{ "constants": { "skylight_to_roof_ratio_max_value": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "NECB2011_S_3.2.1.4(2)" ], "value": 0.05, "units": "ratio", "notes": "" }, "sizing_factor_max_cooling": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "NECB2011_S_8.4.4.9(1)" ], "value": 1.1, "units": "ratio", "notes": "" }, "sizing_factor_max_heating": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "NECB2011_S_8.4.4.9(2)" ], "value": 1.3, "units": "ratio", "notes": "" }, "fan_constant_volume_pressure_rise_value": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "NECB2011_S_5.Assumption" ], "value": 640.0, "units": "Pa", "notes": "" }, "supply_fan_variable_volume_pressure_rise_value": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "NECB2011_S_5.Assumption" ], "value": 1000.0, "units": "Pa", "notes": "Sets the supply fan pressure rise based on the Prototype buildings inputs" }, "return_fan_variable_volume_pressure_rise_value": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "NECB2011_S_5.Assumption" ], "value": 250.0, "units": "Pa", "notes": "Sets the return fan pressure rise based on the Prototype buildings inputs" }, "infiltration_rate_m3_per_s_per_m2":{ "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "NECB2011_S_5.Assumption" ], "value": 0.00025, "units": "m3/s/m2", "notes": "" }, "infiltration_constant_term_coefficient":{ "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "NECB2011_S_5.Assumption" ], "value": 0.0, "units": "", "notes": "" }, "infiltration_temperature_term_coefficient":{ "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "NECB2011_S_5.Assumption" ], "value": 0.0, "units": "", "notes": "" }, "infiltration_velocity_term_coefficient":{ "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "Assumption" ], "value": 0.224, "units": "", "notes": "" }, "infiltration_velocity_squared_term_coefficient":{ "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "Assumption" ], "value": 0.0, "units": "", "notes": "" }, "historic_weather_file_list": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "Defined" ], "value": "https://github.com/canmet-energy/btap_weather/raw/main/historic_weather_filenames.json", "units": "", "notes": "This is the url of the file containing the list of historic Canadian weather files in the canmet-eneryg/btap_weather GitHub repository." }, "future_weather_file_list": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "Defined" ], "value": "https://github.com/canmet-energy/btap_weather/raw/main/future_weather_filenames.json", "units": "", "notes": "This is the url of the file containing the list of future Canadian weather files in the canmet-eneryg/btap_weather GitHub repository." }, "historic_weather_folder_url": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "Defined" ], "value": "https://github.com/canmet-energy/btap_weather/raw/main/historic/", "units": "", "notes": "This is the url of the folder containing the historic Canadian weather files in the canmet-eneryg/btap_weather GitHub repository." }, "future_weather_folder_url": { "data_type": "value", "refs": [ "Defined" ], "value": "https://github.com/canmet-energy/btap_weather/raw/main/future/", "units": "", "notes": "This is the url of the folder containing the future Canadian weather files in the canmet-eneryg/btap_weather GitHub repository." } } }