require 'stringio' require 'cgi' require 'monitor' module Debugger module OverflowMessageType NIL_MESSAGE = lambda {|e| nil} EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = lambda {|e| e.message} SPECIAL_SYMBOL_MESSAGE = lambda {|e| ''} end class ExecError attr_reader :message attr_reader :backtrace def initialize(message, backtrace = []) @message = message @backtrace = backtrace end end class SimpleTimeLimitError < StandardError attr_reader :message def initialize(message) @message = message end end class MemoryLimitError < ExecError; end class TimeLimitError < ExecError; end class XmlPrinter # :nodoc: class ExceptionProxy instance_methods.each {|m| undef_method m unless m =~ /(^__|^send$|^object_id$|^instance_variables$|^instance_eval$)/} def initialize(exception) @exception = exception @message = exception.message @backtrace = Debugger.cleanup_backtrace(exception.backtrace) end private def method_missing(called, *args, &block) @exception.__send__(called, *args, &block) end end def self.protect(mname) return if instance_methods.include?("__#{mname}") alias_method "__#{mname}", mname class_eval %{ def #{mname}(*args, &block) @@monitor.synchronize do return unless @interface __#{mname}(*args, &block) end end } end @@monitor = attr_accessor :interface def initialize(interface) @interface = interface end def print_msg(*args) msg, *args = args xml_message = CGI.escapeHTML(msg % args) print "#{xml_message}" end # Sends debug message to the frontend if XML debug logging flag (--xml-debug) is on. def print_debug(*args) Debugger.print_debug(*args) if Debugger.xml_debug msg, *args = args xml_message = CGI.escapeHTML(msg % args) @interface.print("#{xml_message}") end end def print_error(*args) print_element("error") do msg, *args = args print CGI.escapeHTML(msg % args) end end def print_frames(context, current_frame_id) print_element("frames") do (0...context.stack_size).each do |id| print_frame(context, id, current_frame_id) end end end def print_current_frame(frame_pos) print_debug "Selected frame no #{frame_pos}" end def print_frame(context, frame_id, current_frame_id) # idx + 1: one-based numbering as classic-debugger file = context.frame_file(frame_id) print "", frame_id + 1, CGI.escapeHTML(File.expand_path(file)), context.frame_line(frame_id) end def print_contexts(contexts) print_element("threads") do contexts.each do |c| print_context(c) unless c.ignored? end end end def print_context(context) print "", context.thnum, context.thread.status, end def print_variables(vars, kind) print_element("variables") do # print self at top position print_variable('self', yield('self'), kind) if vars.include?('self') vars.sort.each do |v| print_variable(v, yield(v), kind) unless v == 'self' end end end def print_array(array) print_element("variables") do index = 0 array.each {|e| print_variable('[' + index.to_s + ']', e, 'instance') index += 1 } end end def print_hash(hash) print_element("variables") do hash.keys.each {|k| if == "String" name = '\'' + k + '\'' else name = exec_with_allocation_control(k, :to_s, OverflowMessageType::EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) end print_variable(name, hash[k], 'instance') } end end def print_string(string) print_element("variables") do if string.respond_to?('bytes') bytes = string.bytes.to_a InspectCommand.reference_result(bytes) print_variable('bytes', bytes, 'instance') end print_variable('encoding', string.encoding, 'instance') if string.respond_to?('encoding') end end def exec_with_timeout(sec, error_message) return yield if sec == nil or if Thread.respond_to?