define("dojox/mobile/TreeView", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom-construct", "dijit/registry", "./Heading", "./ListItem", "./ProgressIndicator", "./RoundRectList", "./ScrollableView", "./viewRegistry" ], function(kernel, array, declare, lang, win, domConstruct, registry, Heading, ListItem, ProgressIndicator, RoundRectList, ScrollableView, viewRegistry){ // module: // dojox/mobile/TreeView kernel.experimental(""); return declare("", ScrollableView, { // summary: // A scrollable view with tree-style navigation. // description: // This widget can be connected to a dojox/data/FileStore as a // quick directory browser. You may use it when implementing the // Master-Detail pattern. postCreate: function(){ this._load(); this.inherited(arguments); }, _load: function(){ this.model.getRoot( lang.hitch(this, function(item){ var scope = this; var list = new RoundRectList(); var node = {}; var listitem = new ListItem({ label: scope.model.rootLabel, moveTo: '#', onClick: function(){ scope.handleClick(this); }, item: item }); list.addChild(listitem); this.addChild(list); }) ) }, handleClick: function(li){ // summary: // Called when the user clicks a tree item. // li: dojox/mobile/ListItem // The item that the user clicked. var newViewId = "view_"; if(li.item[this.model.newItemIdAttr]){ newViewId += li.item[this.model.newItemIdAttr]; }else{ newViewId += "rootView"; } newViewId = newViewId.replace('/', '_'); if(registry.byId(newViewId)){ // view already exists, just transition to it registry.byNode(li.domNode).transitionTo(newViewId); return; } var prog = ProgressIndicator.getInstance(); win.body().appendChild(prog.domNode); prog.start(); this.model.getChildren(li.item, lang.hitch(this, function(items){ var scope = this; var list = new RoundRectList(); array.forEach(items, function(item, i){ var listItemArgs = { item: item, label: item[], transition: "slide" }; if(scope.model.mayHaveChildren(item)){ listItemArgs.moveTo = '#'; listItemArgs.onClick = function(){ scope.handleClick(this); }; } var listitem = new ListItem(listItemArgs); list.addChild(listitem); }); var heading = new Heading({ label: "Dynamic View", back: "Back", moveTo: viewRegistry.getEnclosingView(li.domNode).id }); var newView = ScrollableView({ id: newViewId }, domConstruct.create("div", null, win.body())); newView.addChild(heading); newView.addChild(list); newView.startup(); prog.stop(); registry.byNode(li.domNode).transitionTo(; }) ) } }); });