# frozen_string_literal: true module Rimless # The top-level dependencies helpers. module Dependencies extend ActiveSupport::Concern class_methods do # (Re)configure our gem dependencies. We take care of setting up # +WaterDrop+, our Apache Kafka driver and +AvroTurf+, our Confluent # Schema Registry driver. def configure_dependencies configure_waterdrop configure_avro_turf end # Set sensible defaults for the +WaterDrop+ gem. def configure_waterdrop # Skip WaterDrop configuration when no brokers/client id is available, # because it will raise. Its fine to have none available for situations # like Rails asset precompilations, etc. - on runtime the settings # should be available, otherwise the message producing just # fails/raise. return if Rimless.configuration.kafka_brokers.empty? \ || !Rimless.configuration.client_id WaterDrop.setup do |config| # Activate message delivery and use the default logger config.deliver = true config.logger = Rimless.logger # An optional identifier of a Kafka consumer (in a consumer group) # that is passed to a Kafka broker with every request. A logical # application name to be included in Kafka logs and monitoring # aggregates. config.client_id = Rimless.configuration.client_id # All the known brokers, at least one. The ruby-kafka driver will # discover the whole cluster structure once and when issues occur to # dynamically adjust scaling operations. config.kafka.seed_brokers = Rimless.configuration.kafka_brokers # All brokers MUST acknowledge a new message config.kafka.required_acks = -1 end end # Set sensible defaults for the +AvroTurf+ gem and (re)compile the Apache # Avro schema templates (ERB), so the gem can handle them properly. def configure_avro_turf # Setup a global available Apache Avro decoder/encoder with support for # the Confluent Schema Registry, but first create a helper instance avro_utils = Rimless::AvroUtils.new # Compile our Avro schema templates to ready-to-consume Avro schemas avro_utils.recompile_schemas # Register a global Avro messaging instance Rimless.avro = AvroTurf::Messaging.new( logger: Rimless.logger, namespace: avro_utils.namespace, schemas_path: avro_utils.output_path, registry_url: Rimless.configuration.schema_registry_url ) end end end end