require "autoc/collection" require "autoc/collection/list" module AutoC =begin HashSet is a hash-based unordered container holding unique elements. The collection's C++ counterpart is +std::unordered_set<>+ template class. == Generated C interface === Collection management [cols=2*] |=== |*_void_* ~type~Copy(*_Type_* * +dst+, *_Type_* * +src+) | Create a new set +dst+ filled with the contents of +src+. A copy operation is performed on every element in +src+. NOTE: Previous contents of +dst+ is overwritten. |*_void_* ~type~Ctor(*_Type_* * +self+) | Create a new empty set +self+. NOTE: Previous contents of +self+ is overwritten. |*_void_* ~type~Dtor(*_Type_* * +self+) | Destroy set +self+. Stored elements are destroyed as well by calling the respective destructors. |*_int_* ~type~Equal(*_Type_* * +lt+, *_Type_* * +rt+) | Return non-zero value if sets +lt+ and +rt+ are considered equal by contents and zero value otherwise. |*_size_t_* ~type~Identify(*_Type_* * +self+) | Return hash code for set +self+. |=== === Basic operations [cols=2*] |=== |*_int_* ~type~Contains(*_Type_* * +self+, *_E_* +what+) | Return non-zero value if set +self+ contains an element considered equal to the element +what+ and zero value otherwise. |*_int_* ~type~Empty(*_Type_* * +self+) | Return non-zero value if set +self+ contains no elements and zero value otherwise. |*_E_* ~type~Get(*_Type_* * +self+, *_E_* +what+) | Return a _copy_ of the element in +self+ considered equal to the element +what+. WARNING: +self+ *must* contain such element otherwise the behavior is undefined. See ~type~Contains(). |*_void_* ~type~Purge(*_Type_* * +self+) | Remove and destroy all elements stored in +self+. |*_int_* ~type~Put(*_Type_* * +self+, *_E_* +what+) | Put a _copy_ of the element +what+ into +self+ *only if* there is no such element in +self+ which is considered equal to +what+. Return non-zero value on successful element put and zero value otherwise. |*_int_* ~type~Replace(*_Type_* * +self+, *_E_* +with+) | *If* +self+ contains an element which is considered equal to the element +with+, replace that element with a _copy_ of +with+, otherwise do nothing. Replaced element is destroyed. Return non-zero value if the replacement was actually performed and zero value otherwise. |*_int_* ~type~Remove(*_Type_* * +self+, *_E_* +what+) | Remove and destroy an element in +self+ which is considered equal to the element +what+. Return non-zero value on successful element removal and zero value otherwise. |*_size_t_* ~type~Size(*_Type_* * +self+) | Return number of elements stored in +self+. |=== === Logical operations [cols=2*] |=== |*_void_* ~type~Exclude(*_Type_* * +self+, *_Type_* * +other+) | Perform the difference operation that is +self+ will retain only the elements not contained in +other+. Removed elements are destroyed. |*_void_* ~type~Include(*_Type_* * +self+, *_Type_* * +other+) | Perform the union operation that is +self+ will contain the elements from both +self+ and +other+. +self+ receives the _copies_ of extra elements in +other+. |*_void_* ~type~Invert(*_Type_* * +self+, *_Type_* * +other+) | Perform the symmetric difference operation that is +self+ will retain the elements contained in either +self+ or +other+, but not in both. Removed elements are destroyed, extra elements are _copied_. |*_void_* ~type~Retain(*_Type_* * +self+, *_Type_* * +other+) | Perform the intersection operation that is +self+ will retain only the elements contained in both +self+ and +other+. Removed elements are destroyed. |=== === Iteration [cols=2*] |=== |*_void_* ~it~Ctor(*_IteratorType_* * +it+, *_Type_* * +self+) | Create a new iterator +it+ on set +self+. NOTE: As the set is an unordered sequence, the traversal order is unspecified. NOTE: Previous contents of +it+ is overwritten. |*_int_* ~it~Move(*_IteratorType_* * +it+) | Advance iterator position of +it+ *and* return non-zero value if new position is valid and zero value otherwise. |*_E_* ~it~Get(*_IteratorType_* * +it+) | Return a _copy_ of current element