module Neo4j module ActiveNode module Query class QueryProxy include Enumerable include Neo4j::ActiveNode::Query::QueryProxyMethods include Neo4j::ActiveNode::Query::QueryProxyFindInBatches # The most recent node to start a QueryProxy chain. # Will be nil when using QueryProxy chains on class methods. attr_reader :caller def initialize(model, association = nil, options = {}) @model = model @association = association @context = options.delete(:context) @options = options @node_var = options[:node] @rel_var = options[:rel] || _rel_chain_var @session = options[:session] @caller = options[:caller] @chain = [] @params = options[:query_proxy] ? options[:query_proxy].instance_variable_get('@params') : {} end def identity @node_var || :result end def enumerable_query(node, rel = nil) pluck_this = rel.nil? ? [node] : [node, rel] return self.pluck(*pluck_this) if @association.nil? || caller.nil? cypher_string = self.to_cypher_with_params(pluck_this) association_collection = caller.association_instance_get(cypher_string, @association) if association_collection.nil? association_collection = self.pluck(*pluck_this) caller.association_instance_set(cypher_string, association_collection, @association) unless association_collection.empty? end association_collection end def each(node = true, rel = nil, &block) if node && rel enumerable_query(identity, @rel_var).each { |obj, rel| yield obj, rel } else pluck_this = !rel ? identity : @rel_var enumerable_query(pluck_this).each { |obj| yield obj } end end def each_rel(&block) block_given? ? each(false, true, &block) : to_enum(:each, false, true) end def each_with_rel(&block) block_given? ? each(true, true, &block) : to_enum(:each, true, true) end def ==(value) self.to_a == value end METHODS = %w[where order skip limit] METHODS.each do |method| module_eval(%Q{ def #{method}(*args) build_deeper_query_proxy(:#{method}, args) end}, __FILE__, __LINE__) end alias_method :offset, :skip alias_method :order_by, :order # For getting variables which have been defined as part of the association chain def pluck(*args) self.query.pluck(*args) end def params(params) self.dup.tap do |new_query| new_query._add_params(params) end end # Like calling #query_as, but for when you don't care about the variable name def query query_as(identity) end # Build a Neo4j::Core::Query object for the QueryProxy def query_as(var) var = @node_var if @node_var query = if @association chain_var = _association_chain_var label_string = @model && ":`#{@model.mapped_label_name}`" (_association_query_start(chain_var) & _query_model_as(var)).match("#{chain_var}#{_association_arrow}(#{var}#{label_string})") else _query_model_as(var) end # Build a query chain via the chain, return the result @chain.inject(query.params(@params)) do |query, (method, arg)| query.send(method, arg.respond_to?(:call) ? : arg) end end # Cypher string for the QueryProxy's query def to_cypher query.to_cypher end # Returns a string of the cypher query with return objects and params # @param [Array] columns array containing symbols of identifiers used in the query # @return [String] def to_cypher_with_params(columns = [:result]) final_query = query.return_query(columns) "#{final_query.to_cypher} | params: #{final_query.send(:merge_params)}" end # To add a relationship for the node for the association on this QueryProxy def <<(other_node) create(other_node, {}) self end def [](index) # TODO: Maybe for this and other methods, use array if already loaded, otherwise # use OFFSET and LIMIT 1? self.to_a[index] end def create(other_nodes, properties) raise "Can only create associations on associations" unless @association other_nodes = [other_nodes].flatten properties = @association.inject_classname(properties) other_nodes = do |other_node| case other_node when Integer, String @model.find(other_node) else other_node end end.compact raise ArgumentError, "Node must be of the association's class when model is specified" if @model && other_nodes.any? {|other_node| !other_node.is_a?(@model) } other_nodes.each do |other_node| do if not other_node.persisted? return false if @association.perform_callback(@options[:start_object], other_node, :before) == false start_object = @options[:start_object] start_object.clear_association_cache _session.query(context: @options[:context]) .start(start: "node(#{start_object.neo_id})", end: "node(#{other_node.neo_id})") .create("start#{_association_arrow(properties, true)}end").exec @association.perform_callback(@options[:start_object], other_node, :after) #end end end # QueryProxy objects act as a representation of a model at the class level so we pass through calls # This allows us to define class functions for reusable query chaining or for end-of-query aggregation/summarizing def method_missing(method_name, *args) if @model && @model.respond_to?(method_name) call_class_method(method_name, *args) else super end end attr_reader :context attr_reader :node_var protected # Methods are underscored to prevent conflict with user class methods def _add_params(params) @params = @params.merge(params) end def _add_links(links) @chain += links end def _query_model_as(var) match_arg = if @model label = @model.respond_to?(:mapped_label_name) ? @model.mapped_label_name : @model {var => label} else var end _session.query(context: @context).match(match_arg) end def _session @session || (@model && @model.neo4j_session) end def _association_arrow(properties = {}, create = false) @association && @association.arrow_cypher(@rel_var, properties, create) end def _chain_level if @options[:start_object] 1 elsif query_proxy = @options[:query_proxy] query_proxy._chain_level + 1 else 1 end end def _association_chain_var if start_object = @options[:start_object] :"#{'::', '_').downcase}#{start_object.neo_id}" elsif query_proxy = @options[:query_proxy] query_proxy.node_var || :"node#{_chain_level}" else raise "Crazy error" # TODO: Better error end end def _association_query_start(var) if start_object = @options[:start_object] start_object.query_as(var) elsif query_proxy = @options[:query_proxy] query_proxy.query_as(var) else raise "Crazy error" # TODO: Better error end end def _rel_chain_var :"rel#{_chain_level - 1}" end attr_writer :context private def call_class_method(method_name, *args) args[2] = self result = @model.send(method_name, *args) result end def build_deeper_query_proxy(method, args) self.dup.tap do |new_query| args.each do |arg| new_query._add_links(links_for_arg(method, arg)) end end end def links_for_arg(method, arg) method_to_call = "links_for_#{method}_arg" default = [[method, arg]] self.send(method_to_call, arg) || default rescue NoMethodError default end def links_for_where_arg(arg) node_num = 1 result = [] if arg.is_a?(Hash) do |key, value| if @model && @model.has_association?(key) neo_id = value.try(:neo_id) || value raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value for '#{key}' condition" if not neo_id.is_a?(Integer) n_string = "n#{node_num}" dir = @model.associations[key].direction arrow = dir == :out ? '-->' : '<--' result << [:match, ->(v) { "#{v}#{arrow}(#{n_string})" }] result << [:where, ->(v) { {"ID(#{n_string})" => neo_id.to_i} }] node_num += 1 else result << [:where, ->(v) { {v => {key => value}}}] end end elsif arg.is_a?(String) result << [:where, arg] end result end def links_for_order_arg(arg) [[:order, ->(v) { arg.is_a?(String) ? arg : {v => arg} }]] end end end end end