# encoding: utf-8 require 'fileutils' require 'git_topic' require 'git_topic/cli' # Testing-specific monkeypatching # {{{ # Disable caching on GitTopic for specs since we're calling the methods directly # rather than assuming atmoic invocations. class << GitTopic %w( current_branch remote_branches remote_branches_organized branches ).each do |m| define_method( "#{m}_with_nocache" ) do rv = send( "#{m}_without_nocache" ) GitTopic::Naming::ClassMethods.class_variable_set( "@@#{m}", nil ) GitTopic::Git::ClassMethods.class_variable_set( "@@#{m}", nil ) rv end alias_method_chain m.to_sym, :nocache end def git_with_implicit_capture( cmds=[], opts={} ) if opts[:show] puts capture_git( cmds ) else git_without_implicit_capture( cmds, opts ) end end alias_method_chain :git, :implicit_capture def invoke_git_editor( file ) raise " invoke_git_editor invoked with (#{file}). If you expect this method to be called, mock or stub it. ".oneline end end # Track original $stdout, $stderr write methods so we can “unmock” them for # debugging class << $stdout alias_method :real_write, :write end class << $stderr alias_method :real_write, :write end class Object def debug # For debugging, restore stubbed write class << $stdout alias_method :write, :real_write end class << $stderr alias_method :write, :real_write end require 'ruby-debug' debugger end end # }}} Rspec.configure do |c| c.before( :all ) do @starting_dir = Dir.pwd @user = ENV['USER'] || `whoami` end c.before( :each ) do # setup the directories FileUtils.rm_rf './tmp' FileUtils.mkdir './tmp' # Copy our repos into tmp %w(fresh in-progress).each do |d| FileUtils.mkdir "./tmp/#{d}" FileUtils.cp_r "spec/template/#{d}", "./tmp/#{d}/.git" end FileUtils.cp_r "spec/template/origin", './tmp' FileUtils.cp_r "spec/template/origin-fresh", './tmp' %w(origin origin-fresh fresh in-progress).each do |repo| # set template branches to their proper name (i.e. matching @user) Dir.chdir "./tmp/#{repo}" git_branches.each do |orig_name| new_name = orig_name.gsub( 'USER', @user ) system( "git branch -m #{orig_name} #{new_name}" ) unless orig_name == new_name system "git fetch --prune > /dev/null 2> /dev/null" end if File.exists? ".git/refs/notes/reviews/USER" FileUtils.mv ".git/refs/notes/reviews/USER", ".git/refs/notes/reviews/#{@user}" end Dir.chdir @starting_dir end Dir.chdir "#{@starting_dir}/tmp" # capture output @output = '' @err = '' $stdout.stub!( :write ) { |*args| @output.<<( *args )} $stderr.stub!( :write ) { |*args| @err.<<( *args )} end c.after( :each ) { Dir.chdir @starting_dir } c.before( :each ) do GitTopic::global_opts[:verbose] = true end end # helpers # {{{ def use_repo( repo ) Dir.chdir( repo ) # Exit if e.g. GIT_DIR is set raise "Spec error" unless git_dir == '.git' end def git_dir `git rev-parse --git-dir 2> /dev/null`.chomp end def git_branch all_branches = `git branch --no-color`.split( "\n" ) current_branch = all_branches.find{|b| b =~ /^\*/} current_branch[ 2..-1 ] unless current_branch.nil? end def git_head `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp end def git_origin_master `git rev-parse origin/master`.chomp end def git_config( key ) `git config #{key}`.chomp end def git_branch_merge git_config "branch.#{git_branch}.merge" end def git_branch_remote git_config "branch.#{git_branch}.remote" end def git_branches `git branch --no-color`.split( "\n" ).map do |bn| bn.gsub /^\*?\s*/, '' end end def git_remote_branches `git branch -r --no-color`.split( "\n" ).map do |bn| bn.gsub! %r{^\s*origin/}, '' bn.gsub! %r{ ->.*$}, '' bn end end def git_notes_list( ref ) `git notes --ref #{ref}`.split( "\n" ) end def git_notes_show( ref, commit='HEAD' ) `git notes --ref #{ref} show #{commit}`.chomp end def git_diff `git diff --no-color`.chomp end def dirty_branch! File.open( 'dirty', 'w' ){|f| f.puts "some content" } system "git add -N dirty" end def with_argv( val ) restore = ARGV.dup ARGV.replace( val ) rv = yield ARGV.replace( restore ) rv end # }}}