pointed to by the iterator +it+. WARNING: current position *must* be valid otherwise the behavior is undefined. See ~it~Move(). |=== =end class HashSet < Collection def initialize(*args) super @list =, element, :static) end def write_exported_types(stream) stream << %$ /*** **** #{type}<#{element.type}> (#{self.class}) ***/ $ if public? @list.write_exported_types(stream) stream << %$ typedef struct #{type} #{type}; typedef struct #{it} #{it}; struct #{type} { #{@list.type}* buckets; size_t bucket_count, min_bucket_count; size_t size, min_size, max_size; unsigned min_fill, max_fill, capacity_multiplier; /* ?*1e-2 */ }; struct #{it} { #{type}* set; int bucket_index; #{} it; }; $ end def write_exported_declarations(stream, declare, define) stream << %$ #{declare} void #{ctor}(#{type}*); #{declare} void #{dtor}(#{type}*); #{declare} void #{copy}(#{type}*, #{type}*); #{declare} int #{equal}(#{type}*, #{type}*); #{declare} size_t #{identify}(#{type}*); #{declare} void #{purge}(#{type}*); #{declare} int #{contains}(#{type}*, #{element.type}); #{declare} #{element.type} #{get}(#{type}*, #{element.type}); #{declare} size_t #{size}(#{type}*); #define #{empty}(self) (#{size}(self) == 0) #{declare} int #{put}(#{type}*, #{element.type}); #{declare} int #{replace}(#{type}*, #{element.type}); #{declare} int #{remove}(#{type}*, #{element.type}); #{declare} void #{exclude}(#{type}*, #{type}*); #{declare} void #{retain}(#{type}*, #{type}*); #{declare} void #{include}(#{type}*, #{type}*); #{declare} void #{invert}(#{type}*, #{type}*); #{declare} void #{itCtor}(#{it}*, #{type}*); #{declare} int #{itMove}(#{it}*); #{declare} #{element.type} #{itGet}(#{it}*); $ end def write_implementations(stream, define) @list.write_exported_declarations(stream, static, inline) @list.write_implementations(stream, static) stream << %$ #{define} #{element.type}* #{itGetRef}(#{it}*); static void #{rehash}(#{type}* self) { #{@list.type}* buckets; size_t index, bucket_count, size, fill; #{assert}(self); #{assert}(self->min_fill > 0); #{assert}(self->max_fill > 0); #{assert}(self->min_fill < self->max_fill); #{assert}(self->min_bucket_count > 0); if(self->buckets) { if(self->min_size < self->size && self->size < self->max_size) return; fill = (size_t)((float)self->size/self->bucket_count*100); if(fill > self->max_fill) { bucket_count = (size_t)((float)self->bucket_count/100*self->capacity_multiplier); } else if(fill < self->min_fill && self->bucket_count > self->min_bucket_count) { bucket_count = (size_t)((float)self->bucket_count/self->capacity_multiplier*100); if(bucket_count < self->min_bucket_count) bucket_count = self->min_bucket_count; } else return; size = self->size; self->min_size = (size_t)((float)self->min_fill/100*size); self->max_size = (size_t)((float)self->max_fill/100*size); } else { bucket_count = self->min_bucket_count; size = 0; } buckets = (#{@list.type}*)#{malloc}(bucket_count*sizeof(#{@list.type})); #{assert}(buckets); for(index = 0; index < bucket_count; ++index) { #{@list.ctor}(&buckets[index]); } if(self->buckets) { #{it} it; #{itCtor}(&it, self); while(#{itMove}(&it)) { #{@list.type}* bucket; #{element.type} element = #{itGet}(&it); bucket = &buckets[#{element.identify("element")} % bucket_count]; #{@list.push}(bucket, element); #{element.dtor("element")}; } #{dtor}(self); } self->buckets = buckets; self->bucket_count = bucket_count; self->size = size; } #{define} void #{ctor}(#{type}* self) { #{assert}(self); self->min_bucket_count = 16; self->min_fill = 20; self->max_fill = 80; self->min_size = (size_t)((float)self->min_fill/100*self->min_bucket_count); self->max_size = (size_t)((float)self->max_fill/100*self->min_bucket_count); self->capacity_multiplier = 200; self->buckets = NULL; #{rehash}(self); } #{define} void #{dtor}(#{type}* self) { size_t i; #{assert}(self); for(i = 0; i < self->bucket_count; ++i) { #{@list.dtor}(&self->buckets[i]); } #{free}(self->buckets); } #{define} void #{copy}(#{type}* dst, #{type}* src) { #{it} it; #{assert}(src); #{assert}(dst); #{ctor}(dst); #{itCtor}(&it, src); while(#{itMove}(&it)) #{put}(dst, *#{itGetRef}(&it)); } static