When you need a web file manager simply create a controller and set path to managed folder via `fm_root`: ```ruby class FileManager < E include Rear fm_root 'path/to/files/' end ``` That's all. Now you have a *FileManager* menu entry. Click on it to manage your files. ## Text Editor When you are dealing with files containing source code you need a specialized editor. For now, Rear is offering support for [CKEditor](http://ckeditor.com) and [Ace](http://ace.ajax.org) editors. Before using editors you'll have to install and load corresponding gems. See [`rear-ckeditor`](https://github.com/espresso/rear-ckeditor) and [`rear-ace`](https://github.com/espresso/rear-ace) for instructions. After installed and loaded, simply use `fm_editor` to set desired editor: ```ruby class FileManager < E include Rear fm_root 'path/to/files/' fm_editor :ace # or fm_editor :ckeditor end ``` ## Menu Label If *FileManager* label is not suitable, use `label` to set custom menu label: ```ruby class FileManager < E include Rear fm_root '../public/images' label :Images end ``` now it will display *Images* in menu. ## Multiple If you have multiple folders to manage, create a controller for each one. Optionally you can put all file managers under same menu entry by using menu grouping: ```ruby class Templates < E include Rear fm_root '../views/' menu_group :FileManager end class Images < E include Rear fm_root '../public/images' menu_group :FileManager end ``` now you have *FileManager* menu entry that will reveal *Templates* and *Images* links on hover.