## 5.0.0 - Update the plugin to the version 2.0 of the plugin api, this change is required for Logstash 5.0 compatibility. See https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/5141 # 4.0.1 - Depend on logstash-core-plugin-api instead of logstash-core, removing the need to mass update plugins on major releases of logstash ## 4.0.0 - Ensure the consumer is done processing messages before closing channel. Fixes shutdown errors. - Use an internal queue + separate thread to accelerate processing - Disable metadata insertion by default, this slows things down majorly - Make exchange_type an optional config option with using 'exchange'. When used the exchange will always be declared ## 3.3.1 - New dependency requirements for logstash-core for the 5.0 release ## 3.3.0 - Fix a regression in 3.2.0 that reinstated behavior that duplicated consumers - Always declare exchanges used, the exchange now need not exist before LS starts - Allow a precise specification of the exchange type ## 3.2.0 - The properties and headers of the messages are now saved in the [@metadata][rabbitmq_headers] and [@metadata][rabbitmq_properties] fields. - Logstash now shuts down if the server sends a basic.cancel method. - Reinstating the overview documentation that was lost in 3.0.0 and updating it to be clearer. - Internal: Various spec improvements that decrease flakiness and eliminate the queue littering of the integration test RabbitMQ instance. ## 3.1.5 - Fix a bug where when reconnecting a duplicate consumer would be created ## 3.1.4 - Fix a bug where this plugin would not properly reconnect if it lost its connection to the server while the connection would re-establish itself, the queue subscription would not ## 3.1.3 - Fix a spec that shouldn't have broken with LS2.2 ## 3.1.2 - Upgrade march hare version to fix file perms issue ## 3.1.1 - Default codec setting should have been JSON ## 3.1.0 - Fix broken prefetch count parameter ## 3.0.2 - Bump dependency on logstash-mixin-rabbitmq_connection ## 3.0.0 - Plugins were updated to follow the new shutdown semantic, this mainly allows Logstash to instruct input plugins to terminate gracefully, instead of using Thread.raise on the plugins' threads. Ref: https://github.com/elastic/logstash/pull/3895 - Dependency on logstash-core update to 2.0 * 2.0.0 - Massive refactor - Implement Logstash 2.x stop behavior - Fix reconnect issues - Depend on rabbitmq_connection mixin for most connection functionality * 1.1.1 - Bump march hare to 2.12.0 which fixes jar perms on unices * 1.1.0 - Bump march hare version to 2.11.0