require 'action_controller' module Refinery::ApplicationController def self.included(controller) controller.send :include, InstanceMethods controller.send :include, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def self.included(c) # Extend controller c.helper_method :home_page?, :local_request?, :just_installed?, :from_dialog?, :admin?, :login? c.protect_from_forgery # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection c.send :include, Crud # basic create, read, update and delete methods c.send :include, AuthenticatedSystem c.send :before_filter, :find_pages_for_menu, :show_welcome_page? c.send :after_filter, :store_current_location!, :if => {|c| c.send(:refinery_user?) rescue false } c.send :rescue_from, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::UnknownAction, ActionView::MissingTemplate, :with => :error_404 end end module InstanceMethods def admin? controller_name =~ %r{^admin/} end def error_404(exception=nil) if (@page = Page.where(:menu_match => "^/404$").includes(:parts, :slugs).first).present? # render the application's custom 404 page with layout and meta. render :template => "/pages/show", :format => 'html', :status => 404 else # fallback to the default 404.html page. file = Rails.root.join('public', '404.html') file = Refinery.root.join('vendor', 'refinerycms', 'core', 'public', '404.html') unless file.exist? render :file => file.cleanpath.to_s, :layout => false, :status => 404 end end def from_dialog? params[:dialog] == "true" or params[:modal] == "true" end def home_page? root_url(:only_path => true) == request.path end def just_installed? Role[:refinery].users.empty? end def local_request? Rails.env.development? or request.remote_ip =~ /(::1)|(|((192.168).*)/ end def login? (controller_name =~ /^(user|session)(|s)/ and not admin?) or just_installed? end protected # get all the pages to be displayed in the site menu. def find_pages_for_menu @menu_pages = Page.top_level end # use a different model for the meta information. def present(model) presenter = (Object.const_get("#{model.class}Presenter") rescue ::Refinery::BasePresenter) @meta = end # this hooks into the Rails render method. def render(action = nil, options = {}, &blk) present(@page) unless admin? or @meta.present? super end def show_welcome_page? render :template => "/welcome", :layout => "login" if just_installed? and controller_name != "users" end private def store_current_location! if admin? # ensure that we don't redirect to AJAX or POST/PUT/DELETE urls session[:refinery_return_to] = request.path if request.get? and !request.xhr? and !from_dialog? elsif defined?(@page) and @page.present? session[:website_return_to] = @page.url end end end end