require 'thor' require 'guard/jasmine/version' require 'guard/jasmine/runner' require 'guard/jasmine/formatter' require 'guard/jasmine/server' require 'guard/jasmine/util' require 'guard/jasmine/server' module Guard class Jasmine < Plugin # Small helper class to run the Jasmine runner_options once from the # command line. This can be useful to integrate guard-jasmine # into a continuous integration server. # # This outputs the specdoc and disables any notifications. # class CLI < Thor extend Util default_task :spec desc 'spec', 'Run the Jasmine spec runner_options' method_option :server, type: :string, aliases: '-s', default: 'auto', desc: 'Server to start, either `auto`, `webrick`, `mongrel`, `thin`, `unicorn`, `jasmine_gem` or `none`' method_option :port, type: :numeric, aliases: '-p', desc: 'Server port to use' method_option :server_env, type: :string, aliases: '-e', default: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'test', desc: 'The server environment to use, for example `development`, `test` etc.' method_option :server_timeout, type: :numeric, default: 60, desc: 'The number of seconds to wait for the Jasmine spec server' method_option :verbose, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Show the server output in the console' method_option :rackup_config, type: :string, aliases: '-c', desc: 'The rackup config to use (jasminerice only)' method_option :bin, type: :string, aliases: '-b', desc: 'The location of the PhantomJS binary' method_option :spec_dir, type: :string, aliases: '-d', desc: 'The directory with the Jasmine specs' method_option :line_number, type: :numeric, aliases: '-l', desc: 'The line which identifies the spec to be run' method_option :url, type: :string, aliases: '-u', desc: 'The url of the Jasmine test runner' method_option :mount, type: :string, aliases: '-m', desc: 'The mount point of the Jasmine test runner' method_option :timeout, type: :numeric, aliases: '-t', default: 60, desc: 'The maximum time in seconds to wait for the spec runner to finish' method_option :console, type: :string, default: 'failure', desc: 'Whether to show console.log statements in the spec runner, either `always`, `never` or `failure`' method_option :errors, type: :string, default: 'failure', desc: 'Whether to show errors in the spec runner, either `always`, `never` or `failure`' method_option :focus, type: :boolean, aliases: '-f', default: true, desc: 'Specdoc focus to hide successful tests when at least one test fails' method_option :specdoc, type: :string, default: :always, desc: 'Whether to show successes in the spec runner, either `always`, `never` or `failure`' method_option :coverage, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Whether to enable the coverage support or not' method_option :coverage_html, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Whether to generate html coverage report. Implies --coverage' method_option :coverage_html_dir, type: :string, default: './coverage', desc: 'Where to save html coverage reports. Defaults to ./coverage. Implies --coverage-html' method_option :coverage_summary, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Whether to generate html coverage summary. Implies --coverage' method_option :ignore_instrumentation, type: :string, default: '', desc: 'Files matching this regex will not be instrumented (e.g. vendor)' method_option :statements_threshold, type: :numeric, default: 0, desc: 'Statements coverage threshold' method_option :functions_threshold, type: :numeric, default: 0, desc: 'Functions coverage threshold' method_option :branches_threshold, type: :numeric, default: 0, desc: 'Branches coverage threshold' method_option :lines_threshold, type: :numeric, default: 0, desc: 'Lines coverage threshold' method_option :junit, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Whether to save jasmine test results in JUnit-compatible xml files' method_option :junit_consolidate, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Whether to save nested describes within the same xml file as their parent' method_option :junit_save_path, type: :string, default: '', desc: 'The directory to save junit xml files into' # Run the Guard::Jasmine::Runner with options from # the command line. # # @param [Array] paths the name of the specs to run # def spec(*paths) runner_options = {} runner_options[:port] = options.port || CLI.find_free_server_port runner_options[:spec_dir] = options.spec_dir || (File.exist?(File.join('spec', 'javascripts')) ? File.join('spec', 'javascripts') : 'spec') runner_options[:line_number] = options.line_number runner_options[:server] = options.server.to_sym == :auto ? ::Guard::Jasmine::Server.detect_server(runner_options[:spec_dir]) : options.server.to_sym runner_options[:server_mount] = options.mount || (defined?(JasmineRails) ? '/specs' : '/jasmine') runner_options[:jasmine_url] = options.url || "http://localhost:#{ runner_options[:port] }#{ options.server.to_sym == :jasmine_gem ? '/' : runner_options[:server_mount] }" runner_options[:phantomjs_bin] = options.bin || CLI.which('phantomjs') runner_options[:timeout] = options.timeout runner_options[:verbose] = options.verbose runner_options[:server_env] = options.server_env runner_options[:server_timeout] = options.server_timeout runner_options[:rackup_config] = options.rackup_config runner_options[:console] = [:always, :never, :failure].include?(options.console.to_sym) ? options.console.to_sym : :failure runner_options[:errors] = [:always, :never, :failure].include?(options.errors.to_sym) ? options.errors.to_sym : :failure runner_options[:specdoc] = [:always, :never, :failure].include?(options.specdoc.to_sym) ? options.specdoc.to_sym : :always runner_options[:focus] = options.focus runner_options[:coverage] = options.coverage || options.coverage_html || options.coverage_summary || options.coverage_html_dir != './coverage' runner_options[:coverage_html] = options.coverage_html || options.coverage_html_dir != './coverage' runner_options[:coverage_html_dir] = options.coverage_html_dir runner_options[:coverage_summary] = options.coverage_summary runner_options[:ignore_instrumentation] = options.ignore_instrumentation runner_options[:statements_threshold] = options.statements_threshold runner_options[:functions_threshold] = options.functions_threshold runner_options[:branches_threshold] = options.branches_threshold runner_options[:lines_threshold] = options.lines_threshold runner_options[:notification] = false runner_options[:hide_success] = true runner_options[:max_error_notify] = 0 runner_options[:junit] = options.junit runner_options[:junit_consolidate] = options.junit_consolidate runner_options[:junit_save_path] = options.junit_save_path runner_options[:is_cli] = true paths = [runner_options[:spec_dir]] if paths.empty? if CLI.phantomjs_bin_valid?(runner_options[:phantomjs_bin]) catch(:task_has_failed) do ::Guard::Jasmine::Server.start(runner_options) unless runner_options[:server] == :none end if CLI.runner_available?(runner_options) result = ::Guard::Jasmine::Server.stop Process.exit result.empty? ? 0 : 1 else Process.exit 2 end else Process.exit 2 end rescue => e Compat::UI.error "Something went wrong: #{e.message}" Process.exit 2 ensure ::Guard::Jasmine::Server.stop end desc 'version', 'Show the Guard::Jasmine version' map %w(-v --version) => :version # Shows the current version of Guard::Jasmine. # # @see Guard::Jasmine::VERSION # def version "Guard::Jasmine version #{ ::Guard::JasmineVersion::VERSION }" end end end end