(this.flashDiv); } });