Web App Theme ============= Web App Theme is a rails generator by [Andrea Franz](http://gravityblast.com) that you can use to generate admin panels quickly. Inspired by cool themes like [Lighthouse](http://lighthouseapp.com/), [Basecamp](http://basecamphq.com/), [RadiantCMS](http://radiantcms.org/) and others, it wants to be an idea to start developing a complete web application layout. Installation ------------ Install the gem with: sudo gem install web-app-theme -s http://gemcutter.org You can also install it as a rails plugin: script/plugin install git://github.com/pilu/web-app-theme.git Usage ----- ### Theme Generator Used without parameters, it generates the layout inside the application.html.erb file using the default theme. script/generate theme You can specify the layout file name in the first parameter: script/generate theme admin # it will generate a layout called `admin.html.erb` If you want to use another theme, instead of the default, you can use the `--theme` option: script/generate theme --theme="drastic-dark" If you want to generate the stylesheets of a specific theme without changing the previously generated layout you can pass the `--no-layout` option: script/generate theme --theme=bec --no_layout You can specify the text used in the header with the `--app-name` option: script/generate theme --app_name="My New Application" If you need a layout for login and signup pages, you can use the `--type` option with `sign` as value. Ìf not specified, the default value is `administration` script/generate theme --type=sign ### Themed Generator Start creating your controllers manually or with a scaffold, and then use the `themed generator` to overwrite the previously generated views. If you have a controller named like the plural of the used model you can specify just the first parameter: script/generate themed posts # you have a model named Post and a controller named PostsController script/generate themed admin/gallery_pictures # you have a model named GalleryPicture and a controller named Admin::GalleryPicturesController Use the `--layout` option specifying the previously generated layout to add a link to the controller you are working on: script/generate themed posts --layout=admin # you will see the `Posts` link in the navigation If the controller has a name different to the model used, specify the controller path in the first parameter and the model name in the second one: script/generate themed items post script/generate themed admin/items post If you use `will_paginate` for pagination use the `--with_will_paginate`: script/generate themed items post --with_will_paginate If you have something like `map.resource :dashboard` in your `routes.rb` file, you can use the `--type=text` to generate a view with just text: script/generate themed homes --type=text If you want to show form error messages inside the generated forms, use the following code inside your `environment.rb` ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = Proc.new do |html_tag, instance| if html_tag =~ /