o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1314578811.847726: @value{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset; FI"id; F"%902d9d34e2d8d4fffd1efd2c0e126a26I"logical_path; F"!test/alpha_simprini/event.jsI" pathname; FI"e/Users/collin/Code/alpha-simprini-engine/app/assets/javascripts/test/alpha_simprini/event.coffee; TI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI" mtime; FI"2011-08-28T19:46:46-05:00; FI" body; FI"?(function() { var klass, of_prototype, _i, _len, _ref; _ref = [AS.Model, AS.Collection, AS.View]; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { klass = _ref[_i]; module("" + klass.name + " Event Extensions"); of_prototype = (function() { function of_prototype() {} return of_prototype; })(); of_prototype.prototype = klass.prototype; test("events bound are triggered by event with and without namespace", function() { var object, proof; proof = false; object = new of_prototype; object.bind("event.namespace", function() { return proof = true; }); object.trigger("event"); ok(proof, "triggers without namespace"); proof = false; object.trigger("event.namespace"); return ok(proof, "triggers with namespace"); }); test("events bound without namespace are not triggered by namespace", function() { var all_proof, object, proof; proof = false; all_proof = false; object = new of_prototype; object.bind("all", function() { return all_proof = true; }); object.bind("event", function() { return proof = true; }); object.trigger("event.namespace"); ok(!proof, "doesn't trigger with namespace"); return ok(all_proof, "triggers all event"); }); test("unbind with namespace", function() { var none_proof, object, other_proof, proof; proof = false; other_proof = false; none_proof = false; object = new of_prototype; object.bind("event.namespace", function() { return proof = true; }); object.bind("event.other_namespace", function() { return other_proof = true; }); object.bind("event", function() { return none_proof = true; }); object.unbind("event.namespace"); object.trigger("event"); ok(!proof, "clears binding for namespace"); ok(other_proof, "doesn't clear binding for other namespace"); return ok(none_proof, "doesn't clear binding for no namespace"); }); } }).call(this); ; TI"asset_paths; F[I"e/Users/collin/Code/alpha-simprini-engine/app/assets/javascripts/test/alpha_simprini/event.coffee; TI"dependency_paths; F[{I" path; FI"e/Users/collin/Code/alpha-simprini-engine/app/assets/javascripts/test/alpha_simprini/event.coffee; TI" mtime; FIu: Time  ß€àº: @_zoneI"CDT; T: offsetiþ°¹I"hexdigest; F"%f12008dcc11dff4cde9d91d714a2d651I" _version; F"%a697d8e69dd5bf8f3a29159773d6c5f5