require 'bigdecimal' require 'securerandom' require 'yaml' # encoding: utf-8 module Dynamoid # Persistence is responsible for dumping objects to and marshalling objects from the datastore. It tries to reserialize # values to be of the same type as when they were passed in, based on the fields in the class. module Persistence extend ActiveSupport::Concern attr_accessor :new_record alias :new_record? :new_record module ClassMethods def table_name @table_name ||= "#{Dynamoid::Config.namespace}_#{options[:name] ||'::').last.downcase.pluralize}" end # Creates a table. # # @param [Hash] options options to pass for table creation # @option options [Symbol] :id the id field for the table # @option options [Symbol] :table_name the actual name for the table # @option options [Integer] :read_capacity set the read capacity for the table; does not work on existing tables # @option options [Integer] :write_capacity set the write capacity for the table; does not work on existing tables # @option options [Hash] {range_key => :type} a hash of the name of the range key and a symbol of its type # # @since 0.4.0 def create_table(options = {}) if self.range_key range_key_hash = { range_key => dynamo_type(attributes[range_key][:type]) } else range_key_hash = nil end options = { :id => self.hash_key, :table_name => self.table_name, :write_capacity => self.write_capacity, :read_capacity => self.read_capacity, :range_key => range_key_hash }.merge(options) Dynamoid.adapter.create_table(options[:table_name], options[:id], options) end def from_database(attrs = {}) clazz = attrs[:type] ? obj = attrs[:type].constantize : self { |r| r.new_record = false } end # Undump an object into a hash, converting each type from a string representation of itself into the type specified by the field. # # @since 0.2.0 def undump(incoming = nil) incoming = (incoming || {}).symbolize_keys do |hash| self.attributes.each do |attribute, options| hash[attribute] = undump_field(incoming[attribute], options) end incoming.each {|attribute, value| hash[attribute] = value unless hash.has_key? attribute } end end # Undump a string value for a given type. # # @since 0.2.0 def undump_field(value, options) if (field_class = options[:type]).is_a?(Class) raise 'Dynamoid class-type fields do not support default values' if options[:default] if field_class.respond_to?(:dynamoid_load) field_class.dynamoid_load(value) end elsif options[:type] == :serialized if value.is_a?(String) options[:serializer] ? options[:serializer].load(value) : YAML.load(value) else value end else if value.nil? && (default_value = options[:default]) value = default_value.respond_to?(:call) ? : default_value end if !value.nil? case options[:type] when :string value.to_s when :integer Integer(value) when :number when :array value.to_a when :set when :datetime if value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(DateTime) || value.is_a?(Time) value else end when :boolean # persisted as 't', but because undump is called during initialize it can come in as true if value == 't' || value == true true elsif value == 'f' || value == false false else raise ArgumentError, "Boolean column neither true nor false" end else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown type #{options[:type]}" end end end end def dynamo_type(type) if type.is_a?(Class) type.respond_to?(:dynamoid_field_type) ? type.dynamoid_field_type : :string else case type when :integer, :number, :datetime :number when :string, :serialized :string else raise 'unknown type' end end end end # Set updated_at and any passed in field to current DateTime. Useful for things like last_login_at, etc. # def touch(name = nil) now = self.updated_at = now attributes[name] = now if name save end # Is this object persisted in the datastore? Required for some ActiveModel integration stuff. # # @since 0.2.0 def persisted? !new_record? end # Run the callbacks and then persist this object in the datastore. # # @since 0.2.0 def save(options = {}) self.class.create_table if new_record? conditions = { :unless_exists => [self.class.hash_key]} conditions[:unless_exists] << range_key if(range_key) run_callbacks(:create) { persist(conditions) } else persist end self end # # update!() will increment the lock_version if the table has the column, but will not check it. Thus, a concurrent save will # never cause an update! to fail, but an update! may cause a concurrent save to fail. # # def update!(conditions = {}, &block) run_callbacks(:update) do options = range_key ? {:range_key => dump_field(self.read_attribute(range_key), self.class.attributes[range_key])} : {} begin new_attrs = Dynamoid.adapter.update_item(self.class.table_name, self.hash_key, options.merge(:conditions => conditions)) do |t| if(self.class.attributes[:lock_version]) t.add(lock_version: 1) end yield t end load(new_attrs) rescue Dynamoid::Errors::ConditionalCheckFailedException raise, 'update') end end end def update(conditions = {}, &block) update!(conditions, &block) true rescue Dynamoid::Errors::StaleObjectError false end # Delete this object, but only after running callbacks for it. # # @since 0.2.0 def destroy run_callbacks(:destroy) do self.delete end self end # Delete this object from the datastore. # # @since 0.2.0 def delete options = range_key ? {:range_key => dump_field(self.read_attribute(range_key), self.class.attributes[range_key])} : {} Dynamoid.adapter.delete(self.class.table_name, self.hash_key, options) end # Dump this object's attributes into hash form, fit to be persisted into the datastore. # # @since 0.2.0 def dump do |hash| self.class.attributes.each do |attribute, options| hash[attribute] = dump_field(self.read_attribute(attribute), options) end end end private # Determine how to dump this field. Given a value, it'll determine how to turn it into a value that can be # persisted into the datastore. # # @since 0.2.0 def dump_field(value, options) if (field_class = options[:type]).is_a?(Class) if value.respond_to?(:dynamoid_dump) value.dynamoid_dump elsif field_class.respond_to?(:dynamoid_dump) field_class.dynamoid_dump(value) else raise ArgumentError, "Neither #{field_class} nor #{value} support serialization for Dynamoid." end else case options[:type] when :string !value.nil? ? value.to_s : nil when :integer !value.nil? ? Integer(value) : nil when :number !value.nil? ? value : nil when :set !value.nil? ? : nil when :array !value.nil? ? value : nil when :datetime !value.nil? ? value.to_time.to_f : nil when :serialized options[:serializer] ? options[:serializer].dump(value) : value.to_yaml when :boolean !value.nil? ? value.to_s[0] : nil else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown type #{options[:type]}" end end end # Persist the object into the datastore. Assign it an id first if it doesn't have one. # # @since 0.2.0 def persist(conditions = nil) run_callbacks(:save) do self.hash_key = SecureRandom.uuid if self.hash_key.nil? || self.hash_key.blank? # Add an exists check to prevent overwriting existing records with new ones if(new_record?) conditions ||= {} (conditions[:unless_exists] ||= []) << self.class.hash_key end # Add an optimistic locking check if the lock_version column exists if(self.class.attributes[:lock_version]) conditions ||= {} self.lock_version = (lock_version || 0) + 1 #Uses the original lock_version value from ActiveModel::Dirty in case user changed lock_version manually (conditions[:if] ||= {})[:lock_version] = changes[:lock_version][0] if(changes[:lock_version][0]) end begin Dynamoid.adapter.write(self.class.table_name, self.dump, conditions) @new_record = false true rescue Dynamoid::Errors::ConditionalCheckFailedException => e if new_record? raise, self) else raise, 'persist') end end end end end end