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I assume if you're reading this you really want to know about this really cool, interesting new framework that I made. Well, in that case you've come to the right place. ATD is a small modular framework meant to combine the benefits from [rails](http://rubyonrails.org/) and [sinatra](http://www.sinatrarb.com/). I originally used sinatra, and ran into issues with scaling, and so hence I did the only logical thing and wrote a new framework. I just found that because of sinatra's "build it from the ground up" philosophy, I couldn't make anything too large without making a mass of spaghetti code. That is why this framework allows you to use rails concepts like MVC and moduarly use different components in development and production. It supports the simple sinatra DSL syntax (for the most part) to make small apps, and allows big controllers and models for separation of concerns in larger apps, which is more of a rails philosophy. Anyways, I've worked really hard on this, and I would love for you to try it out and maybe even contribute! Feel free to reach out to me at [atd@developingtechnician.com](mailto:atd@developingtechnician.com) with questions or concerns, or if it's something concrete you want me to change, just open an issue. ## Installation Pretty simple, the usual `gem install atd` if you want to use without bundler, or just add it to your Gemfile with bundler. The recommended setup is to use the master branch of the git repo by adding to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'atd', git: 'https://gitlab.com/izwick-schachter/atd.git', branch: "master" ``` Or if you want to live on the edge, where all the latest and greatest features are, change `branch` to `"development"`. Keep in mind, this may sometimes not work, so use at your own risk. When you do this, it's recommended that you go into the git repo and choose a specific commit and lock that in by setting `:ref` to the commit hash. ## The Basics `ATD` is structured around a two basic constructs: `App`s and `Route`s. ### Apps An `App` is a class which is a functional rack app. It has an instance method `call` as the rack spec requires, and it contains all the things you need to use `ATD`. An `App` is just a class that extends `ATD::App`. That said, for most usages you will never need to know anything about `App`s. Unless you need multiple different `App`s in the same file, you don't need to touch it. That is because `ATD` kindly treats `main` as an `App` called `DefaultApp`. All that means is that anything created in `main` is added to `DefaultApp`. So, whenever you do something that is not in an `App` you have created, you can just know in the back of your head that you are impacting `DefaultApp`. ### Routes The second basic construct is a `Route`. These are things which you should understand, because these are how `ATD` processes most of the things you do. Every route belongs to an `App`, typically `DefaultApp` as mentioned [above](#apps). In it's most simple form, a `Route` simply says "When `/whatever` is requested, return this file and/or run this code". The syntax will certainly remind you of sinatra: ```ruby request "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb" # Also aliased to: req "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb" # And r "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb" # It's easier to type ``` Why not make the method named for the HTTP verbs? Because we want everything to be customizable. By default, calling `request` will make the route respond to every HTTP verb. If you want it to only respond to some verbs, you have several choices for how you want to do it: ```ruby # If you only wanted to respond to GET, POST, and DELETE: request "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb", respond_to: [:get, :post, :delete] # Or this other syntax get post delete "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb" # Or a combination of the two get "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb", respond_to: [:post, :delete] # Or with dots too get.post.delete "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb" # Maybe mixed with request: request.get.post.delete "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb" # Or if you wanted to ignore those verbs and only respond to PUT and PATCH request "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb", ignore: [:get, :post, :delete] ``` _N.B. See [precompilers](#precompilers) for how the file name you pass is manipulated before it is sent out._ You can also pass a block that will be run whenever the `Route` is matched: ```ruby request "/some/path", "my_file.html.erb" do puts "Found me!" end ``` and if you want to, you can make the blocks return value be the output of the route by omitting `"my_file.html.erb"`. You can also manipulate the output that you passed (see [helpers](#helpers)) by modifying the `view[:raw]` variable. ## Settings This doesn't exist yet, but is in progress in issue #29. ## Advanced Routing For simple project, [the basics](#the-basics) of routing will work fine. But if you want to create a full fledged application, then you probably are going to need some of the more advanced features, such as precompilation, compilation, compiler options, and using blocks to manipulate output. ### Options Hash The options hash is the hash provided at the end of the argument list when creating a route. For example, in `r "/", "some_file", option_A: "Value", option_B: 35` the options hash will be `{option_A: "Value", option_B: 35}`. Here is a list of options that ATD looks at internally and their default values (other keys can be passed in the options hash, they will just be passed to compilation methods): ```ruby status: 200 # Integer > 99 and < 1000. This will be the status code returned unless it is overridden by status_code: 200 # Same as status, but overrides. A slightly more verbose syntax. respond_to: nil # A array of HTTP methods as lowercase symbols which the route should respond to. ignore: nil # A array of HTTP methods as lowercase symbols which the route should not respond to. This takes highest precedence. precompile: true # This determines if a route will be precompiled. Unless it is == false it will be precompiled. compile: true # This determines if a route will be compiled. Unless it is == false it will be compiled. ``` ### Serving Files If you want to serve files, just place them in an assets directory in the app directory and pass the file name with the file extension as the second argument to your routes. In the future you will be able to access this through the [`App` settings](#settings). ### Helpers In the block passed to a `Route` there are helpers available to it. You can add new helper methods by adding them to the `ATD::Helpers` module. By default there are a few defined, and here they are: ```ruby http[:request] # The Rack::Request object http[:response] # The Rack::Response object