#= require ./base @Ultimate.Helpers.Tag = BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES: "disabled readonly multiple checked autobuffer autoplay controls loop selected hidden scoped async defer reversed ismap seemless muted required autofocus novalidate formnovalidate open pubdate itemscope".split(/\s+/) PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS: textarea: "\n" tag: (tag_name, options = {}, open = false, escape = true) -> "<#{tag_name}#{@tag_options(options, escape)}#{if open then '>' else ' />'}" content_tag: (name, content_or_options_with_block = null, options = null, escape = true, block = null) -> if block = _.outcasts.blockGiven(arguments) options = content_or_options_with_block @content_tag_string(name, block(), options, escape) else @content_tag_string(name, content_or_options_with_block, options, escape) cdata_section: (content) -> splitted = content.replace(/\]\]>/g, ']]]]><![CDATA[>') "<![CDATA[#{splitted}]]>" content_tag_string: (name, content = '', options = {}, escape = true, _escapeContent = escape) -> content = _.string.escapeHTML(content) if _escapeContent "<#{name}#{@tag_options(options, escape)}>#{@PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS[name] ? ''}#{content}</#{name}>" tag_options: (options, escape = true) -> return "" if _.isEmpty(options) attrs = [] for key, value of options if key is "data" and _.isObject(value) for k, v of value attrs.push @data_tag_option(k, v, escape) else if _.include(@BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES, key) attrs.push @boolean_tag_option(key) if value else if value? attrs.push @tag_option(key, value, escape) if _.isEmpty(attrs) then "" else " #{attrs.sort().join(' ')}" data_tag_option: (key, value, escape) -> key = "data-#{_.string.dasherize(key)}" value = JSON.stringify(value) if JSON? and _.isObject(value) @tag_option(key, value, escape) boolean_tag_option: (key) -> "#{key}=\"#{key}\"" tag_option: (key, value, escape) -> value = value.join(" ") if _.isArray(value) value = _.string.escapeHTML(value) if escape "#{key}=\"#{value}\"" concat_class: -> flatten_classes = _.filter( _.flatten(arguments), (e) -> _.isString(e) ).join(' ') _.uniq( _.string.words(flatten_classes) ).join(' ') selfClosedTags: _.string.words('area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr') # Generate html from zen-selector. Ninja tool. # TODO more zen features: +, *x, {content} # TODO cache selectorToHtml: (selector) -> if matches = selector.match(/^[\s>]*([\w\-\.#]+)(.*)$/) selector = matches[1] continuation = matches[2] # in v1 {(if continuation then ">" + content else " />")} tag_name = selector.match(/^\w+/)?[0] or 'div' id = selector.match(/#([\w\-]+)/)?[1] classes = _.map( selector.match(/\.[\w\-]+/g), (c) -> _.string.ltrim(c, '.') ) html_options = {} html_options['id'] = id if id html_options['class'] = classes.join(' ') if classes.length if _.contains(@selfClosedTags, tag_name) @tag(tag_name, html_options) else continuation = @selectorToHtml(continuation) if continuation @content_tag(tag_name, continuation, html_options) # else if matches = selector.match(/^\s*\+\s*(.*)$/) # /^\s*\+\s*([\w\.#]+)(.*)$/) # continuation = matches[1] # if continuation then @selectorToHtml(continuation) else continuation else ''