require 'spec_helper' describe Aptible::CLI::Helpers::Ssh do let!(:work_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } after { FileUtils.remove_entry work_dir } around { |example| ClimateControl.modify(HOME: work_dir) { } } subject {, described_class).new } let(:ssh_dir) { File.join(work_dir, '.aptible', 'ssh') } let(:config_file) { File.join(ssh_dir, 'config') } let(:private_key_file) { File.join(ssh_dir, 'id_rsa') } let(:public_key_file) { "#{private_key_file}.pub" } describe '#ensure_ssh_dir!' do it 'creates the directory' do subject.send(:ensure_ssh_dir!) expect(Dir.exist?(ssh_dir)).to be_truthy end it 'works if the directory already exists' do subject.send(:ensure_ssh_dir!) subject.send(:ensure_ssh_dir!) end end describe '#ensure_config!' do before { subject.send(:ensure_ssh_dir!) } it 'creates the config file' do subject.send(:ensure_config!) expect(File.exist?(config_file)).to be_truthy end end describe '#ensure_key!' do before { subject.send(:ensure_ssh_dir!) } it 'creates the key if it does not exist' do subject.send(:ensure_key!) expect(File.exist?(private_key_file)).to be_truthy expect(File.exist?(public_key_file)).to be_truthy end it 'does not recreate the key if it already exists' do subject.send(:ensure_key!) k1 = subject.send(:ensure_key!) k2 = expect(k2).to eq(k1) end it 'recreates the key if either part is missing' do subject.send(:ensure_key!) k1 = File.delete(private_key_file) subject.send(:ensure_key!) k2 = File.delete(public_key_file) subject.send(:ensure_key!) k3 = expect(k2).not_to eq(k1) expect(k3).not_to eq(k2) end end describe '#with_ssh_cmd' do it 'delegates and yields usable SSH parameters' do operation = double('operation') connection = double('connection') expect(operation).to receive(:with_ssh_cmd).with(private_key_file) .and_yield(['some-ssh'], connection) has_yielded = false subject.with_ssh_cmd(operation) do |cmd, c| expect(cmd).to include('some-ssh') expect(cmd).to include(config_file) expect(c).to be(connection) has_yielded = true end expect(has_yielded).to be_truthy end end end