module MotherBrain class Plugin class << self # Create a new plugin instance from the given content # # @param [MB::CookbookMetadata] metadata # @param [Hash] cookbook_versions # The cookbook dependencies which this plugin depends on. Key is # the cookbook name and the value is the version of the cookbook. # # @raise [PluginLoadError] # # @yieldreturn [MotherBrain::Plugin] def load(metadata, cookbook_versions = {}, &block) new(metadata, cookbook_versions, &block).validate! rescue PluginSyntaxError => ex ErrorHandler.wrap(ex) end # Load the contents of a directory into an instance of MB::Plugin # # The cookbook dependencies of this plugin will be loaded from the # Berksfile.lock if it is found. # # @param [#to_s] path # a path to a directory containing a motherbrain plugin file and cookbook # metadata file # # @raise [PluginLoadError] # # @return [MotherBrain::Plugin] def from_path(path) unless Dir.has_mb_plugin?(path) raise PluginLoadError, "Expected a motherbrain and metadata file at: #{path}" end plugin_filename = File.join(path, PLUGIN_FILENAME) plugin_contents = metadata = CookbookMetadata.from_path(path) berksfile_lock = Berkshelf::Lockfile.from_path(path) load(metadata, berksfile_lock.locked_versions) { eval(plugin_contents, binding, plugin_filename, 1) } rescue PluginSyntaxError => ex raise PluginSyntaxError,, file_path: plugin_filename).message end def key_for(name, version) "#{name}-#{version}".to_sym end end NODE_GROUP_ID_REGX = /^(.+)::(.+)$/.freeze PLUGIN_FILENAME = 'motherbrain.rb'.freeze extend Forwardable include Comparable include VariaModel attribute :bootstrap_routine, type: MB::Bootstrap::Routine # @return [MB::CookbookMetadata] attr_reader :metadata # @return [Set] attr_reader :components # @return [Set] attr_reader :commands # @return [Hash] attr_reader :cookbook_versions def_delegator :metadata, :name def_delegator :metadata, :maintainer def_delegator :metadata, :maintainer_email def_delegator :metadata, :license def_delegator :metadata, :description def_delegator :metadata, :long_description def_delegator :metadata, :version # @param [MB::CookbookMetadata] metadata # @param [Hash] cookbook_versions # The cookbook dependencies which this plugin depends on. Key is # the cookbook name and the value is the version of the cookbook. def initialize(metadata, cookbook_versions = {}, &block) @metadata = metadata @cookbook_versions = cookbook_versions @components = @commands = if block_given? dsl_eval(&block) end end # @return [Symbol] def id self.class.key_for(, self.version) end # @param [#to_s] name # # @return [MB::Component, nil] def component(name) components.find { |component| == name.to_s } end # @param [#to_s] name # # @raise [ComponentNotFound] if a component of the given name is not a part of this plugin # # @return [MB::Component] def component!(name) component = component(name) if component.nil? raise, self) end component end # @param [#to_s] name # # @return [Boolean] def has_component?(name) component(name).present? end # Return a command from the plugins list of commands. # # @param [#to_s] name # name of the command to find and return # # @return [MB::Command, nil] def command(name) commands.find { |command| == name.to_s } end # Return a command from the plugin's list of commands. If a command is not found an exception will be rasied. # # @param [#to_s] name # name of the command to find and return # # @raise [CommandNotFound] if a command matching the given name is not found on this plugin # # @return [MB::Command] def command!(name) found = command(name) if found.nil? raise, self) end found end # Finds the nodes for the given environment for each {Component} of the plugin groups them # by Component#name and Group#name into a Hash where the keys are Component#name and # values are a hash where the keys are Group#name and the values are a Hash representing # a node from Chef. # # @param [#to_s] environment # # @raise [MB::EnvironmentNotFound] if the target environment does not exist # @raise [MB::ChefConnectionError] if there was an error communicating to the Chef Server # # @example # # { # "activemq" => { # database_masters" => [ # { # "name" => "db-master1", # ... # } # ], # "database_slaves" => [ # { # "name" => "db-slave1", # ... # }, # { # "name" => "db-slave2", # ... # } # ] # } # } # # @return [Hash] def nodes(environment) unless Application.ridley.environment.find(environment) raise end {}.tap do |nodes| self.components.each do |component| nodes[] = component.nodes(environment) end end end # @param [MB::Component] component def add_component(component) self.components.add(component) end # @param [MB::Command] command def add_command(command) self.commands.add(command) end # Completely validate a loaded plugin and raise an exception of errors # # @return [self] def validate! errors = validate if errors.any? ErrorHandler.wrap PluginSyntaxError, backtrace: [], plugin_name: try(:name), plugin_version: try(:version), text: messages_from_errors(errors) end self end # Creates an error message from an error hash, where the keys are attributes # and the values are an array of error messages. # # @param [Hash] errors # # @return [String] def messages_from_errors(errors) buffer = [] errors.each do |attribute, messages| buffer |= messages end buffer.join "\n" end def <=>(other) unless other.is_a?(self.class) return 0 end if == self.version <=> other.version else <=> end end def eql?(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && self == other end def to_s "#{} (#{self.version})" end def to_hash { name: name, version: version, maintainer: maintainer, maintainer_email: maintainer_email, description: description, long_description: long_description } end # @param [Hash] options # a set of options to pass to MultiJson.encode # # @return [String] def to_json(options = {}) MultiJson.encode(self.to_hash, options) end alias_method :as_json, :to_json private def dsl_eval(&block) end # @api private class CleanRoom < CleanRoomBase # @param [#to_s] name def command(name, &block) real_model.add_command, real_model, &block) end # @param [#to_s] name def component(name, &block) real_model.add_component, real_model, &block) end def stack_order(&block) real_model.bootstrap_routine =, &block) end def cluster_bootstrap(&block) MB.log.warn "#{real_model}: cluster_bootstrap is now stack_order, and will be removed in motherbrain 1.0" stack_order(&block) end end end end