.\" Generated by kramdown-man 0.1.8 .\" https://github.com/postmodern/kramdown-man#readme .TH ronin-extract 1 "May 2022" Ronin "User Manuals" .LP .SH SYNOPSIS .LP .HP \fBronin extract\fR \[lB]\fIoptions\fP\[rB] \[lB]\fIFILE\fP \.\.\.\[rB] .LP .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .PP Extract common patterns in the given file(s) or input stream\. .LP .SH ARGUMENTS .LP .TP \fIFILE\fP The optional file to extract\. If no \fIFILE\fP arguments are given, then \fBronin extract\fR will read from standard input\. .LP .SH OPTIONS .LP .TP \fB-N\fR, \fB--number\fR Searches for all numbers\. .LP .TP \fB-X\fR, \fB--hex-number\fR Searches for all hexadecimal numbers\. .LP .TP \fB-V\fR, \fB--version-number\fR Searches for all version numbers\. .LP .TP \fB-w\fR, \fB--word\fR Searches for all words\. .LP .TP \fB--mac-addr\fR Searches for all MAC addresses\. .LP .TP \fB-4\fR, \fB--ipv4-addr\fR Searches for all IPv4 addresses\. .LP .TP \fB-6\fR, \fB--ipv6-addr\fR Searches for all IPv6 addresses\. .LP .TP \fB-I\fR, \fB--ip\fR Searches for all IP addresses\. .LP .TP \fB-H\fR, \fB--host\fR Searches for all host names\. .LP .TP \fB-D\fR, \fB--domain\fR Searches for all domain names\. .LP .TP \fB--uri\fR Searches for all URIs\. .LP .TP \fB-U\fR, \fB--url\fR Searches for all URLs\. .LP .TP \fB--user-name\fR Searches for all user names\. .LP .TP \fB-E\fR, \fB--email-addr\fR Searches for all email addresses\. .LP .TP \fB--obfuscated-email-addr\fR Searches for all obfuscated email addresses\. .LP .TP \fB--phone-number\fR Searches for all phone numbers\. .LP .TP \fB--ssn\fR Searches for all Social Security Numbers (SSNs)\. .LP .TP \fB--amex-cc\fR Searches for all AMEX Credit Card numbers\. .LP .TP \fB--discover-cc\fR Searches for all Discord Card numbers\. .LP .TP \fB--mastercard-cc\fR Searches for all MasterCard numbers\. .LP .TP \fB--visa-cc\fR Searches for all VISA Credit Card numbers\. .LP .TP \fB--visa-mastercard-cc\fR Searches for all VISA MasterCard numbers\. .LP .TP \fB--cc\fR Searches for all Credit Card numbers\. .LP .TP \fB--file-name\fR Searches for all file names\. .LP .TP \fB--dir-name\fR Searches for all directory names\. .LP .TP \fB--relative-unix-path\fR Searches for all relative UNIX paths\. .LP .TP \fB--absolute-unix-path\fR Searches for all absolute UNIX paths\. .LP .TP \fB--unix-path\fR Searches for all UNIX paths\. .LP .TP \fB--relative-windows-path\fR Searches for all relative Windows paths\. .LP .TP \fB--absolute-windows-path\fR Searches for all absolute Windows paths\. .LP .TP \fB--windows-path\fR Searches for all Windows paths\. .LP .TP \fB--relative-path\fR Searches for all relative paths\. .LP .TP \fB--absolute-path\fR Searches for all absolute paths\. .LP .TP \fB-P\fR, \fB--path\fR Searches for all paths\. .LP .TP \fB--variable-name\fR Searches for all variable names\. .LP .TP \fB--function-name\fR Searches for all function names\. .LP .TP \fB--md5\fR Searches for all MD5 hashes\. .LP .TP \fB--sha1\fR Searches for all SHA1 hashes\. .LP .TP \fB--sha256\fR Searches for all SHA256 hashes\. .LP .TP \fB--sha512\fR Searches for all SHA512 hashes\. .LP .TP \fB--hash\fR Searches for all hashes\. .LP .TP \fB--ssh-private-key\fR Searches for all SSH private key data\. .LP .TP \fB--ssh-public-key\fR Searches for all SSH public key data\. .LP .TP \fB-K\fR, \fB--private-key\fR Searches for all private key data\. .LP .TP \fB--rsa-public-key\fR Searches for all RSA public key data\. .LP .TP \fB--dsa-public-key\fR Searches for all DSA public key data\. .LP .TP \fB--ec-public-key\fR Searches for all EC public key data\. .LP .TP \fB--public-key\fR Searches for all public key data\. .LP .TP \fB--aws-access-key-id\fR Searches for all AWS access key IDs\. .LP .TP \fB--aws-secret-access-key\fR Searches for all AWS secret access key\. .LP .TP \fB-A\fR, \fB--api-key\fR Searches for all API keys (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, AWS access key ID, or AWS secret access key)\. .LP .TP \fB--single-quoted-string\fR Searches for all single\-quoted strings\. .LP .TP \fB--double-quoted-string\fR Searches for all double\-quoted strings\. .LP .TP \fB-S\fR, \fB--string\fR Searches for all quoted strings\. .LP .TP \fB-B\fR, \fB--base64\fR Searches for all Base64 strings\. .LP .HP \fB-e\fR, \fB--regexp\fR \[sl]\fIREGEXP\fP\[sl] Custom regular expression to search for\. .LP .TP \fB-h\fR, \fB--help\fR Print help information\. .LP .SH AUTHOR .LP .PP Postmodern .MT postmodern\.mod3\[at]gmail\.com .ME .LP .SH SEE ALSO .LP .PP ronin\-grep(1)