Add Files

To: <%= @document.title %> (<%= @document.friendlier_id %>)

Once the files have been uploaded and are ready for attachment, you can proceed to Attach

<%= form_with(url: admin_asset_ingest_path(@document && @document.friendlier_id), method: :post, local: true) do |form| %>

1. Upload Files

<%= content_tag "div", class: "uppy-dashboard-container", data: Admin::UploadUtil.kithe_upload_data_config do %> <% end %>

2. Attach files

<%= form.submit "Attach", class: "btn btn-primary btn-lg", data: { toggle: "kithe-upload-submit" } %> <%= link_to "Cancel", admin_document_path(@document), class: "btn btn-outline-secondary btn-lg", data: { confirm: "Cancel attach files?" } %>

Use the restricted storage type for confidential files such as restricted oral histories. Otherwise, normally use public storage type.

Filename Size Storage Type
<% end %>