(:critical) and Thread.critical raise ThreadError, "timeout within critical session" end begin x = Thread.current y = DebugThread.start { sleep sec x.raise if x.alive? } yield sec ensure y.kill if y and y.alive? end end def exec_with_allocation_control(value, exec_method, overflow_message_type) return value.send exec_method unless Debugger.trace_to_s memory_limit = Debugger.debugger_memory_limit time_limit = Debugger.inspect_time_limit if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) || RUBY_VERSION < '2.0' || memory_limit <= 0 return exec_with_timeout(time_limit * 1e-3, "Timeout: evaluation of #{exec_method} took longer than #{time_limit}ms.") { value.send exec_method } end require 'objspace' trace_queue = inspect_thread = DebugThread.start do start_alloc_size = ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all start_time = trace_point =, :call) do |tp| curr_time = if (curr_time - start_time) * 1e3 > time_limit trace_queue <<"Timeout: evaluation of #{exec_method} took longer than #{time_limit}ms.", caller.to_a) trace_point.disable inspect_thread.kill end next unless rand > 0.75 curr_alloc_size = ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all start_alloc_size = curr_alloc_size if curr_alloc_size < start_alloc_size if curr_alloc_size - start_alloc_size > 1e6 * memory_limit trace_queue <<"Out of memory: evaluation of #{exec_method} took more than #{memory_limit}mb.", caller.to_a) trace_point.disable inspect_thread.kill end end trace_point.enable result = value.send exec_method trace_queue << result trace_point.disable end while(mes = trace_queue.pop) if(mes.is_a? TimeLimitError or mes.is_a? MemoryLimitError) print_debug(mes.message + "\n" + {|l| "\t#{l}"}.join("\n")) return else return mes end end rescue SimpleTimeLimitError => e print_debug(e.message) return end def print_variable(name, value, kind) name = name.to_s if value.nil? print("", CGI.escapeHTML(name), kind) return end if value.is_a?(Array) || value.is_a?(Hash) has_children = !value.empty? if has_children size = value.size value_str = "#{value.class} (#{value.size} element#{size > 1 ? "s" : "" })" else value_str = "Empty #{value.class}" end elsif value.is_a?(String) has_children = value.respond_to?('bytes') || value.respond_to?('encoding') value_str = value else has_children = !value.instance_variables.empty? || !value.class.class_variables.empty? value_str = exec_with_allocation_control(value, :to_s, OverflowMessageType::EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) || 'nil' rescue "<#to_s method raised exception: #{$!}>" unless value_str.is_a?(String) value_str = "ERROR: #{value.class}.to_s method returns #{value_str.class}. Should return String." end end if value_str.respond_to?('encode') # noinspection RubyEmptyRescueBlockInspection begin value_str = value_str.encode("UTF-8") rescue end end value_str = handle_binary_data(value_str) escaped_value_str = CGI.escapeHTML(value_str) print("", CGI.escapeHTML(name), build_compact_value_attr(value, value_str), kind, build_value_attr(escaped_value_str), value.class, has_children, value.respond_to?(:object_id) ? value.object_id : print("", escaped_value_str) if Debugger.value_as_nested_element print('') rescue StandardError => e print_debug "Unexpected exception \"%s\"\n%s", e.to_s, e.backtrace.join("\n") print("", CGI.escapeHTML(name), kind, CGI.escapeHTML(safe_to_string(value))) end def print_file_included(file) print("", file) end def print_file_excluded(file) print("", file) end def print_file_filter_status(status) print("", status) end def print_breakpoints(breakpoints) print_element 'breakpoints' do breakpoints.sort_by {|b|}.each do |b| print "",, CGI.escapeHTML(b.source), b.pos.to_s end end end def print_breakpoint_added(b) print "",, CGI.escapeHTML(b.source), b.pos end def print_breakpoint_deleted(b) print "", end def print_breakpoint_enabled(b) print "", end def print_breakpoint_disabled(b) print "", end def print_contdition_set(bp_id) print "", bp_id end def print_catchpoint_set(exception_class_name) print "", exception_class_name end def print_catchpoint_deleted(exception_class_name) if Debugger.catchpoint_deleted_event print "", exception_class_name else print_catchpoint_set(exception_class_name) end end def print_expressions(exps) print_element "expressions" do exps.each_with_index do |(exp, value), idx| print_expression(exp, value, idx + 1) end end unless exps.empty? end def print_expression(exp, value, idx) print "", exp, value, idx end def print_expression_info(incomplete, prompt, indent) print "", incomplete, CGI.escapeHTML(prompt), indent end def print_eval(exp, value) print "", CGI.escapeHTML(exp), value end def print_pp(value) print value end def print_list(b, e, file, line) print "[%d, %d] in %s\n", b, e, file if (lines = Debugger.source_for(file)) b.upto(e) do |n| if n > 0 && lines[n - 1] if n == line print "=> %d %s\n", n, lines[n - 1].chomp else print " %d %s\n", n, lines[n - 1].chomp end end end else print "No source-file available for %s\n", file end end def print_methods(methods) print_element "methods" do methods.each do |method| print "", method end end end # Events def print_breakpoint(_, breakpoint) print("", CGI.escapeHTML(breakpoint.source), breakpoint.pos, Debugger.current_context.thnum) end def print_catchpoint(exception) context = Debugger.current_context print("", CGI.escapeHTML(context.frame_file(0)), context.frame_line(0), exception.class, CGI.escapeHTML(exception.to_s), context.thnum) end def print_trace(context, file, line) Debugger::print_debug "trace: location=\"%s:%s\", threadId=%d", file, line, context.thnum # TBD: do we want to clog fronend with the elements? There are tons of them. # print "", file, line, context.thnum end def print_at_line(context, file, line) print "", CGI.escapeHTML(File.expand_path(file)), line, context.thnum, context.stack_size end def print_exception(exception, _) print_element("variables") do proxy = InspectCommand.reference_result(proxy) print_variable('error', proxy, 'exception') end rescue Exception print "", exception.class, CGI.escapeHTML(exception.to_s) end def print_inspect(eval_result) print_element("variables") do print_variable("eval_result", eval_result, 'local') end end def print_load_result(file, exception = nil) if exception print("", file, exception.class, CGI.escapeHTML(exception.to_s)) else print("", file) end end def print_element(name) print("<#{name}>") begin yield ensure print("") end end private def print(*params) Debugger::print_debug(*params) @interface.print(*params) end def handle_binary_data(value) return '[Binary Data]' if (value.respond_to?('is_binary_data?') && value.is_binary_data?) return '[Invalid encoding]' if (value.respond_to?('valid_encoding?') && !value.valid_encoding?) value end def current_thread_attr(context) if context.thread == Thread.current 'current="yes"' else '' end end def build_compact_name(value, value_str) return compact_array_str(value) if value.is_a?(Array) return compact_hash_str(value) if value.is_a?(Hash) return value_str[0..max_compact_name_size - 3] + '...' if value_str.size > max_compact_name_size nil rescue ::Exception => e print_debug(e) nil end def max_compact_name_size # todo: do we want to configure it? 50 end def compact_array_str(value) slice = value[0..10] compact = exec_with_allocation_control(slice, :inspect, OverflowMessageType::NIL_MESSAGE) if compact && value.size != slice.size compact[0..compact.size - 2] + ", ...]" end compact end def compact_hash_str(value) keys_strings = slice = value.sort_by do |k, _| keys_string = exec_with_allocation_control(k, :to_s, OverflowMessageType::SPECIAL_SYMBOL_MESSAGE) keys_strings[k] = keys_string keys_string end[0..5] compact = do |kv| key_string = keys_strings[kv[0]] value_string = exec_with_allocation_control(kv[1], :to_s, OverflowMessageType::SPECIAL_SYMBOL_MESSAGE) "#{key_string}: #{handle_binary_data(value_string)}" end.join(", ") "{" + compact + (slice.size != value.size ? ", ..." : "") + "}" end def build_compact_value_attr(value, value_str) compact_value_str = build_compact_name(value, value_str) compact_value_str.nil? ? '' : "compactValue=\"#{CGI.escapeHTML(compact_value_str)}\"" end def safe_to_string(value) begin str = value.to_s rescue NoMethodError str = "(Object doesn't support #to_s)" end return str unless str.nil? string_io = string_io.write(value) string_io.string end def build_value_attr(escaped_value_str) Debugger.value_as_nested_element ? '' : "value=\"#{escaped_value_str}\"" end instance_methods.each do |m| if m.to_s.index('print_') == 0 protect m end end end end