= Changelog == 1.14.0 * Added support for verifying DKIM/Return-Path. * Added support for searching inbound rules. * Updated README. == 1.13.0 * Changed default value returned by Mail::Message#metadata to a mutable hash (makes things easier for postmark-rails). * All message JSON payloads now include an empty metadata object even if metadata is unset. == 1.12.0 * Added support for attaching metadata to messages. == 1.11.0 * New, improved, and backwards-compatible gem errors (see README). * Added support for retrieving message clicks using the Messages API. * Added support for sending templated message in batches. * Added support for assigning link tracking mode via `Mail::Message` headers. == 1.10.0 * Fix a bug when open tracking flag is set to false by default, when open tracking flag is not set by a user. * Added support for link tracking == 1.9.1 * Fix a bug when port setting is not respected. * Made `Postmark::HttpClient#protocol` method public. == 1.9.0 * Added methods to access domains API endoints. == 1.8.1 * Technical release. Fixed gemspec. == 1.8.0 * Added missing `description` attribute to `Postmark::Bounce` #50. * Restricted `rake` dependency to `< 11.0.0` for Ruby < 1.9 via gemspec. * Restricted `json` dependency to `< 2.0.0` for Ruby < 2.0 via gemspec. == 1.7.1 * Explicitly set TLS version used by the client. == 1.7.0 * Add methods to access stats API endpoints. == 1.6.0 * Add methods to access new templates API endpoints. == 1.5.0 * Call API access strings tokens instead of keys. Keep backwards compatibility. == 1.4.3 * Fix a regression when using the gem with older mail gem versions not implementing Mail::Message#text?. == 1.4.2 * Fix a regression when using the gem with older mail gem versions introduced in 1.4.1. Affected mail gem versions are 2.5.3 and below. == 1.4.1 * Fix an exception when sending a Mail::Message containing quoted-printable parts with unicode characters. == 1.4.0 * Add descriptive User-Agent string. * Enable secure HTTP connections by default. == 1.3.1 * Allow track_open header to be String for compatibility with older versions of the mail gem. == 1.3.0 * Add support for TrackOpens flag of the Delivery API. * Add support for the Opens API. * Add support for the Triggers API. == 1.2.1 * Fixed a bug in Postmark::ApiClient causing #get_bounces to return unexpected value. == 1.2.0 * Added support for the Postmark Account API. * Added #bounces and #messages methods to Postmark::ApiClient returning Ruby enumerators. == 1.1.2 * Fixed HTTP verb used to update server info from POST to PUT to support the breaking change in the API. == 1.1.1 * Fixed inbound support for the Postmark Messages API. == 1.1.0 * Added support for inline attachments when using the Mail gem. * Added support for the Postmark Messages API. == 1.0.2 * Removed metaprogramming executed at runtime. [#37] * Fixed invalid check for a blank recipient. [#38] == 1.0.1 * Fixed an issue causing recipient names to disappear from "To", "Cc" and "Reply-To" headers when using with Mail library. == 1.0.0 * Introduced new instance-based architecture (see README for more details). * Removed TMail support. * Added support for sending emails in batches. * Added API to send emails without Mail library. * Introduced lock-free approach for Mail::Postmark delivery method. * Deprecated the Mail::Message#postmark_attachments method * Added Postmark::Inbound module. * Added integration tests. * Added support for the "server" endpoint of the Postmark API. * Improved unit test coverage. * Added more examples to the README file. * Added official JRuby support. * Fixed the inconsistent behaviour of Mail::Message#tag method added by the gem. * Added Mail::Message#delivered property and Mail::Message#delivered? predicate. * Added Mail::Message#postmark_response method. * Removed Postmark::AttachmentsFixForMail class (that hack no longer works). * Added Travis-CI for integration tests. == 0.9.19 * Added support for native attachments API provided by Ruby Mail library. == 0.9.18 * Fixed regression introduced by removing ActiveSupport#wrap in case when a Hash instance is passed. * Fixed broken Ruby 1.8.7 support (uninitialized constant Postmark::HttpClient::Mutex (NameError)). * Added unit tests for attachments handling. * Removed unneeded debug output from shared RSpec examples. == 0.9.17 * Removed date from gemspec. * Removed unneeded debug output when sending attachments. == 0.9.16 * Thread-safe HTTP requests. * Fixed inproper method of ActiveSupport::JSON detection. * Removed unexpected ActiveSupport dependency from Postmark::SharedMessageExtensions#postmark_attachments= method. * Used Markdown to format README. * Updated README. == 0.9.15 * Save a received MessageID in message headers. == 0.9.14 * Parse Subject and MessageID from the Bounce API response. == 0.9.13 * Added error_code to DeliveryError. * Added retries for Timeout::Error. == 0.9.12 * Fixed a problem of attachments processing when using deliver! method on Mail object. * Removed activesupport dependency for Postmark::AttachmentsFixForMail. * Added specs for AttachmentFixForMail. == 0.9.11 * Replaced Jeweler by Bundler. * Updated RSpec to 2.8. * Fixed specs. * Refactored the codebase. == 0.9.10 * Fixed Ruby 1.9 compatibility issue. == 0.9.9 * Added support for non-array reply_to addresses. == 0.9.8 * Fixed bug that caused unexpected multiple email deliveries on Ruby 1.9.2/Rails 3.0.7. == 0.9.7 * All delivery exceptions are now childs of Postmark::DeliveryError. Easier to rescue that way. == 0.9.6 * Fixed exception when content-type wasn't explicitly specified. * Removed tmail from the list of dependencies. == 0.9.5 * Fixed a problem of HTML content detection when using Mail gem. == 0.9.4 * Fixed bug that caused full name to be dropped from From address. == 0.9.3 * Removed all "try" calls from the code. It's not always available and not essential anyway. == 0.9.2 * Fixed "Illegal email address ']'" bug on Ruby 1.9 == 0.9.1 * Fixed TypeError when calling Bounce.all. * Fixed NoMethodError when trying to read bounce info. == 0.9.0 * Added support for attachments. == 0.8.0 * Added support for Rails 3.