int #{containsAllOf}(#{type}* self, #{type}* other) { #{it} it; #{itCtor}(&it, self); while(#{itMove}(&it)) { int found = 0; if(#{contains}(other, *#{itGetRef}(&it))) found = 1; if(!found) return 0; } return 1; } #{define} int #{equal}(#{type}* lt, #{type}* rt) { #{assert}(lt); #{assert}(rt); return #{size}(lt) == #{size}(rt) && #{containsAllOf}(lt, rt) && #{containsAllOf}(rt, lt); } #{define} size_t #{identify}(#{type}* self) { #{it} it; size_t result = 0; #{assert}(self); #{itCtor}(&it, self); while(#{itMove}(&it)) { #{element.type}* e = #{itGetRef}(&it); result ^= #{element.identify("*e")}; result = AUTOC_RCYCLE(result); } return result; } #{define} void #{purge}(#{type}* self) { #{assert}(self); #{dtor}(self); self->buckets = NULL; #{rehash}(self); } #{define} int #{contains}(#{type}* self, #{element.type} element) { #{assert}(self); return #{@list.contains}(&self->buckets[#{element.identify("element")} % self->bucket_count], element); } #{define} #{element.type} #{get}(#{type}* self, #{element.type} element) { #{element.type} result; #{assert}(self); #{assert}(#{contains}(self, element)); result = #{@list.find}(&self->buckets[#{element.identify("element")} % self->bucket_count], element); return result; } #{define} size_t #{size}(#{type}* self) { #{assert}(self); return self->size; } #{define} int #{put}(#{type}* self, #{element.type} element) { #{@list.type}* bucket; #{assert}(self); bucket = &self->buckets[#{element.identify("element")} % self->bucket_count]; if(!#{@list.contains}(bucket, element)) { #{@list.push}(bucket, element); ++self->size; #{rehash}(self); return 1; } return 0; } #{define} int #{replace}(#{type}* self, #{element.type} element) { #{@list.type}* bucket; #{assert}(self); bucket = &self->buckets[#{element.identify("element")} % self->bucket_count]; return #{@list.replace}(bucket, element); } #{define} int #{remove}(#{type}* self, #{element.type} element) { #{@list.type}* bucket; #{assert}(self); bucket = &self->buckets[#{element.identify("element")} % self->bucket_count]; if(#{@list.remove}(bucket, element)) { --self->size; #{rehash}(self); return 1; } return 0; } #{define} void #{exclude}(#{type}* self, #{type}* other) { #{it} it; #{assert}(self); #{assert}(other); #{itCtor}(&it, other); while(#{itMove}(&it)) #{remove}(self, *#{itGetRef}(&it)); } #{define} void #{include}(#{type}* self, #{type}* other) { #{it} it; #{assert}(self); #{assert}(other); #{itCtor}(&it, other); while(#{itMove}(&it)) #{put}(self, *#{itGetRef}(&it)); } #{define} void #{retain}(#{type}* self, #{type}* other) { #{it} it; #{type} set; #{assert}(self); #{assert}(other); #{ctor}(&set); #{itCtor}(&it, self); while(#{itMove}(&it)) { #{element.type}* e = #{itGetRef}(&it); if(#{contains}(other, *e)) #{put}(&set, *e); } #{dtor}(self); *self = set; } #{define} void #{invert}(#{type}* self, #{type}* other) { #{it} it; #{type} set; #{assert}(self); #{assert}(other); #{ctor}(&set); #{itCtor}(&it, self); while(#{itMove}(&it)) { #{element.type}* e = #{itGetRef}(&it); if(!#{contains}(other, *e)) #{put}(&set, *e); } #{itCtor}(&it, other); while(#{itMove}(&it)) { #{element.type}* e = #{itGetRef}(&it); if(!#{contains}(self, *e)) #{put}(&set, *e); } #{dtor}(self); *self = set; } #{define} void #{itCtor}(#{it}* self, #{type}* set) { #{assert}(self); self->set = set; self->bucket_index = -1; } #{define} int #{itMove}(#{it}* self) { #{assert}(self); if(self->bucket_index < 0) #{@list.itCtor}(&self->it, &self->set->buckets[self->bucket_index = 0]); if(#{@list.itMove}(&self->it)) return 1; while(++self->bucket_index < self->set->bucket_count) { #{@list.itCtor}(&self->it, &self->set->buckets[self->bucket_index]); if(#{@list.itMove}(&self->it)) return 1; } return 0; } #{define} #{element.type} #{itGet}(#{it}* self) { #{assert}(self); return #{@list.itGet}(&self->it); } #{define} #{element.type}* #{itGetRef}(#{it}* self) { #{assert}(self); return #{@list.itGetRef}(&self->it); } $ end end # HashSet end # AutoC