require "stringio" When /^I execute the following code in a new thread$/ do |code| do eval code end end When /^I execute the code$/ do |code| @result = eval code end Then /^I see an anmo server on port (\d+)$/ do |port| response = nil timeout 5 do while response.nil? response = HTTParty.get("http://localhost:#{port}") rescue nil end end response.body.should include "Not Found" end Given /^an anmo server$/ do do Anmo.launch_server end timeout 5 do response = nil while response.nil? response = HTTParty.get("http://localhost:8787") rescue nil end sleep 0.1 end end Then /^I issue a get request to the uri "([^"]*)"$/ do |uri| @response = HTTParty.get(uri) end When /^I issue a put request to the uri "([^"]*)"$/ do |uri| @response = HTTParty.put(uri) end When /^I request the uri "([^"]*)"$/ do |uri| @requested_uri = uri @response = HTTParty.get(uri) end When /^I request the uri "([^"]*)" with the headers$/ do |uri, headers| headers = JSON.parse(headers) @response = HTTParty.get(uri, :headers => headers) end Then /^I see the response body "([^"]*)"$/ do |body| @response.body.should == body end Then /^I see the response code (\d+)$/ do |code| @response.code.should == code.to_i end Then /^that request should be stored$/ do Anmo.requests.last["PATH_INFO"].should == @requested_uri.gsub("http://localhost:8787", "") end Then /^there should be no stored requests$/ do Anmo.requests.size.should == 0 end Then /^I should see the value$/ do |code| @result.should == eval(code) end Then /^I see that the anmo server is not running$/ do @result.should == false end Then /^I see that the anmo server is running$/ do @result.should == true end Then /^I see the anmo version$/ do @result.should == Anmo::VERSION end