http[:view] # The same thing as view[:raw] http[:method] # The HTTP verb used to access the route http[:headers] # The headers which will be sent, by default only "content-type". http[:status_code] # The status code which the app will respond with, by default 200 params # The params hash we all know and love. view[:raw] # The precompiled (unless precompile:false) and compiled (unless compile:false) view. ``` ## Apps Whenever you create a route, it is given to an `App`. This isn't apparent when you create a route in `main`, but even when you do that the route is added to `DefaultApp`, as you may remember from the [intro](#the-basics). If you are using Apps, then when you create a route in an `App`, that route belongs to the `App`. When you start the server, it then creates an instance of the `App` and starts it because it is a rack app. But that is not what the purpose of `App`s are. The intention of `Apps` are to allow you to use one `App` as a template, from which you can create many different `App`s. An `App` is not a rack app all by itself. Every instance of an App Class is a rack app. But the rack app doesn't actually start until `start` is called. This means that you can create an instance of an `App`, and then you can modify it before starting it. So for example, you can have an `App` which is impacted by an instance variable: ```ruby class MyApp < ATD::App attr_accessor :my_name request "/", "Hi! This is my_name's App!" do view[:raw] = view[:raw].gsub("my_name", @my_name) end end ``` Which you can then create an instance of and modify the instance variable: ```ruby app = MyApp.new app.my_name = "Fredrick" app.start ``` Then when you try to access the website, it will respond to `/` with `Hi! This is Fredrick's App!`. ### App Creation To create an app you can use `ATD.new("AppName")`. It is important to note that **ATD.new is not a constructor, although I will refer to it as one**. It simply behaves like one because you can use it to "construct" a new app. The app creation process creates a new class which you can open anywhere in your app file, with the name you pass. The name must `respond_to?(:to_sym)`, and must be a valid class name. You must call the constructor before you begin adding routes to the class, or open the class at all. You can also use the more intuitive way to create an app, which would be by declaring a class which extends `ATD::App`, like so: ```ruby class MyAppClass < ATD::App # All of my routes, settings, etc. end ``` ### Starting the App There are two basic ways to start the app. You can start it by calling `AppName.new.start` or more simply `AppName.start` which will create an instance and call start on it, or you can use the more common syntax. For `DefaultApp` that would be: ```ruby request "/", "Hello World!" start ``` And for `MyApp` that would be: ```ruby class MyApp < ATD::App request "/", "Hello World!" start end ``` ## Controllers > **Caution:** > > This entire section is experimental right now and as partial or no support. Don't trust this section and tread carefully. Because we understand how important it is to have flexibility in how you work, we provide support of a number of different configurations, and one of the ways we do that is with controllers. A controller is simply a module full of methods which can be referenced from a `Route` by passing `controller_name#action` instead of the file name or by putting it in the options hash with `to: controller_name#action` or `to: :action, controller: "controller_name"`. If you want to add all the methods from one controller to an `App` you can do that by calling the `controller` method in the `App` with the name of the controller as a parameter. Here is an example of an `App` using controllers: ```ruby module MyController def test_route return "You've reached test_route" end end request "/", "MyController#test_route" #=> "You've reached test_route" ``` ## Compilation _N.B. At some point in the indefinite future there might (but probably will) be a [tilt](https://github.com/rtomayko/tilt) integration_ ### The Basics Because `ATD` attempts to practice separation of concerns, there is a special module, `ATD::Compilation` which is responsible for dealing with compilation. In `ATD` there are two types of compilers: First, there are precompilers, which run during the apps startup process and do things like minify assets and compile things which do not need to by dynamic. Second, there are compilers, which deal with dynamic assets and run whenever a `Route` is reached. To create them you can use the following syntax (the example is for compiling ERB files): ```ruby to_compile "erb" do |file = "", *opts| ERB.new(file).result end ``` Or if you wanted to define a precompiler to remove all the newlines from a JS file: ```ruby to_precompile "js" do |file = "", *opts| file.gsub("\n", "") end ``` If you notices, the precompilers and compilers take the contents of the file as the first argument (`file`) and they take the compiler options as the second argument (`opts`). The options are just whatever was passed with the route, for example in `r "/", "my_file.erb", hi: true` `opts == {hi: true}`. > **Under the Hood** > > The compilation works by going through the file extensions from last to first and running the compilations for each extension in that order. For example `file.html.erb` will first be compiled by the "erb" compiler, then the output of the "erb" compiler will be compiled by the "html" compiler. ### Precompilation > Precompilers are not sufficiently advanced to get their own special section yet, but will be soon. ### Compilation > Compilers are not sufficiently advanced to get their own special section yet, but will be soon. ## Documentation You can find the YARD docs at http://izwick-schachter.gitlab.io/atd/YARD/. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `bundle exec rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to the gem page on [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org/gems/atd). ### Some notes about Semantic Versioning [Semantic versioning]() is pretty nice. I like it. But, I really only want to hit a major version when it's production ready, so for now will we will follow semver in that bugfix releases (x.x.*) will be backwards compatible, but minor versions will not be. As soon as this is production ready we will hit 1.0.0 and start using semver. ## Contributing [Bug reports](https://gitlab.com/izwick-schachter/atd/issues) and [merge requests](https://gitlab.com/izwick-schachter/atd/merge_requests) are welcome on GitLab. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. ## Contribution Policies Every contribution should correspond to a relevant issue which you keep up to date with notes on what you are working on. Each issues gets branched off of development and is named `issue/#{issue_number}`. When you are ready to merge it back in, make sure it passes both rubocop and all the tests. Each issue should get additional tests if necessary.