sv: activemodel: models: decidim/access_requests/access_request_confirmed_event: Access request confirmed decidim: access_requests: verification: admin: granted_authorizations: destroy: error: There was an error deleting the verification. success: Verification was deleted successfully. index: name: Name new: New nickname: Nickname pending_authorizations: Pending requests remove_access: Remove access title: Granted requests username: Username new: actions: Actions created_at: Created at grant_access: Grant access name: Name nickname: Nickname search: Search users: Users pending_authorizations: destroy: error: There was an error rejecting the access request. success: Access request was rejected successfully. index: approve_request: Grant access granted_authorizations: Granted requests name: Name nickname: Nickname reject_request: Reject access title: Pending requests update: error: There was an error verifying access for the user. success: Access successfully granted for the user. authorizations: create: error: There was an error creating the access request. success: Access request successfully created. edit: title: Your request is pending new: title: Request access send: Send request steps: step1: title: Step 1 description: Send access request. step2: title: Step 2 description: Wait for review of the request. step3: title: Step 3 description: > You will get notified once the request review has been completed. events: access_requests: confirmed: email_intro: Congratulations! You have been granted access to %{verification_name}. email_outro: You have received this notification because your access request has been approved. email_subject: You have been granted access to %{verification_name}! notification_title: You have been granted access to %{verification_name}.